Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 33 Gold Defilement 【Aberration Goddess Statue】

Chapter 33 Gold Defilement 【Aberration Goddess Statue】

John Hancock.

A controversial character.

Even in the moment before coming into this world, even if he has actually done many things to try to change himself, even if he is even willing to follow a man's advice to go to prison.

But he is still often criticized by people.

As one of the few superheroes in his world, he has immense abilities that come with great responsibilities.

Everyone knows that Hancock can solve everything, but because of Hancock's irritable, contradictory, and sharp personality, he has attracted a lot of misunderstandings.While his heroic actions saved countless lives, they always seemed to wreak havoc in the aftermath.

So when he felt the call, even if there was a voice telling himself that he could stop the call, he still accepted the huge pulling force that was coming.

"The air in New York is not as good as in Los Angeles. What time is it, and it's still covered by this damn industrial smog."

"Like London in the nineteenth century."

There are countless terrifying gray mist hidden in it, which seems to be carefully avoiding this seemingly not very powerful figure, and many flesh and blood such as internal organs or five sense organs are floating and sinking away in the distance.

Hancock took off his sunglasses and took a deep breath.

A small part of the gray mist was inhaled into the body, and then as if the activity was stimulated, they scrambled to turn into squirming invisible flesh and blood to escape his body.

Although the rationality is not high.

But Hancock has an immortal soul.

Although not absolutely, but at least now nothing in New York City can invade his body and pollute his soul.

With such a powerful support, He Gang can even consider whether to wipe out the entire western hemisphere.

Of course, this is just an idea.

There are too many dangerous things in this world.

There are countless banshees like Lamia who cannot be called gods, and there are also real gods like Nodens, the Lord of the Great Abyss.

Not to mention the great filth that even the true gods cannot contend with.

"This world is different from the world we used to, Hancock, you have to be careful. Some things are weird, like the old witch in Sicilian legends, who can take people's lives through some incomprehensible means."

He Gang's voice came from the headset.

They now only use ground waves for broadcast-style long-distance communication, and medium-wave broadcasts with frequencies between 300KHZ and 3MHZ can still be searched.

The sky wave signal seemed to be obscured by the layer of haze higher than the gray fog.

"I know."

Hancock responded.

He went down the Hudson River.

I don't know why there are some kind of sticky and slippery humanoid creatures gathering together under the turbid river surface. They are densely packed and countless, huddled under the river bank like zombies.

They shivered.

These little filths that are not even black iron are usually served as desserts by the big filths.

So the polluted Statue of Liberty cannot be the spiritual leader of the little filth in this city.

Instead, they see it as a scourge.

Finally, Hancock saw the thing.

It stands in the ocean not far from the mouth of the Hudson River.

The sea water has already become extremely and absolutely black, and the schools of dead fish floating on the surface are as numerous as the foam rolled up by the waves.

There are also some unknown broken limbs and internal organs that are by no means human beings kept slapping ashore.

"It's too big."

Hancock landed on the railing of the coastal road.

At his feet was a strange, filthy creature with the face of a woman without eyes. This thing was obviously a dog, but it had a human face.

He Gang saw the whole picture of the Statue of Liberty today through the black iron-level equipment [Video Phone] exchanged with the gift of shadows.

The original statue of the goddess was 46 meters high, and the base would never exceed 100 meters.

But right now, that thing standing in the ocean is definitely over 100 meters high.

And that's just the Statue of Liberty's own height!

"This phone can only transmit back images, but fortunately I can see the attributes of that thing."

He Gang said to Hancock,
"You can fix it."

I don't know how the [Video Phone] works, but it's cheap, and it's a common thing in the world of that dude who swapped it to He Gang.

Able to communicate independently via video with another phone without satellite restrictions, but no sound.

He Gang sent a screenshot of the attributes of another distorted statue to Hancock's cell phone.

【Goddess of Distortion】〖Gold Level Filth〗

[Description: For some reason, the "Meme Stoppers" revived early, and the whole world, except New York, became a gathering place of evil and filth.The Statue of Liberty once gathered nearly one-fifth of the beliefs in the entire Western Hemisphere, and it almost became a "meme stop" like "Miss Qiu".But it was "blocked by meme", "blocked by meme" and "stopped by meme" dropped enough pollution to pollute half of the continent, cleansing the faith filled in it, making it ugly, dirty, and evil filthy.

Rating: 35
Power: 99
Stamina: 99
Stamina—Durability: Max+
Sanity: -30
Talent 1: Unknown (The filthy ability with negative sanity, when someone pronounces their real name or personality, will suffer varying degrees of bad luck.)
Talent 2: Fallen Mystery (At a certain distance, individuals whose sanity is lower than "memetic prevention" will receive a negative gain of rapidly declining sanity. When the sanity drops to 0, the individual will irreversibly turn into an abominable creature that blends metal and flesh. And always have their own senses and consciousness, only to lose their minds forever and become a filth crazier than a beast.)
Talent 3: Freedom (The Statue of Defilement used to be a symbol of freedom. Although the belief has been completely removed, the essence is still there. When it is in the "meme-stopped" situation, it has a chance to wash away its own pollution. Although the process of pollution cannot be reversed, but regain sanity.)
Talent 4: France will never fall (The Statue of Liberty from France has the character of perseverance and never surrender. When the physical strength is lower than Max-, it enters the state of fleeing, and there is a certain chance of surrender and the probability is higher than 50%.)
Skill 1: Giant Object (As the level increases, the Statue of Liberty can apply corresponding giantization skills to itself, which will take effect permanently.)
Skill 2: Destruction (When a life enters a certain range, it will actively enter the attack state, strength +50%.)
Skill 3: Defense (When life enters a certain range, the defense is turned on, and the own endurance +50%.)
Skill 4: Law (constrain and drive all filth below gold in the United States, and become the leader among them.)
Skill 5: Torch (Summon black filthy flames from nothingness, these flames are secretions from "meme block", capable of burning all substances.)]

Quite a luxurious property.

A super-enhanced version of the Aberration Idol.

However, with the addition of various skills, the dual attributes of strength and endurance of up to 150 are destined to be re-divided into 210 parts by Hancock.

(End of this chapter)

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