Chapter 253

Yoyo wakes up.

My mind was filled with paste, and if I shake it, it hurts like hell.

There was darkness in front of him.

He Gang vaguely remembered that the moment he saw the meteorite, he was dragged forward by a strong gravitational force, hitting the black crystal straight.

"Hoo--" "Hoo--"

He gasped for breath.

He flung his eyes open.

All that comes into view is a blur of white.

But in the next moment, the white was covered by pure black that seemed to be splashed with thick ink. He Gang tried to feel and move his limbs.


There is only darkness that cannot be escaped by the eyes.

"I became a vegetable?"

He Gang could hear his own voice, just like watching a 3D movie in a movie theater, the voice sounded from all directions,
"Although I, He Gang, can't be regarded as the future pillar of the motherland's flowers from the students of some noble schools, I can still be regarded as the only seedling of the old He family. I am the only high-achieving student under the He family pass who has been admitted to a bachelor's degree. I still want to serve the motherland to dig potatoes—— "

Just as He Gang was thinking wildly with some nervousness and fear, the darkness in front of him seemed to be peeling away quickly.

I don't know whether it's because of the distance or because it's subtle, but there is a little warmth and light in front of my eyes.

Like galloping in the night.

You can see the lighthouse at the end of the road, the little light spreading and growing rapidly.

He Gang tried to open his eyes wide.

To be honest, he doesn't know if these are his eyes, or the inner vision in the novel?

Through some chaotic and silent tunnel.


He Gang was attracted by the influx of dim light.


He was overlooking a deep space!
A not-so-bright night sky.

Numerous irregular pieces of metal or rock revolve around the huge dim star, and these asteroids eject countless materials during their operation.

Those substances are very light.

The eight planets with fixed orbits caught He Gang's attention.

They surround a central faint star.

Compared with those polymers like metals and minerals, these eight planets are a bit too big.

He was attracted by the magnificent scene in front of him.

But after a while, He Gang realized that this place seemed to be... a solar system, a solar system that had not been ignited!

There is no light source of any kind.

So what is the light that can be seen?
It should have been dark here!
It seemed that he had seen through He Gang's thoughts.


Like an ancient bell standing on the top of Tianshan Mountain for a hundred years, it roared deafeningly under the impact of the ascetic monk, and the bell sounded in every corner of the consciousness that can be seen and heard.

Then, the only light disappeared.

The light dissipated extremely slowly.

He Gang could even see the last beam of bright arrow-like colors head towards the blind spot of his vision, and then gradually disappear into the visible range.

And so darkness fell again.

"What about the light?"

He could hear his own voice, a little panicked.

Everyone has their own fears.

Acrophobia, dense phobia, claustrophobia, deep-sea phobia...

Human beings are always afraid of the unknown.

Now, He Gang felt that he should be cowardly.

No one responded to him.

The brain sends out pulsed electric waves to stimulate the sympathetic nerves, intensifying the activity of the skin and internal organs. He Gang can feel his palms sweating, the arrector pili muscles contracting, capillaries trembling, and his mouth dry.

Mainly dry mouth.

In this darkness, he seemed to be able to feel his body slowly, the blood was flowing, the stomach was wriggling, and the bones were making a slight crisp sound.

Too quiet.

Look around.


The darkness of chaos and nothingness.

He remembered Genesis.

So he said, "Let there be light!"

The voice is a little hoarse.

Can't see the look either.

But immediately, the light actually appeared.

The only star, which was still lifeless just now, did not see the slightest mist, and it settled in the darkness and merged into the darkness.

Now, a tiny ray of light blazed from the core of this gigantic gaseous planet.

Although it has not been touched or measured, He Gang can feel for some reason that the mass of this star has increased to almost infinite the moment the three words "let there be light" are said, so that it can be compared with the horizon. The mass sum of all substances within the range is equal.

The mass increases and the gravitational force increases.

The internal temperature and pressure increase.

All the hydrogen atoms that make up the star begin to collapse inward and move in disorder within a fraction of a second.

When the first yellow light appeared in He Gang's eyes like a huge emperor lotus that suddenly bloomed—

Nuclear fusion begins.

The sun was born.

This newborn star officially began to radiate electromagnetic waves and particle streams to the entire dark deep space.

The source of all energy in this world.

Light, appeared.

The surrounding planets move in order.

Light is not enough.

When he said that there must be light, He Gang realized that he would be the God of this world.

At this time, it was unbelievable—but the adrenaline soared, the blood circulation accelerated, the physiological functions were rapidly enhanced, and the brain calmed down extremely quickly.

In other words, He Gang didn't feel too much tension, he just felt that his efficiency seemed to have become very high, and his ability to accept new things was also increasing.

He searched in this deep space filled with light again, but compared with the illusory light without roots and roots just now, the current light is so warm and stable.

Nuclear fusion is enough to keep the sun burning for a full 120 billion years.

Finally he found it.

That third, hellish planet.

It cracked while rotating, and then the terrifying crack that leaked purple light closed instantly, spewing out subtle brilliance to the surroundings.

It should be the earth.

"But it's not Earth."

He Gang tried to focus his sight on this high-speed rotating planet, whose surface was shrouded in turbid gas, and which burst out violent electric light due to the friction of matter.

Judging by the position, this little thing is very suitable for birthing life.

But the entire planet is made only of gas.

Hydrogen and Helium.

He Gang realized that there might be no "matter" in this world, so he looked at those metal asteroids—not metals, but polymers of some kind of gas, exuding a faint metallic luster—or they were not even gases but just some kind of asteroid. an unknown element.

There seems to be no pure solidity in this world.

There are no substances other than hydrogen and helium.

Stimulated by some unknown force, He Gang's brain seemed to be undergoing some special changes, and he recalled many things that he once glanced at and then forgot in the past.

"Proton fusion and neutron capture are the two main processes that form chemical elements in the universe."

He could feel his own body, lowered his head, and could see his naked torso lying in a deep space like this, he was more god than God.

Walk in darkness illuminated by light.

He Gang shook his fingers lightly, he said,

"Then, high temperature...high pressure..."

All elements in the universe originate from hydrogen.

The Big Bang gave birth to the substance hydrogen.

So is this universe.

Hydrogen accounts for 90.00% of almost all substances, and the remaining elements are all helium.

Under the rapidly rising temperature, the fusion reaction takes place, not in the center of a certain star, but in any space within the horizon of He Gang.

Heavier nuclei form, first helium, followed by lighter elements -- lithium, boron, beryllium, etc. -- in a process known as proton fusion.

When helium atoms bombard the atoms of light elements, neutrons are produced, and these neutrons are captured by the nuclei of light elements to form heavier elements, from carbon, nitrogen, and iron all the way to lead and bismuth with atomic numbers 82 and 83, This process is neutron capture.

The earth revolves around the sun for an unknown number of cycles, and finally, the process of proton fusion and neutron capture tends to calm down.

Matter is born.


Now, the scene in front of me is the real one... the beginning of the world, the beginning of the world.

Each planet corresponds to a planet in the outer world.

an astrolabe.

a solar system.

Magnificent, stunning, sparkling, captivating.

Standing in the starry sky, He Gang can see creations wherever he looks.

The solar system is created.

The planet appears.


"There must be a month."

The matter was split from the earth, gathered and rotated in the orbit of the moon, and gradually formed a sphere.

"There must be water."

The earth cools down, thunderstorms, lightning and thunder, geological activities are gentle, seas are formed at low places, and land is formed at high places.

Under the influence of the moon, tides appeared.

"After all, it's still a bit desolate."

He Gang walked to the side of the earth. He looked at the earth which was only the size of a fist, and his eyes were as huge as the moon.

Is this how God feels—

"Let there be life."


A thunderclap, and then a cloud of magenta, lemon yellow, and blue gushed out from the dark barrier outside the universe, enveloping the entire earth.

Then, these unknown substances seep in.

Let your eyes rest on the earth.

He Gang tried to shrink himself, at least to the size of this planet.

His eyesight is good enough to see the structure of atoms.

Torrential rain and thunder created the basic conditions for the birth of life.

Today's earth's atmosphere contains a variety of new organic compounds including five amino acids and different organic acids, and also forms hydrogen cyanide, which can synthesize adenine, which is the basic building block of nucleotides unit.

This is a huge improvement.

Inorganic small molecules give rise to organic small molecules.

He Gang landed on the rocky protrusion of the earth and stepped on huge footprints. He watched the process of the birth of life and felt the miracle happened.

After countless years of development, small organic molecules have spread all over the world.

In the primitive ocean, small organic molecules generate organic macromolecules.Small organic molecules such as amino acids and nucleotides accumulate and interact for a long time to form original protein molecules and nucleic acid molecules through condensation and polymerization.

After an unknown period of time, "aggregates" formed by proteins, polypeptides, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides appeared, which were early life-like organisms.Aggregates can exhibit life phenomena such as synthesis, decomposition, growth, and reproduction.Moreover, the substance has a membrane-like boundary with chemical signatures inside that are significantly different from the solution environment outside.

He Gang held his breath.

Time in this world seems to pass quickly.

He has been in this world for an unknown number of years, but from the senses, it seems that less than an hour has passed.

We have reached the most critical stage.

Organic polymolecules evolve into primitive life.

He will witness the myth.

No, that's not accurate.

To be precise...he is a myth!
"And God saw that everything he had made was good. There was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day.

—— "Old Testament. Genesis" Chapter 1No.30 paragraph. "

 Goodbye, Hong Kong
(End of this chapter)

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