Chapter 252

He Gang turned up the collar of his black coat to block the cold wind blowing from the Adirondacks, and shiveringly stretched out his hand to the closet decorated as wood-burning but actually powered by electricity in the hall on the second floor of the castle.

He licked his dry and cracked lips, his teeth chattering slightly from the cold.

Some get angry.

This is the Atlantic coast.

New York state.

Adirondack Mountains.

Village of Lake Placid.

Today is the fifth.

October 2026, 5.

It was snowing heavily in October, and by December, I am afraid that it will usher in the most severe winter in decades.


Sneezed heavily.

He Gang reached for the paper, but found a mug of coffee that was still warm.

"Grandma Anna, when will Miss Lan and the others come back?"

"I don't know, but Xiaogang, you have to come down and help me move things. We have to put these hams in the cellar!"

An old but gentle voice came from the first floor, and Aunt Anna was packing things on the first floor.

She is sister Xiaolan's grandmother.

The castle has just been handed over, and Miss Xiaolan and others went to New York for the wedding.

Somewhat boring.

The best pastime here is the paleontology museum built next to it.

That was driven by Sister Xiaolan.

Not officially open yet.

There is an independent game area on the second floor, a lot of well-configured video game equipment, and a separate Arcade, which translates to arcade.

The kind that can be rubbed for a whole morning with only one yuan and four coins, such as King of Fighters, Dinosaur Fighter, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and so on.

He shrugged when he heard about Grandma Anna's life, and drew the curtains.


a bit sleepy.

The signal here was okay some time ago, but He Gang’s English is not very good, so he doesn’t like to play games with Yankees.

But it happened to be over the wall and back to the national server, and it was jet lagged. Those friends used to play games during the day, which is equivalent to midnight here.

Thinking about why winter came so early this year, He Gang went downstairs obediently stepping on his rabbit slippers.

The castle is not too big.

There are only four floors, and the structure is not complicated.

He saw Grandma Anna in the lobby on the first floor—an old woman in a thick khaki down jacket, not so stooped, her hair was almost white, but her body was still strong.

She is 60 years old.

When I was young, my brain was injured and I got epilepsy, but I don't know how to cure it, but now my mind is a little abnormal, just like split personality.

What she asked He Gang to come down to help carry the Iberian ham that was airlifted from Spain, the forty kilograms were all hind legs.

Just here, it may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Sister Xiaolan's father is He Gang's second uncle.

In their generation, there were only three brothers in the old He family, the eldest was He Gang and his father, the second brought the whole family to immigrate to the United States a few years ago, and the third took money to Vietnam to play jade.

The second uncle's family has a lot of money.

Iberico ham is just a small case.

The large wooden box was placed on the trolley, and it should have been transported to the gate of the castle last night.

Grandma Anna didn't do much.

The two Alaskans were panting with exhaustion.

"When you come up from the cellar, remember to bring a bottle of wine, let's drink some at noon."

"Second aunt said not to let you touch alcohol."

He Gang held the handle of the trolley, stretched out his right hand and raised an index finger,
"So you can only have a small drink."

They communicate in Chinese.

The entrance to the cellar is close to the kitchen, and there are two halls and a monitoring room in the middle. This is the countryside, and it is said that there are troublemakers out of poor mountains and bad waters. Although they are not poor, there are also many punks.

So Sister Xiaolan and her family put a lot of weapons in the monitoring room, but He Gang couldn't use them, and he had never served in the military.

If there were really a group of guys with white scarves on their heads showing off their biceps while using bodybuilder moves to break in, then He Gang could only put his hands on his head and shout auspiciously to Lord Belle.

Or lie on the ground and play dead.

The castle has just been handed over to Sister Xiaolan, and many places have not had time for post-repair.

There was no light in the cellar.

He Gang had no choice but to light the candlestick placed in the recess of the stone wall, and fished a bottle of red wine from the wine rack by the faint candlelight.

Yes, Not Bad.

He pretended that he knew it well, put on a little aggressiveness where no one was looking, and squinted his eyes to make some comments.

Then, be silent.

This is... French?
He doesn't know a single word.

Forget it if you don’t know each other.

Grandma Anna knows, she can speak many languages.

Humming the latest Douyin Divine Comedy, He Gang walked out of the cellar with a slight arc, hesitated, and locked the door.

The cellar door was unlocked.

There are a few small lizards that sneaked in without knowing how.

He hugged the wine bottle in his arms, turned around and stretched his neck, and asked loudly:

"Where did you put the decanter, Grandma Anna?"

"In the kitchen, look for it yourself."

"Yeah, I got it."

He Gang scratched the back of his head.

He's never been in the kitchen, mainly because he's a slob, probably the kind that Nigeria can compete with those nigga guys for being lazier.

But at this time, the strong wind stopped suddenly.

He Gang thought it was an illusion.

He looks out.

No, not hallucinations.

The wind...has stopped? !

It's fucking stopped, just stopped, the snowflakes are still in the air and nothing is moving!
Those beautiful and regular natural creations are floating in the air in violation of the laws of physics. It seems that the wind that supports them is still there, but... time is suspended.

The scene in front of him shocked He Gang.

He hurried to the window.

The sound of the roar of the giant sounded.

Head held high.


Shooting stars, hundreds, thousands of shooting stars!

The day is swept by the glare!
Behind each meteorite is a long and magnificent flame tail.


look up.

The whole sky is illuminated.

the end of the world?

He shook his head vigorously and breathed a sigh of relief.

So he was relieved.

At this moment, the heavy snow suddenly stopped.

It just stopped so suddenly.

The crystals of regular shape that had been frozen in the air just now fell down with the re-blown strong wind, like countless tiny creatures crawling across the solid outer wall of the castle.

He Gang shuddered.

He didn't know if this was normal.

The United States is really big, rich in resources and inclusive, and everything you have can go to this piece.

"Grandma Anna—?!"

Before the words were finished, a fierce light suddenly fell from the sky, causing He Gang's eyes to fall into a state of intermittent blindness.

That bright light—


He covered his eyes.

Bright red tears of blood oozed from the corners of his eyes. The light was so intense that He Gang wailed in pain.

I haven't recovered from the stimulation of the strong light yet.


The violent whistling sounded again.

It seems that a sharp and huge object fell from the sky like a sharp blade, and the sound of piercing the sky was accompanied by a violent wind pressure, making the whole air filled with a stagnant and terrifying atmosphere.

He Gang tried to open his eyes wide.

He could vaguely see bright objects falling obliquely from the sky to the ground, and the white crystals were lasing in all directions under the action of the instantaneous shock wave.

The not-so-hot warm air swept He Gang's body.

Suddenly I can see again.

Not only can it be seen, but when the warm air flows over the fibrous membrane of the eyeball in an instant, it seems that there is a bright moon blooming in the field of vision.



His pupils reflected the intense white light outside the window, showing the appearance of stars, and he suddenly stared in one direction.

There was a tall, solid outer wall.

Behind the façade, the unopened museum.

"What...? What is that?!"

He Gang panicked.

He didn't know what he saw, or rather, he didn't know what he should see, but something was attracting the eyes.

The blizzard lingering in the sky finally came to an end.

Everything returned to clarity.

"Bang!" "Crack——"

The wine printed in French and from which winery did not know how many years fell on the ground, and the liquid worth tens of thousands of dollars in grams was splashed everywhere.

The trouser legs of the fleece jeans were soaked with wine.

I have to check it out.

He Gang finally reacted.

The meteor shower just now, the natural effect similar to time-stop...

All this seems to be a sign of something.

I have to check it out!
This time, his eyes gradually solidified.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

There is a small open-air garden protruding beside the kitchen. He Gang stepped into it in three steps at a time, then climbed over the fence and landed on the lawn beside the castle.

The snow on the ground made a rustling sound.

In front is the outer wall as high as four meters two.

The side door is in front of you.

The ferocious gargoyles squatted on the piers on both sides of the gate, condescending, with dull eyes, but seemed to be looking down.

"Goo—" "Goo—" "Goo—" "..."

Before running out of the gate, the cry of the New York State Gray Nightingale came from an unknown branch of red maple in front.

The chirping of a bird woke everything up.

All the noise poured into He Gang's mind like a wave.

He stopped abruptly.

But it’s not because of those returning voices——

Eyes widen, pupils shrink slightly.


He exhaled heavily.

An incomparably huge pure black crystal stands in the place that originally belonged to the museum - not far from the slope, lava spreads from the bottom of the black crystal to the surroundings. The high temperature, high pressure, and intense friction cracked the land inch by inch. .

This is... a meteorite?
(End of this chapter)

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