Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 250 Counterattack (7) Titan Warrior Dragon

Chapter 250 Counterattack (7) Titan Warrior Dragon

It’s like falling from heaven!

After the first trial, they finally put down their guard completely!The ferocity and bloodthirsty that belonged to wild beasts overwhelmed them!
Even if it is Ghidorah or the two dragon-shaped filth, they are far superior to beasts by countless ranks.



Every collision in the air is like the destruction of heaven and earth, gravitational rays like electric light and purple dragon flames that permeate the entire sky and cover the wriggling haze are criss-crossing.

He Gang raised his head, purple and golden radiance swayed on his face.

Fallen Sleipnir grew increasingly uneasy.

This entire ruin has become a filthy forbidden place, and those things that came from all directions seemed to obey the order of a certain existence and carefully avoided it.

On the opposite side, the two ends of the huge and mysterious elk-like filthy huge horns suddenly squirmed and raised.

It turned out to be two reptile heads that looked like ancient lizards.

The whole body of the pair of horns was lit up with mottled light, as if some kind of terrifying power was brewing.

They... seem to be starting to move.

But at this moment, in the sky, the fight between the three giant beasts reached a critical moment.

【Bang! 】


A figure so huge that it caused a storm was thrown down from the sky, Ghidorah roared upwards, his sharp claws firmly embedded in a dragon-shaped filthy chest, stepped on it and smashed down the plain.

Earth cracks.

In Ghidorah's eyes, the ferocity and bloodthirsty that had never been seen before were revealed, and its sharp hind legs were inserted into the filthy chest one after another.

The flowing blood is more like bright red magma, which contains a large amount of radiation substances or sources of infection. As long as ordinary people touch it, they will suffer from various cancers, and eventually become disturbing filth.

The cold current of nature surges and presses down on the ground.

The three violent dragon heads spit out rays, and the golden light burst suddenly, as if illuminating the whole world.

Unexpectedly, even β, which was really standing like Mount Everest tens of kilometers away, was illuminated as a huge black shadow.

Huge tentacles covering the sky and the sun stretched out from β's body in the distant eastern sky, twisting together and waving indiscriminately.

Another dragon-shaped filth descended from the sky, hitting it with its huge body and burning it with purple dragon flames.


The three heads of Ghidorah struggled and roared. The temperature of the dragon flame was very high, and he was in great pain.

The slender neck is connected to the heart, and three golden light spots slowly but surely swim upward.

Violent energy fluctuations surged and spread outward from Ghidorah's bloody mouth, and the space was trembling. In the perception of He Gang and Hancock, at that moment, it was on the edge of Ghidorah's giant kiss , the temperature reached five thousand degrees Celsius!

You know, even on the surface of the sun, the temperature is only six thousand degrees Celsius!

The golden energy threads visible to the naked eye are radiating, spreading out from the center of the three giant mouths. The process seems to be slow, but in fact it is extremely fast.

The surrounding huge stones melted into bright red magma, and engulfed in a huge amount of steam, it surged upwards, making Ghidorah and the dragon-shaped filthy body that was firmly pressed under him slightly hazy.

"hold head high!!"


The dragon-shaped filth's huge body covered with purple dragon flames was instantly pierced by three golden beams of light that seemed to pierce everything from top to bottom.

The three gravitational rays are like winding and jumping arcs, and the rays of light emitted are unprecedentedly dazzling. Even Hancock didn't realize it and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This dazzling light hole pierced through the filthy wings of a dragon, and its power remained undiminished. It kept bombarding the ground, melting the entire piece of rock, and then fell into the earth's crust.

【puff! 】

The two heads were like slender forelimbs, one left and one right firmly biting the roots of the dragon-shaped filthy wings, and even lifted it up.

The huge filth roared and struggled, spraying dragon flames onto Ghidorah's red-gold scales, but it was just a heat wave, the air distorted, and it even accidentally burned to the dragon-shaped filth at the other end that was trying to break Ghidorah's defense.

The filth struggled.

The dragon flames became more intense, and spread to Ghidorah's body, burning every inch of his scales, so the golden filamentary energy rioted, fused with these purple flames, and offset them.

A huge shadow covers everything.

It is hard to imagine that a giant weighing more than [-] tons can be lifted so easily.

The dragon-shaped filth finally felt the horror of this starry sky titan from an unknown star field!
Unparalleled muscle composition and powerful self-healing ability.

Ghidorah found its opening.

And try to crush it in one fell swoop!
The hot blood like magma splashed in the air, and this cold night, which is rare in North America, was full of ferocity and violence.

The dragon form of Filth broke free from Ghidorah's grasp.

The three giant beasts blasted together again.

They realize that only the collision of flesh can kill each other.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the darkness under the haze was illuminated into day by powerful energy rays.

In this close combat, although the number of dragon-shaped filth is suppressed, the overall situation is still at a disadvantage.

Although they have a huge body of one hundred thousand tons, their forelimbs are far less flexible than Ghidorah's two heads.

And just from the dual attributes of strength and endurance, they are far inferior to Ghidorah's panel.

The gravitational ray is also powerful enough to deal through-body damage to dragonfouls.

Not to mention, Ghidorah's lower body made its chassis extremely stable, and it became a huge problem for the filth to try to knock him down.

Two pairs of huge wings swept across the ruins of a huge building in the distance, and countless concrete blocks and frozen ice were thrown out in an instant.

"Roar!" "Ang!"

After fighting for more than half a minute, the three giant beasts separated.

Their bodies are full of wounds.

Blood flowed.

When it falls to the ground, a huge pothole is formed, and the hot air rolls upwards.

Ghidorah pierced a filthy chest again with his claws.

The latter suddenly bit Ghidorah's long neck on the right side with a huge kiss, causing him to let go of the pain, and then slapped Ghidorah's body with its huge wings.

The two giants separated.

The two dragon-shaped filth roared and rose to the sky.

It seems that the soul of the dead is howling in the eyes, which is extremely disturbing.

They slightly opened their giant kisses.

The sharp horns on the head seemed to be shining with a cold light, and a dark purple arc of light flickered in the depths of that giant kiss.

The sound of arc vibration was extremely harsh, it was the sound of energy surging in the air.

They are the rare filth not known for physical strength.

The overwhelming dragon flames descended from the sky.

It's like divine punishment from heaven.

At the same time, almost the same scene appeared on Ghidorah's body. The bright golden light from his three giant mouths couldn't even match the overwhelming dragon flames in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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