Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 249 Counterattack (6) Dragon-shaped filth

Chapter 249 Counterattack (6) Dragon-shaped filth

But no response.

Perhaps Ghidorah simply cannot understand human voices.

Around them, smoke and dust rose up from the ruins of the collapsed city. The smoke was filled with flesh and bones that had been crushed or burned to ashes.

Huge shadows cast fast moving up.

【hold head high! ! ! 】

The spread wings cover the sky and the sun, and the golden figure is resplendent and magnificent!
Ghidorah suddenly moved.

On the opposite side, the two somewhat similar dragon-shaped filth also rose into the air.

Their size is slightly smaller than Ghidorah.

But equally terrifying.

Fragmented scales on the body fell with the strong wind, and then clusters of densely packed tiny arms and legs emerged from the place where the scales originally grew, swaying in the wind.

It makes people get goosebumps.

Three terrifying giant beasts, separated by dozens of kilometers, looked at each other from a distance, with almost identical dragon heads carrying a ferocious aura.

A biomagnetic field that even He Gang could feel spread in all directions at an unreasonable speed, and a stream of biopheromone was also spreading.

"Ghidorah is calling."

Hancock said he seemed to be able to feel the pheromone,
"Call all the titans on this earth."

"But there are no Titans in this world."

He Gang frowned.

This is probably just some of Ghidorah's habits.

He is announcing to the surrounding creatures that your death has come!

Ghidorah and the two dragon-shaped filths opposite him were observing each other.

Ghidorah clearly felt a huge threat from these weird alien species, a threat even greater than the other Titans he felt in the original world.

He is the support from the inner forum.

A friend of He Gang and a follower of Li Pengfei.

Also relying on Ghidorah, Li Pengfei built a strange base with mainly non-human arms.

Relying on this base, he can even recruit huge creatures such as skeleton giant lizards or King Kong to use as troops.

Ghidorah's intelligence is higher than humans.

He received instructions to come to this world to protect the little bug named He Gang below.

But now, he is a little confused.

Before falling asleep, He had destroyed countless civilizations, but there had never been such a weird creature on any planet.

It is obviously corrupted and the cells are dead, but it still maintains vital signs.

It's... weird.

The three evil heads spit out intense heat, and gravitational light like electric light lingers around its giant kiss.

The atmosphere is gradually heating up.

On the opposite side, the two dragon-shaped filthy vocal chords issued some grunting sounds similar to the low growls of cats, and there was a rare trace of caution on their hard faces.

Impurity has no thought.

Even if they can gather together and charge in groups as if they have brains, it is just the control of some strange creature.

But these two... seem to have brains?
Ghidorah was one of the most powerful creatures they had ever seen.

The three behemoths were testing each other on the wasteland, they cautiously let out low growls and roars.

The purple dragon flames covering the body of the dragon-shaped filth seemed to be jumping and changing, spreading out the huge hard wings reaching 600 meters with a metallic texture, and the flames on it changed into the shape of a figure struggling in pain.

Behind them is the huge shadow of β going straight into the haze.

The wings spread out and the back bulges.

As described in Norse mythology——

The black dragon Nigelhold sprang out from the pile of corpses. It flew heavily and lowly across the earth, its black wings covered with bones.Soon it sank far away, and was lost in the bottomless abyss at the edge of the universe.

Although the calamity fire destroyed the universe, it also burned all evil, and a new order was re-established.
Now, the raging flames on them are simply robbing fire!
Only they are not Nidhogg.

Nidhogg will not be restrained by β either.

He Gang and Hancock didn't do anything.

They stared at the other three diamond filth.

Their shapes are even weirder.

The entire body on the far left was limp, flowing on the ground like a slime, and huge limbs protruded from the flesh and blood uninterruptedly, waving in the sky.

The one in the middle looks like a huge elk like a mountain, but the horns on its head seem to be giant pythons, always squirming and twisting.

The one on the far right is like a dense fog without entity, but countless pairs of eyes can be clearly seen floating in the fog.

Ghidorah's three heads have independent thinking ability, but it seems that no matter what time, the body is controlled by the middle head.

He holds up the middlemost head.

The heads on both sides fell heavily on a glacier, smashing out a narrow and deep canyon, and the ice and snow completely melted under the vibration.

Without any warning, three huge bodies suddenly moved!

The airflow fanned by the huge wings almost changed the climate phenomenon in this entire area, and thunderstorms and hurricanes formed instantly.

"hold head high!!"


The dragon-shaped filth rose to a thousand-meter altitude. When they flapped their wings, the dragon flames were like a divine punishment from the sky, and even the haze was covered by the bright and dazzling fire.

This seems to be enough to burn the fire of the soul.

But there is no doubt that if Ghidorah has a soul, its soul strength is definitely stronger than most known creatures.

Such a magnificent scene!
Hancock rose in mid-air.

His cloak was thrown back by the violent energy impact. Such a terrifying impact was enough to melt gold and wrought iron, but it couldn't make him move an inch.

The air seemed to be sucked away entirely.

A momentary vacuum.

It was a phenomenon caused by several giant beasts violently flapping their wings, and all the laws known to mankind were not suitable for them.

The terrifying air current rolled over.

There was a pungent sulfur-like smell in the air.


There was a strange sound of sonic boom in the air, and the filthy, bone-spiked and sharp tail of a dragon-shaped creature swept towards Ghidorah from above like the whip of God.

This is the first physical contact between them!
On Ghidorah's body, gold is used as a conductor, and it gathers terrifying energy on the most ferocious and evil head on the right, screaming and facing this sharp tail that seems to have arms and legs!

【boom! ! 】

He Gang's pupils shrank slightly, and he crossed his arms.

【Crash! 】

Even he was almost pushed backwards by the air current.

Leviathan's cloak suddenly burned with flames, which was the protective skill of this piece of equipment.

At that moment, the flame was dragged at least tens of meters long.

The first collision between dragon-shaped Foul and Ghidorah.

A huge thing that was still separating and twisting fell heavily to the ground.

The filth screamed harshly that day.

They split at the first touch, and then looked at each other warily.

The head in the middle of Ghidorah swallowed a big mouthful of flesh and blood, and seemed to have more to say.

(End of this chapter)

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