Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 231 Hancock's High Field

Chapter 231 Hancock's High Field
More and more ferocious filth roared and approached from the front, casting shadows as dense as a high wall like the Mieshi Haitao.

Hancock stood right in front of He Gang and Diana.

His body has been magnified several times in equal proportions, and now it is nearly ten meters high. Although the golden dragon blood in his body is still swimming under the skin, the blazing light is like a starry sky covered with dark clouds, and the bright stars are flickering and dimming.


He growled.

The last dragon's blood was completely burned, and the high-level field was opened again, and it opened to the limit!
This is……

He Gang looked solemn.

Hancock has used all the power of [Dragon Heart], and the dragon blood is being consumed in his body!
This not-so-powerful prop fits Hancock very well, but it can exert the greatest strength, even greater than the improvement that epic equipment can bring to him.

The golden dragon's blood spewed out from his pores, and the huge force brought them to a distance of [-] meters, and then stagnated for life!

These foggy blood, like starlight in the sky, suddenly began to rotate violently, unexpectedly drawing a perfect circle.

The arc exudes the brilliance of pure gold, and prevents the infectious light from the outside world from Vercetti from entering it.

It looked like the sun in the middle of a solar eclipse, with the moon temporarily blocking daylight, but a fiery corona still protruded ferociously from around the black circle.

He Gang and Diana are in the dark.

"I can't do that."

Diana said,

"This is Hancock's unique ability."

Her high field is "power", and she can't sacrifice all her blood related to the high field like sacrifice [Dragon Heart], so it is difficult to do like Hancock.

They retreated carefully, so as not to be affected by the power of this terrifying high-level field explosion.

One defensive spell after another was read out by He Gang, and countless impenetrable invisible barriers appeared before their eyes.

He Gang thought that this move was probably an indiscriminate attack.

Hancock probably didn't have the ability to control the surging violent energy in the high-level field that was about to burst.

He stood in the center of the light crown, his sturdy body gradually withered, and the weakness after the dragon's blood spilled was about to come.

The huge and stalwart figure is being restored to its original form.

Both He Gang and Diana held their breath subconsciously, witnessing this feat as if humans were trying to kill gods.

The light corona, which was difficultly controlled by Hancock, spun crazily, devouring the air at an alarming speed, setting off a violent hurricane.

The ashes, mutilated flesh and blood, and broken bones and internal organs were all rolled up by the huge wind force, and some weak filth was even wrapped in them.

In an instant, the wind direction of the entire plain originally occupied by New York City was changed by Hancock's high-level field that was about to burst.

Building materials waste, abandoned millstones, windmills, all traces left by human beings outside the high walls were swept up by the strong wind.

They are like extremely fast, sharp blades, engulfed by a frenzied hurricane to the high-level field bursting with terrifying light.

The high-ranking and filthy Vancetti, who couldn't see the whole picture and couldn't describe the shape, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

He has lost his mind.

All behaviors now are some kind of pre-set route, or actions prompted by pure desire.

But at this moment, an unknown number of mouths on his body made disturbing sounds that made the stomach twitch almost nauseatingly.

That is……

It is similar to the tone that a woman makes at the peak of sexual behavior, but what is weird is that these countless voices are not only female, but also male, and even the groans of the elderly and children.

So the filth became restless.

The higher ones of their middle order clung to the ground to avoid being carried away by the hurricane and the high-energy impact that followed, but the wind still pulled their tentacles, or exposed stomachs, or strangely shaped tails into the air.

Among them, the lower-level ones are divided into two parts, and one part is more fearless and crowded together, like ants in 1 ant nests, tearing away any flesh and blood around them with irregular tones. , and then moved closer to the city wall against the strong wind.

And the other part embraced each other, forming a connected flesh and blood, one after another human face moved on the surface of this huge filthy collection.

They are like a high wall, blocking Vercetti's body firmly.

As a result, the more majestic shadow instantly covered the blazing light that erupted from Vercetti's body.

"The high field that Hancock now controls contains the power that even the filth that the real deity turned into after the fall feels death-threatening."

Diana breathed a sigh of relief.

With them alone, or even with everyone else in the city, it would be difficult to keep the mountain-like sea of ​​filth out of the city wall until the arrival of the nuclear bomb.

It now appears that Hancock has found a way.

He Gang held the sea beast's sorrow on the ground.

The Leviathan crown on his head shimmered slightly.

That is the warm-up phenomenon of the attached skill [Sea Beast Power].

Once the high-level field erupts and [Dragon Heart] is completely destroyed, Hancock, who has little physical strength left, must be deeply trapped in a large group of filth in an extremely weak state.

Even if the nuclear bomb arrives in time, it will be difficult for him in that state to avoid the indiscriminate bombing of the nuclear bomb.

A pair of heron's wings spread behind He Gang.

Huge and holy.

This is a prop given by Frigg.

"Don't resist when the nuclear bomb comes, I will take you away."

He Gang suddenly said to Diana,
"I mobilized enough nuclear bombs to destroy half of New Jersey to completely destroy everything around New York. It is estimated that it will be difficult not to affect the city."

Although there is a guardian angel of the Garden of Eden in the inner city, his guardianship area is not too large.

It is estimated that it can only guarantee that the citizens hiding in the inner city will not be harmed by the nuclear explosion.

Suddenly, the light crown that appeared in the high place shrank suddenly, and the suddenly intensified wind pulled the large group of filth over.

Before they got close to Hancock, they were already ignited by the high temperature seeping out of the corona.

There is no violent burning, but the body is red hot and shiny, like burning coals.

Because the air around here is already very thin.

Not too thin for vigorous oxidation reactions.

Those faces or heads attached to the dirty surface that originally belonged to humans, and may even retain their senses and consciousness, wailed silently.

Because their vocal cords have been burned into white ashes in an instant.

Finally, countless low-level filth actively or passively approached the edge of the still huge corona after shrinking.

They are dead when approached.

was burned.

When the endless corpses touched the high-level field, they turned into snow-white ashes in less than a second.

White smoke and dust formed outside the huge and high city walls, and drifted southward along the wind.

But He Gang and Diana clearly saw that the figure wrapped in fiery gold inside the corona was now skinny, and its muscles were dry as if it had been dead for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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