Chapter 230 Stop Versetti

Nordic pantheon, the god of justice and justice Versaiti.

He was the wisest, most upright, and eloquent of the gods.As soon as he was born, he held the authority of justice and stepped into the heaven with unparalleled majesty.

He heard and accepted the lawsuits of the gods and the world every day, and judged the final conclusion.

Any evil and perverted laws can't be hidden in Vercetti's brilliant and blazing eyes, even Loki has to be careful in front of him.

But now, this stalwart, bright and glorious god has completely degenerated into a huge, indeterminate, evil thing full of indescribable tentacles and flesh.

The disgusting stench on his body was stronger than the natural disaster of flesh and blood.

Every inch of the liquid-like boiling skin radiated a red-gold sacred radiance.

That is the authority of the gods.

It is so huge that even if it is several kilometers away from the city wall, the shadow covers half of the city.

Legendary rank filth!

He is definitely at least a legendary level of filth!

And it is very likely that it is not too far away from the myth level.

You must know that while any mythical creature has its own potential field, it must also have authority, a god position, and ignite a divine fire.

There is no doubt that Versetti possesses all the authority and god position.

It's just that he doesn't know if he completely ignited the divine fire.

If he is really a mythical creature...

That's almost unstoppable.

Even He Gang doubts whether the nuclear bomb can cause fatal damage to him.

After all, the rule of contact with some dirty high-level fields is "energy", and the high temperature and shock waves produced by nuclear bomb explosions are also a type of "energy" in the final analysis.

This is a war between three high-end human combat powers and a large group of middle and low-level filth. The amount of filth that responded to Vercetti's call to attack New York is huge, but most of them do not exceed gold, and only occasionally one or two platinum-level filth are mixed in. It is huge and has no friends, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Countless eyeballs protruded from the haze. These eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and there was a terrifying expression in their eyes. The flesh and flesh left after the bones of human limbs were pulled out were forcibly kneaded into the shape of tentacles, and they stretched out around the sky. The tentacles of corrupt flesh and blood are horrifying, full of unsettling corruption.

Countless cracks appeared on the city wall.

The crack was filled with blood that flowed out continuously.

The bright red liquid flowed down the wall, quickly making the entire magnificent building viscous and bright.


The War of the Sea Beast cut off a huge head, which was three parts like a human and seven parts like a ghost, with bursting pustules growing on every inch of the skin, and a strange smile was always hanging on the huge human face.With the top of its head down and the broken part of its neck up, there are countless fingers growing out of each strand of hair. The neck is actually a huge mouthpart full of jagged sharp teeth, and the breath it exhales is all dark green. spore.

"No, I'm a little uncomfortable..."

How terrifying is He Gang's power, he can easily tear and cut off countless low-level filth by waving the Sea Beast at will, and his experience points are also rising rapidly.

There are also countless various equipment picked up by the system and sent to his backpack.

But the filth that appeared on this battlefield is dense.

From small things that are so weak that they don’t even have a rating, to giant filths as large as mountains and as high as platinum, the number is more than a hundred thousand.

Each of them is related to the death or infection of at least one human being. Human vocal cords, limbs, and organs are attached to the body, and endless ravings and low wailing resound throughout the plain.

The stench of stagnant blood and decay was carried by the sea breeze from the west to the east, and the carrion bones chopped up by the sword of killing gods and the death of the sea beast rose thousands of meters high, which was extremely terrifying.

Both He Gang and Diana used weapons to kill the filth, which was completely different from Hancock.

Hancock, who transformed into a dragon, had a mysterious figure, with his wings spread to more than ten meters. Dragon blood burst out from every pore of his body, and he crashed into the crowd like an out-of-control train. It seemed that in just an instant, hundreds of people were cleared away. Thousands of filth.

He plowed a road of golden lava in the sea of ​​filth, and all the filth in the avenue was crushed and then burned to ashes at high temperature.

Those catkin-like ashes floated into the sky one after another, and soon fell down again, like a snowfall.

The blood flowing from the city wall is the infection of the building by conceptual filth, but the inner wall of the city wall is protected and will not be infected into some weird things.

Blood flowed like a waterfall from behind He Gang and the others to their feet, it looked like a miserable oil painting.

Hancock and Diana fought in and out, out and in, and so on, finally clearing away the filth at the distance closest to the city wall.

Heimdall, who stayed in the city, already knew that He Gang had returned, and immediately wanted to lead the Asgardian guards and other remaining military forces out of the city to support, but was stopped by the angel leaders Fred and Ludwig instructed by He Gang.

The lower limit of this war is extremely low, but the upper limit is extremely high.

Those frontier legions, garrison legions, etc. that are generally less than silver may be infected and corrupted by the ubiquitous conceptual filth as soon as they join the battlefield. Instead, they will ruin their vitality.

A lot of filth has already seeped into the city.

Although those guys who rushed forward to the inner city all died under the terrifying meme ability of the guardian angel of Eden, and there was no ashes left in an instant, but there were still many buildings in the inner city, hiding in the dark.

These guys also have to be cleaned up.

This job was then handed over to the three armies with the highest combat effectiveness.

The Angel Legion, the Asgardian Guard, and the Death Knight Legion directly under Rod Hart.

There are not many of them, but each of them is above the gold rank and is the elite among the elite.

Although the total number does not exceed [-], the effect it can play on the frontal battlefield is minimal, and it can even be said to be a drop in the bucket.

However, it is barely enough to clean up the filth that sneaked into the city.

Extending one kilometer from the [-]-meter-high city wall, there is a plain filled with blood like a lake and sea. There is nothing on the plain, except for some huge windmills that have been dumped for a long time and have not been completely destroyed.

And one kilometer away, it's like a death penalty zone.

He Gang was leaning on the beast of the sea, and his feet were full of broken flesh and internal organs.

He anxiously checked the ICBMs that were coming from the United States, Canada, and even Bermuda.

The warheads of these missiles are all nuclear.

If they all hit the same target, even a god can kill you.

But they are still in the sky.

Rolling through the haze, the eerily animated beings that exist in the haze shriek in terror to avoid creations that are deadly even to them.

(End of this chapter)

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