Chapter 711
Time, the 50th hour when Li Xiao landed in Niutauling.

The location is in the safe house in the core area.

After more than ten hours of hard work, the five-person team led by Li Xiao finally won the victory in the north and south directions.

The Gaul Warrior Girl and the Eagle Star team didn't even see the last line of defense outside the core area, so they fell down with hatred.

But Li Xiao didn't have any joy of victory, just because he failed to fulfill what he promised.

The enemy team scattered in five directions and headed towards the core area, and the last ten-man squad rushed over from the due west. They had no time to stop them, so they could only come to the core area in advance, participate in the defense, and take a break by the way.

If you don't stop for a day and a night, the hard-working people will be crippled.

What's more, for the newcomers Lian Jing and Zhang Boshu who are performing missions for the first time, the dual mental and physical loads are no longer enough to support them to meet more challenges with their best condition.

For the present plan, we can only wait for the opponent to arrive, and start the final decisive battle around the core area.

Li Xiao and the others performed very well, and they should let other people here also show their value.

It's not just them who are there.

The technicians who are responsible for controlling the overall situation and analyzing the situation at all times have also reached a limit of energy, and there is really no way to hold on.

And all the audience, who followed the same time for two consecutive days, lost their initial enthusiasm, and there must be a final event to end it all.

The calm before the storm, everyone seized this rare opportunity to take a break.

And Li Xiao finally sat face to face with Ning Xiaoxi, but the atmosphere between the two was not as peaceful as the outside world.

Li Xiao, who was full of murderous aura, tried his best to dissipate the evil spirit in his body, but he still couldn't resist the same feeling that kept coming from deep in his heart, and looked at Ning Xiaoxi with cold eyes.

"I don't owe you anything."

Ning Xiaoxi was dumbfounded.

She never dreamed that when she finally saw Li Xiao again, that guy opened his mouth and said such words.

After being dazed for a moment, she tried to move the corners of her mouth, and smiled in a playful and cute manner: "Li Xiao, you owe me a lot. At the beginning, you still called me my wife, but you didn't see that you were going to marry me. Isn't that true? ..."

"Ning Xiaoxi, I'm not joking with you!"

Li Xiao's voice suddenly rose, abruptly interrupting the girl opposite.

Some words have been held in his heart for a long time, and he wanted to say them a long time ago, but he has been suppressing them all the time, and there is no suitable opportunity to say them.

By now, he has decided.

He had to speak clearly, otherwise, he might live in such a muddle for the rest of his life that he couldn't even figure out any clues.

"Ning Xiaoxi, think about it carefully, what is the relationship between us?"

"We, we are friends."


Li Xiao felt as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. The irritability in his heart was aroused by Ning Xiaoxi's ridiculous answer, and his suppressed emotions were completely released.

When did he and Ning Xiaoxi meet?

After all, it should have been a year ago.

At that time, this was Miss Ning, the beautiful president of Qinghe Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, and he, Li Xiao, just received a task order from the company to protect this employer.

The relationship between the two parties is purely employing and being employed.

Li Xiao admitted that living with Ning Xiaoxi during those days was considered peaceful and happy. If there were no killers who appeared every now and then, it must be the best memory of his life.

However, all good things are short-lived.

He couldn't remember how the employment relationship between him and Ning Xiaoxi ended.

Anyway, after returning from North Africa, he subconsciously refused to get involved with anything about Ning Xiaoxi.He started a company to divert his attention, became the boss, and lived a life that was considered human.

He accepted the task given by Zhao Shen, gradually entered the family circle, and knew more and more people.

His status has improved somewhat, but he still has a natural barrier and gap with these real family children.

Li Xiao was a child who lived in the mountains since he was a child. He had a childhood that no one could imagine, but he didn't have the family reunion that everyone should have.He was thrown abroad when he was a teenager and grew up in a special environment.

He has his own life, has his own life trajectory.

If he wants, he can live his life very easily and wait for death. It will definitely not be like the more colorful life he has experienced in the past year or so since he met Ning Xiaoxi than the rich life he had in the past 20 years. matter.

Tossing non-stop every day is very tiring.

More importantly, in the final analysis, he and Ning Xiaoxi belong to two worlds.

There shouldn't be too much connection between two people, but it seems that fate insists on connecting them together, which is still in a state of forced connection.

Li Xiao was not a person who believed in fate, if God insisted on binding him and Ning Xiaoxi together, he would try to change his fate against the sky.

and so……

"After this time, let's not meet again. You have your life, and I have mine. I don't owe you anything, and you don't owe me anything."

Li Xiao finally said these words.

But hasn't he considered how Ning Xiaoxi would feel after hearing these words?
Ning Xiaoxi, who has long regarded Li Xiao as her spiritual support, was the one who helped her solve everything when she suffered the most serious mental blow a month ago. Even if Li Xiao offends the whole world, she still has to protect her .

Now, the person who swore to protect her to the death is about to give up on her.

At this moment, her heart was like a glass falling from a high place, shattering.

But it was only a moment of brokenness. Ning Xiaoxi suddenly smiled, smiling from the bottom of her heart. She bent down to pack up the broken heart and pile it up randomly. She completely ignored the wounds cut by the sharp fragments and looked up straight back.

"Li Xiao, who do you think you are? Do you think I'm pestering you? I don't care about you. Don't worry, the commission I hired you as a bodyguard at the beginning will be paid to you later. From now on, wherever I am, you, Li Xiao, will disappear automatically, and you are not allowed to appear in front of me!"

After finishing the words, Ning Xiaoxi pointed to the door.

Li Xiao stood up in response.

"Okay, where you are, I will stay away and never show up."

After finishing his words, Li Xiao strode out of the room.

Before that, no one would have thought that the conversation between Li Xiao and Ning Xiaoxi would turn out like this.

Li Xiao only knew that the moment he walked out of the room, he felt relaxed, as if the big rock that had been pressing down on his life path had been completely removed.

(End of this chapter)

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