Chapter 710

Shatuo fell for a long time, but many people still couldn't believe what they saw.

In the past few hours, the audience, no matter which side they belong to, has firmly believed that this team that has always been crawling forward will definitely make it to the end alive.

No one is more wretched than them.

Even Chadman and the others thought they were a bit ashamed at best, and never thought that death would come to them.

The turning point of everything lies in the appearance of that car.

The question is where did the cars come from?
The camera zoomed out, and everyone could see a heavily armed team in the car. Their faces were covered with oil paint, so they couldn't see who it was.

All I could hear was a shout full of strange tones.

"Why are there still enemies here? Destroy them!"

In fact, there is no need to say such words, the people in the car are already taking action. Except for the driver, the remaining four people opened fire.

After a few seconds...

"Go, don't waste time."

With a roar and the roar of the engine, the car moved along the edge of the swamp and disappeared from the camera in the blink of an eye.

The audience couldn't describe their feelings in words.

After watching three full hours of crawling, this less than ten seconds of real action was exchanged. Many people were still sleeping, and they didn't even know what happened.

What made people feel even more broken was a sentence that the people in the car said at random.

The relaxed and freehand tone seemed to be that they were simply passing by here, accidentally discovered the enemy's situation, and after solving it smoothly, they continued on their way without stopping at all.

That attitude is no different from that of a car driving past and crushing a few branches casually.

But the question is, are people like Sha Tuo and Xiang Li branches?

They are elites, from other regions, the top special warfare elites that countless people are proud of!

Just a few hours ago, when they first landed on the island, they perfectly displayed their most elite and powerful tactical qualities in front of all the audience, and used this to complete the breakthrough of the outer defense line.No one thinks that they are a group of rabble, and it is precisely because of this preconceived cognition that everyone cannot bear the huge psychological gap of the team being wiped out in an instant.

Are Sha Tuo and the others weak?

Absolutely not weak.

So why do they fail?

It can only prove that the enemy they encountered is stronger, powerful and terrifying, so powerful that there is no need to be evil.

In other words, who is the group of people who suddenly appeared just now, and where were they before?

If Shatuo people met these guys when they first landed, what would happen?
The onlookers from all walks of life who had been boiling for more than 30 hours finally quieted down at this time. No one naively thought that this was a one-sided battle.There is a car wandering around Niutou Ridge, which can deal a huge blow to people casually, and the remaining comrades who are still advancing to the core area, please ask for blessings.

Laymen watching the excitement are talking about the situation in front of them.

Everyone treats what they see on TV as documentaries, movies and TV series. After their emotions are aroused, they only look forward to what unexpected plot will follow.

As for thinking about the direction of the plot, the cause and effect of things...

Who would think about those things while watching TV? If you have the brains to write online articles and make a small amount of money, why are you still here to watch the fun?

Do you really think that Li Xiao and the others are just passing by here?
Just because they act relaxed and freehand, doesn't mean they are really that relaxed.

That car was driven by Guta. As an elite equipment transporter, he must have his own means of transportation.

When I went to target those people with foot pot chickens, it was the first time I acted. The sound of the car engine was easy to be noticed, so I gave up and put it aside.

Later, I discovered the whereabouts of people like Sha Tuo and saw them crawling forward in the swamp like tortoises. It was difficult to have a chance to catch them all quickly.Li Xiao could only change his strategy and wait at the periphery of the swamp area ahead of time.

They had come here an hour earlier.

Li Xiao's goal was to wipe out this team as quickly as possible, and it had to be easily and casually.

The more relaxed they are, the more they can reverse the previous situation.

The action route of more than a dozen elite special fighters returning all their opponents with their lives provided great convenience for Li Xiao and his side's actions, but it caused the outside world to deeply misunderstand the level of the fighting spirit reserve team.

Now Li Xiao can get some news.

He respected the sacrificed comrades, resented those opponents, and wanted to wash away the previous shame in the most effective way.

Since everything that happened on Niutou Ridge has been artificially changed into a show, as the protagonist, he has the responsibility and obligation to make the show good enough.

When targeting the people like the foot pot chicken, a landmine sent the opponent to the sky to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, which is a severe blow.

As for the people like Sha Tuo just now, if they fought directly in the swamp, they would be absolutely sure of victory.

But that kind of victory is too common, and it is even possible for people to regard people like Shatuo as excellent teachers of hard battles.

That was not what Li Xiao wanted.

Therefore, he planned all of this. Everyone hid in the outermost part of the swamp area, blocking the only way for the opponent to pass by. When those people were exhausted and the long period of crawling had worn away all their vigilance. .

The car drove out and rushed forward with lightning speed.

With intentional calculation and unintentional calculation, he solves the opponent every minute, as if he is just passing by at random, and after finishing the matter, he walks away.

In the end, he created an unrivaled posture of "passing through thousands of troops without a single leaf touching his body".

The effect is simply not very good.

But that's where it ends.

He knew very well that his appearance this time was equivalent to giving an early warning to the enemies in several other places. After those people took precautions, they would definitely not give Li Xiao any chance to deal with it easily.

In the two completely opposite directions of the south and the north of Niutou Ridge, Captain Zhan Ji of Gaul Zhan Ji and Ying Jiang of Eagle Star Squad put down the walkie-talkie at the same time, and their faces became extremely heavy.

"I can be sure that it is Huofeng who is here. Speed ​​up, as long as you can go to the core area first, capture the target person Ning Xiaoxi, and take it as a hostage, you can blackmail Huofeng."

Ying Jiang and Zhan Ji said this sentence almost in unison, the speed of both sides accelerated, and the goal was clear.

At the same time, inside the air defense project in the core area, the siren sounded and everyone was on alert.

Ning Xiaoxi was forcibly taken into the deepest safe house, where she was closely guarded.

At a time like this, no one dared to have any childish mentality.

Even Ning Xiaoxi was a little worried, but she was not worried about her own safety, but felt that something worse would happen to her closest people.

(End of this chapter)

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