The toughest man in the city

Chapter 696 Li Xiao is the source of disaster

Chapter 696 Li Xiao is the source of disaster
"Because I can control others and even guess their behavior style to control the damage to a minimum. Only you are the most uncontrollable factor in the entire live-fire exercise."

Zhao Shen's words were so true, he did not hide his praise for Li Xiao at all.

That's right, in Li Xiao's view, this is a compliment.

For a live ammunition exercise, I don't know how much manpower was put into it, but he was the only one who was told the truth. Isn't this an obvious admission of his strong ability?

Should I say thank you for your approval?
Li Xiao curled his lips speechlessly: "Okay, I will definitely not hurt anyone's life. But if others go desperate, I don't care?"

"Exercises are also battles. If they are really limited, getting injured during the exercise is better than dying on the battlefield."

Zhao Shen looked serious, dropped these words, turned his head and left.

But after taking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and said: "By the way, there are some special factors involved in this exercise. You, perform well!"

good performance?

Seeing the back of Zhao Shen leaving, Li Xiao felt more and more that something was wrong.

As for the exercise, why use the word "performance"? Is there anyone still watching?
Anyway, this is also a battle, right? Can it be used as a show for others?

He felt unreasonable.

Zhao Shen felt depressed. As the supreme commander of the selection of the battle spirit, he has been working for more than 100 days and nights since the beginning of the preparatory work. The purpose is to form the most elite team. The special operations team has been working to complete tasks that normal people can't imagine.

It stands to reason that these things are confidential, and only by doing them secretly can the tactical level of this special operations team be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

However, at the final stage of the entire selection process, someone even suggested that the entire exercise should be recorded and broadcast live for certain important people to watch.

They are here desperately fighting, fighting with their lives.

Some people are sitting in an air-conditioned room, eating watermelon, and watching everything they do as if it were a TV movie. This is simply a huge humiliation to Zhao Shen's long-standing belief.

It was an order and he couldn't refuse.

After getting to the bottom of it, the person who caused all this to happen was still Li Xiao.

In a secret command room in Jinghua, a group of people with different identities gathered together, and there were many faces of foreigners among them.

The big screen in the command room was black, and it was still in the debugging stage. The conversations of everyone present had gone deep into key issues and even key people.

A white-skinned middle-aged man in a suit sneered with the purest American pronunciation: "Mr. Long, we are here to discuss with you how to deal with Huofeng. As far as we know, what Huofeng did in your place What you have done has already caused a great negative impact. This kind of person is a scourge wherever you put it. If you still insist on maintaining him, it will greatly affect our friendship. "

"Friendship? I don't think that one person can affect the friendship between our two regions. Mr. Chadman, you are too serious."

The executive surnamed Long's tone was cold, but his heart was still full of helplessness.

So many people gathered together to discuss for Li Xiao.

Although he justified that Li Xiao was just a single person, it was impossible to affect the big situation, but in fact, in the past few years, what Huofeng did in the west had already seriously affected the stability of many regions.

This guy's ruthless behavior, especially after forming a mercenary organization like the Wild Beasts, gave the heads of various regions a headache.

Just imagine, a guy who can threaten the lives of all of them at any time, who can tolerate his continued existence.

That is, one year, no, counting it now, it should be two years ago.

By a coincidence, Li Xiao participated in the battle in Diling in South Africa, and was wounded and returned home, which made these people feel extremely relaxed as if a big stone had been lifted from their hearts.In addition, the domestic protection and concealment of Li Xiao made everyone's fear of the word "fire phoenix" gradually weaken.

Who would have imagined that this kind of stability lasted less than a year before it was completely broken.

The outbreak of the vaccine incident in North Africa caused everyone to see the power of the Wild Beasts in horror once again, directly destroying a pirate organization supported by a large amount of money in a certain area. Is that a trivial matter?
Then came the zombie deer virus incident, and Huofeng officially entered everyone's field of vision again. This time, it did not use any personal force to make things happen, but used a small vaccine to almost control the lifeline of a major international force.

Charles, who was directly in charge of that matter before, was punished, but this does not mean that Li Xiao can easily be exposed in front of the whole world and the face of a certain big country.

Afterwards, all kinds of incidents and various incidents made everyone discover to their horror that when Huofeng became active again, it no longer relied on individuals.

He didn't even use the combination of wild beasts, but gradually controlled some forces that could shake the authority.

Is the European Emperor Group important?

Li Xiao said, Princess Kaili can do anything.

Is the Persian region important?

Gulina, the local saint who controls everything, is giving birth to that guy.

Is the relationship with Kurk City important?

The balance of power was always maintained before, but Li Xiao went there and completely controlled the place. Now Duan Rong, who runs the place, doesn't give anyone face, and cut off many people's money.

Although Li Xiao has never felt how great he is, in the eyes of others, his threat has reached a very high level.

Someone has long wanted to deal with him, but due to the pressure from the ancient eastern kingdom, it is impossible to explain clearly.

Until recently, Li Xiao first had conflicts with the family alliance in the country, and then made actions that hurt others in front of the public.

As a result, domestic attitudes towards him have also diverged.

There is no one who doesn’t think that Li Xiao is a double-edged sword. It’s okay if he uses it well. But if he doesn’t use it well, just like when Ning Xiaoxi was wronged last time, who knows what kind of crazy things that guy will do. things.

All kinds of factors are intertwined in everything, and there is the current situation.

Foreign forces tested the pressure, and internal opposition increased. Those who wanted to keep Li Xiao had to adopt a special method to eliminate all internal and external pressure.

Executive Long's thoughts returned to his eyes, took a deep breath, looked around, and said in a trembling voice: "Everyone, I invited you here today to give you a result. I can tell you clearly that a certain place is going on. A special live ammunition exercise, the purpose of the exercise is to select a new Dongfang Dragon Fighting Soul team. And Li Xiao is also a member of the selection, if he succeeds..."

There is no need to say anything later.

Who is present does not know what the Dongfang Dragon Fighting Soul team means.

If Li Xiao could become one of them, no one would be able to touch him.

The key question is whether Li Xiao can succeed, and whether these people are willing to see him succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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