Chapter 695

For Ning Xiaoxi, there are two places in this world that have great attraction for her.

One is the Ning family compound, which is her home, the place where she grew up, no matter who she is, she will never forget the direction of home.

And the other is where Li Xiao is. No matter where Li Xiao is, as long as she can be with that guy, Ning Xiaoxi will feel infinitely safe.

When she couldn't go home, just saying "Li Xiao is there" gave Ning Xiaoxi great confidence.

"Let's go to Li Xiao, can we also attract these villains?"

"Definitely, their target is you, Miss Ning. Of course, wherever you go, they will follow you. Even if there are still people staying here to force you to go back, as long as we go to Nansha Square to ask for support, It will be the end of these people when they come back.”

The captain of the dark guard gave a very sincere answer.

Why didn't you say call for help now?

That's because he knows that the selection of fighting souls that is more important than anything else is going on in Nansha Square. If he asks for support now, the most he can do is bring in a group of people with the same level as them and continue the stalemate.

But if you go there, pause temporarily, wait until the fighting spirit group is established, and come back with the "fighting spirit".

By then, even the world's top assassin group will not be able to stop Ning Xiaoxi from returning home.

"Xiao Xi, don't worry. Director Ning and I have already contacted you. Those people's goal is just you. They didn't dare to actually enter the Ning family compound. They just waited for you to show up on the periphery. As long as we leave here, they will definitely not I will continue to do useless work here.”

Lin Huahua's last sentence of persuasion finally made Ning Xiaoxi make up her mind.

"Okay, let's go. However, I have a condition. When we come back, we must let Li Xiao come back with us. Li Xiao must have a way to clean up all those villains!"

Let's talk about the future, as long as Ning Xiaoxi agrees to their arrangement now.

Everyone present felt relaxed and immediately gave up their plans to continue moving forward. They got in their cars and quickly turned around and left.

From Qinghe to Chang'an, which is more than 1000 kilometers away, due to various obstacles, Ning Xiaoxi's convoy couldn't reach the destination after walking for a full week.

At this time, they suddenly changed direction and went to the more distant Nansha. Who knows how long they will have to go.

This journey is definitely no safer than forcibly returning to the Ning family compound, and these people can only be relied on to escort Ning Xiaoxi. After all, the protective power invested in Ning Xiaoxi by all parties over the past decade has reached its limit.

Teams of the same level have other tasks.

Even if someone from a lower level comes, they are only delivering food, so they might as well not come.

As for the higher-level ones, they are now undergoing selection in Nansha Square. Unless necessary, no one will delay the selection of fighting spirits at this time.

Sometimes, some people can be allowed to be arrogant.

For example, those who chased and killed Ning Xiaoxi, their arrogance at this moment will bring them an unbearable blow in exchange for one day in the future.

Of course, no one can predict what will happen in the future.

Even Li Xiao couldn't guess that Ning Xiaoxi was bringing a group of people to seek his help, and his only feeling now was that of collapse.

No matter what kind of glory he has won before, no matter how famous Huofeng's name is, one undeniable fact is that he belongs to Ye Luzi and has never experienced any serious training.

At least he had never seen that kind of group devil training scene.

The training life is hard enough. With his strong physical fitness, he can still persevere. It is not particularly difficult, but Zhao Shen and others seem to be deliberately trying to punish him.There are only four of them in total. If one of them fails to complete the training task for the day, they will be punished collectively.

Not being given food and not being allowed to sleep well are all childish. Four people are forced to stand in a puddle while holding a log together. That is torture.

After all, he could be regarded as a comrade in the trenches. Could Li Xiao be able to watch the two shortcomings of Zhang Boshu and Lian Jing, and drown in the puddle after being unconscious?
What kind of experience is it like to support two people standing on one side with a heavy log on the head?
Fortunately, Han Dali performed a little better, otherwise Li Xiao would have thought that everyone would die here together.

If you want to blame, you can only blame them for not leaving a way out for themselves. It should have been a team of nearly 200 people to participate in the training together, and a group of ten people can survive the one-day course anyway.

As a result, this group of guys eliminated everyone else early on, making more than a dozen coaches believe in training the four of them, so they can do whatever they want.

What's even more tragic is that under such difficult training conditions, he has become the pillar of Lian Jing's heart to persevere.

Before the poor girl felt like she couldn't hold on any longer, she gritted her teeth and stared at him. She said fiercely without any scruples that she must persist until he could beat him until his teeth were all over the floor. Such a goal could not be achieved. , I will never give up even if I die.

It should be a very happy thing to be remembered unforgettably by a beautiful girl, but why did Li Xiao's painting style completely change?

Fortunately, there is always an end to any suffering.

On this day at the end of the month, Zhao Shen appeared in front of them again and finally announced that the month of devilish training was over.

And the end of the training means the beginning of more severe tasks.

Even Li Xiao didn't expect that the situation would turn so bad that in the end, even he almost fell into death.

"A month ago, we received a request for help, requesting the Nansha training camp to exclude elite personnel to pick up an important person who needed protection. Due to the special time, we were in the important stage of soul selection. We only sent a second-line team to go to the rescue. However, a week ago, we completely lost contact with the target that needed to be contacted. What is certain is that the target and all its protective forces were besieged on a desert island with complex terrain. Your first mission is to go to the target area , launch search and rescue.”

Zhao Shen never talks nonsense and explains the task clearly in the most concise words.

"Don't think I'm really joking, and don't think this is an exercise. What you have to do next is to destroy all the enemies with thunderous means, and use your lives to escort the target back here. If you succeed, you can become a fighting spirit. Preparatory members. Failure means that you have completely disappeared from this world. Give you half an hour to make a decision, either write a suicide note in advance, or choose to give up early. Go ahead."

Zhao Shen waved his hand, signaling to disband on the spot.

Before anyone else could react, Zhao Shen immediately pulled Li Xiao to a secluded place.

"Li Xiao, there is something I must tell you. This operation is a drill, so you are not allowed to harm anyone's life."

As soon as these words came out, Li Xiao felt bad.

Why did you tell me such an important thing alone?
(End of this chapter)

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