The toughest man in the city

Chapter 668 How much do you know

Chapter 668 How much do you know

Li Xiao felt that asking him to protect Ning Xiaoxi from being bullied was an inherent responsibility, and he could definitely do it.

But to let him live with this Miss Ning shamelessly, it is really more uncomfortable than killing him.

Giving up the entire forest for a small sapling, this deal is too bad.

However, Ning Xiaoxi looked like she would never let him go, and said aggressively: "I'm going back to Chang'an today, Li Xiao, I'll wait for you. You must prepare enough dowry to go to Chang'an to propose a marriage, and then you will have a good time." Marry me. Anyway, now everyone in the world knows that you are mine, and I can't marry you, you have to be responsible to me."

"do not……"

"You dare to say no, try it!"

Miss Ning stared, Li Xiao confessed on the spot.

"If you don't speak, it means you acquiesce. Don't make me wait too long. If you dare to run away, I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth."

Ning Xiaoxi waved her little fists and her threatening look was so cute.

Li Xiao bitterly mouthed, he swore he never thought about getting married, why did he go to Chang'an Ning's house to propose marriage out of nowhere.

This rhythm is wrong.

"Li Xiao, thank you."


Ning Xiaoxi's sudden change of attitude and her sincere thank you made Li Xiao feel confused again.

Before he could respond, Ning Xiaoxi reached for a black windbreaker and put it on, turned her head and walked outside.

man, still that man.

But why suddenly there is a strange feeling.

"Xiao, Xiao Xi, I remember you don't have black clothes. Don't you dislike black?"

"Did I say I don't like it? Black is nice."

Ning Xiaoxi pulled the collar, slightly covered her cheeks, and instantly revealed an indescribable temperament.

Li Xiao was stunned for a long time and couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was. He could only shake his head with a wry smile and said, "You're going home now, how is your health? You won't be anemic until you die, and you won't wait until I marry you. You."

"Shut up! How could Miss Ben die so easily. Besides, there is still you. Zhou Gong told me that you are going to find me medicine to save me. I, wait for you."

After finishing the words, Ning Xiaoxi walked out of the room with cheerful steps.

Li Xiao asked the sky speechlessly.

Even though he was really going to find medicinal materials to treat Ning Xiaoxi's illness, this eldest lady couldn't take it for granted, as if it was really a matter of course to save her own woman.

With a snap, the door closed.

Ning Xiaoxi, who was walking in the corridor like the wind, didn't look sideways, and Lin Huahua and a group of female bodyguards quickly followed.

Lin Huahua naturally didn't know what happened in the house just now, but she knew how weird things happened outside.

"Xiao, Xiao Xi, just now I received news that Xu Ru was found to have committed suicide by throwing herself into a river."

"Dead? Hmm."

An indifferent response, without any emotional fluctuations.

Is this still the Ning Xiaoxi that Lin Huahua has known all along?

The sound of rattling footsteps got farther and farther away. Ning Xiaoxi's convoy left the Qinghe General Hospital. Li Xiao stood in front of the window and watched the cars rolling away, and the carefree smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He didn't know what kind of changes had taken place in Ning Xiaoxi.

All he knew was that things were far from over.

So what if Mrs. Xu spontaneously combusts, so what if Xu Ru throws herself into the river, even if the grandson of the Xu family gets rid of the prison, that is not what he is thinking about now.

He was more concerned about one thing, who was framing Ning Xiaoxi.

In the final analysis, the Xu family are all pawns being used, and the real mastermind behind the scenes has never shown up.

Li Xiao would only feel restless if he didn't find out those guys who tried to entrap Ning Xiaoxi and ruin her reputation.

Opening his palm, a press card fell into his hand.

Xue Wanqin!
The female reporter who blatantly asked Ning Xiaoxi to apologize at the press conference.

The situation was so chaotic at that time, no one noticed that Li Xiao took away the other party's press card.

And now, he wanted to start with Xue Wanqin and find the mastermind behind the scenes.

Ning Xiaoxi's grievances must not be covered up so easily, some people must pay a heavy price!

A figure flashed past, Li Xiao merged into the night, and followed the location marked on the press card.

It's just a small female reporter, Li Xiao will not do anything to her, he just wants to use this woman as a breakthrough to find the bigger mastermind behind it.

In fact, he was also curious as to who led all this.

You must know that Ning Xiaoxi's identity is definitely not as simple as the eldest lady of a family. Just because of her precious blood, she will be protected more orthodoxly. Even if Li Xiao doesn't act, someone will protect her at all costs.

No one wants Ning Xiaoxi to receive too much attention.

There happened to be a force that went against the sky and did things that no one had thought of before.

It's not that Li Xiao didn't guess about this, and in the end, he could only locate it on one person.

King Zhaoyang.

In other words, it was the Fire King's Court under King Zhaoyang.

Searching all over the world, I really can't find a second force that can make such a big deal.


Why is it aimed at Ning Xiaoxi?

With this question in mind, he came to the Qinghe branch of Southern City Daily. He never expected that the people here gave him another huge surprise.

The huge branch office was brightly lit, but no one could be seen. There was only a woman standing at the door of the building, as if she knew he would come, she was playing mobile games there, waiting for him.

And this woman is precisely that Xue Ji, Xue Wanqin.

"You came earlier than I thought."

"Oh, so when do you think I should come?"

Li Xiao replied casually, his eyes moving back and forth across the windows in the whole building.

The woman on the opposite side chuckled: "I thought you should at least take a good rest and sleep well. After all, you've been running around these days, and you've never been idle."

"You seem to have known I would come."

"That's right, after I couldn't find my press card that day, I guessed it. Don't look, the whole company has been dismissed by me. This failure, and you were dragged into the water. Sooner or later, someone will come to us for liquidation It would be better if I dismissed the staff early and closed the business, so as not to cause more trouble."

A little female reporter described the closure of a media branch as a trivial matter of waving her hand.

Li Xiao even admired the other party's courage.

Of course, what he admired more was the other party's methods. In the past, he would not have believed that such a young reporter could be the mastermind behind the entire incident.

If this woman had not run away and just mentioned someone's name, Li Xiao might have been led in the wrong direction.

However, since the other party stayed, they would tell him what he wanted to know.

They come, the security.

Li Xiaoshi calmly sat down beside the woman, and said with a smile: "Tell me, what is your purpose?"

"Don't worry, before I talk about the purpose, I have to ask how much you know about the Royal Court of Fire."

(End of this chapter)

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