The toughest man in the city

Chapter 667 Is Me Not Enough

Chapter 667 Is Me Not Enough
There are everything in this world that sells, but there is no one that sells regret medicine.

Ning Guanming and Fu Qingcheng regretted not stopping Li Xiao just now.

The family alliance and all the people who have been secretly supporting and helping Ning Xiaoxi regretted why they didn't forcibly suppress all the news before, but instead timidly wanted to use the same means of public opinion to solve this matter.

The tabloid media, including Xue Ji, who was clamoring for Ning Xiaoxi to apologize just now, also regretted it.

They regretted driving Ning Xiaoxi to a dead end, which aroused Li Xiao's anger.

When things like this happen, no one will end well. When it is time to pursue accountability, those people who ignore the truth and contribute to the flames must be the focus of cleaning up and attacking.

Even all the mainstream media people present were regretting, regretting getting involved, regretting such a stupid live broadcast, which produced such an irreversible and terrible scene.

No one can escape.

Whether it was positive or negative, from the moment Li Xiao made a move, they were all dragged into the water.

Does Mrs. Xu regret it?
She almost regretted it to death!
Ning Xiaoxi's blood kept her in surprisingly good physical condition. Faced with such a terrifying scene, her heart almost jumped out of her chest and she could still stay awake.

She just wanted to protect her son, but she didn't realize that this kind of malicious protection pushed her whole family into the abyss.

Li Xiao will not wait for any just sanctions, and will let them suffer pain that they will never bear.

Everyone is regretting, only Li Xiao and Ning Xiaoxi don't regret it.

Even if he became an enemy of the whole world and died on the spot, Li Xiao would make those who bullied Ning Xiaoxi pay the price.

Even though she has been wronged and misunderstood by the whole world, Ning Xiaoxi is extremely content with Li Xiao's unscrupulous protection.

So, is it necessary to want someone's blood now?

Mrs. Xu died, so it doesn't matter whether the Xu family lives or dies.

Ning Xiaoxi moved her steps slowly, walked behind Li Xiao, and opened her arms to embrace him.

"Li Xiao, let's go, I'm tired, I want to go home, you take me back."

Li Xiao turned his head silently, seeing Ning Xiaoxi's smile with tears in his eyes, his heart felt like a knife, he wished he could stab a knife into someone's heart with his own hands, in order to resolve the anger in his heart.

"Xiao Xi..."

"Li Xiao, I'm really tired. I'm so tired. I don't want to see these people again."

The voice became deeper and deeper, and Ning Xiaoxi's hand holding Li Xiao slowly drooped. She tried her best to open her eyes, but she couldn't even use the extra strength.

At that moment, it was as if the girl had no nostalgia for the whole world and was about to leave.

If thousands of arrows pierced through the heart, Li Xiao's eyes would turn red, and he would go mad in an instant.

Everyone felt the breath of death again, not just a simple feeling, but actually saw Li Xiao embrace Ning Xiaoxi with one arm, turn around, looking for the first person to be damned with gloomy eyes.

The Grim Reaper strangled everyone by the throat.

Under such an extremely oppressive atmosphere, someone finally moved.

It seems that the fragrance of plum blossoms permeates the world, cooling the restless atmosphere in the severe cold. Mr. Haoyue's figure is like electricity, with his arms stretched out, as if shaking in running water.

Two shining silver needles were shot at the same time, and they took the important acupuncture points of Ning Xiaoxi and Li Xiao.

Ning Xiaoxi was in a semi-conscious state, unable to react at all.

Li Xiao was already insane, but he realized that something was wrong, but how could he be the opponent of Mr. Haoyue who was on the same level as King Zhaoyang.

The silver needle pierced the acupoint, instantly calming the two of them.

Then a pill was put into Ning Xiaoxi's mouth.

"She won't die, you can sleep peacefully."

This was the last sentence Li Xiao heard before he fell into a coma, and it was also this sentence that made the irritability in his heart disappear.

Taking Mr. Haoyue all the way to Qinghe, who said that this man from outside came to save some favor and avenge the old woman.

Mr. Haoyue's actions will only save the most important people.


"Morning broadcast from Qinghe, I wish you a good day."

Recently, the Qinghe General Hospital medical trouble incident that has received countless attentions has finally been settled.

Prosecutors formally charged the three brothers of the Xu family with fraud. The factual evidence is conclusive. Relevant legal experts concluded that the three brothers were sentenced to at least 15 years of fixed-term imprisonment.

Granny Xu, who has received much attention, recovered and was discharged from the hospital yesterday evening, but what is unbelievable is that a fire broke out in Granny Xu's home.

Police investigations concluded that this was a rare case of spontaneous human combustion.

Some people say that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. There is reincarnation in the world, and the sky will not forgive anyone. If you do something wrong, you will be punished in the end.

Dear listeners, what is your opinion on this incident? Welcome to the Qinghe Zaobao network comment area to post your message.

"Okay, this is the whole content of the supernatural section of Qinghe Zao's broadcast in this issue. Please pay attention to the big movie "The Most Ruthless Man in the City" invested and shot by Xiaolong Company in the future."

The crisp voice of the anchor came from the radio.

I don't know how many places across the country have seen or heard similar broadcasts.

The taxi driver who drove the car smiled and shook his head: "It's really boring. I heard people say that this is all true. Why did it become a supernatural story broadcast, and it also advertised the movie along the way."

The passengers on the bus also laughed and said, "What's the real thing? You've been dispelling the rumors on the Internet. It's all about people making movies. I don't know why they made it seem like the real thing. Many celebrities Come forward and say that they also participated in this movie."

"Really, please tell me who are the stars."

Similar discussions appear in countless places.

Many things in this world are true and false. When more and more people say something is false, no one will believe it even if it is true.

Ordinary people can't imagine how much effort it takes to deal with a social incident that can shake the entire society to such an extent.

Those big aristocratic families who have always enjoyed a comfortable life are really battered this time. Fortunately, the situation is finally under control. However, just because they have controlled the situation does not mean that they will easily let someone go.

Li Xiao pulled them down from the altar, and made them have to collectively take action to clean up the mess for Li Xiao.

Is there anything more aggrieved than this in the world?

It would be unreasonable not to let that kid receive some profound lessons, and not let him do some practical things to make up for the contribution of the aristocratic family.

Of course, the current Li Xiao doesn't know what will happen to him. He just lay on the hospital bed with a look of lovelessness, and lamented: "It's over, how could I do such a thing. You made me How can I find a girlfriend, everyone thinks I only have you, Ning Xiaoxi, in my heart."

"Why, Li Xiao, who else do you want? Is it not enough to have me!"

Ning Xiaoxi waved her small fist and slammed it hard on Li Xiao's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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