The toughest man in the city

Chapter 579 Meeting the Killer Again

Chapter 579 Meeting the Killer Again

Before the gunshot, Li Xiao never felt that in a place like Tian'an Town, someone would attack him secretly.

After all, there are too many monsters in this place that do not conform to the laws of nature. It is normal to use open swords and open guns. There is really no chance of success in secret manipulation.

This is like asking Zhang Shuang to deal with Chang Qing. Not to mention causing trouble to the other party, whether Zhang Shuang can come back alive is still a question.

But the fact is that Li Xiao's understanding of this isolated place is still not comprehensive enough.

How could many people who maintain their own identities come forward in person to resolve conflicts with an unknown outsider like him? All they had to do was send out one or two killers to kill him, and all the problems would be solved.

It's a pity that the people here don't know Li Xiao well enough.

The sad killer didn't even know what kind of character he met this time.

The picture displayed by the thermal imager is very accurate. It is not a problem for a highly penetrating bullet to pass through the door panel and then penetrate the bodies of the two people.

An attack and kill that was bound to be won, turned out to make this person stunned in place.

The two slightly overlapping figures in the room dodged before the bullet flew past, and then one of them rushed over like lightning.

The ordinary office door couldn't withstand Li Xiao's all-out kick at all, and the whole door collapsed, directly slapping the opposite killer on the ground.

Then he punched a hole and pinched the opponent's throat with precision.

"Who sent you here?"

There were only Li Xiao's low questions in the darkness. If the special existence in his body hadn't given him another warning just now, there is no doubt that he and Gao Xiaoyu would have gone to hell together and become a pair of fateful mandarin ducks.

When others find their bodies tomorrow, God knows how embarrassing it will be.

Li Xiao didn't want to be killed on a woman's body without knowing it, ruining his reputation for the rest of his life.

There was anger in his heart, but he did not have any scruples in his attack. Seeing that the killer was slapped under the door panel, he was still struggling. Not only did he not answer his question, he still tried hard to turn the muzzle of the pistol in his hand and tried to pull the trigger again.

With a click, the killer's hand holding the gun hangs down feebly.

Li Xiao didn't give him more chances, just because he could recognize the source of the gun in the dark.

The unique mark of Tianyuan Town is on the body of the gun. Who else could send this person in front of him? It must be Chang Qing.

"I didn't go to deal with him, but he attacked me first! It's ok!"

Li Xiao cursed viciously, just to find out that he was angry, but he never expected that there would be a faint reply from behind.

"Not only to attack you, but also to solve it with me."

Gao Xiaoyu leaned on the door, wrapped her whole body in a blanket, she didn't stand upright, it wasn't that she didn't want to stand properly, it was because someone was too aggressive and behaved too roughly!
The inexplicable appearance of the killer temporarily interrupted the special relationship between the two and resolved a lot of embarrassment.

Li Xiao scratched the tip of his nose, really wondering what happened to him recently.

It was the same with Yue Shuyao last time, he didn't have the slightest intention of restraining himself, he really did whatever he wanted, and didn't give others a chance to resist.

But there is also a difference, that is, Gao Xiaoyu didn't resist later, but chose to accept everything about him.

"I can tell you, but it's still the same sentence. I want a raw life stone mine, which is where your raw life stone comes from. I think it should be Chang Qing's left warrior who discovered the raw stone vein, and he hasn't had time to report it. , it was solved by you."

Women are always stronger than men.

Gao Xiaoyu had suffered such a great injury, but at this moment it did not affect her thinking circuit.

"Li Xiao, you want to go to Tianyuan Town. With my influence, you may not be able to reach that far. Besides me, you also need to deal with a commander. As long as you succeed, I will listen to you. "

These words spoke to Li Xiao's heart.

No matter how many accidents occur, it will not change his ultimate goal. The most important thing right now is to go to Tianyuan Town to search for Sister Yi's whereabouts.

Just adding Gao Xiaoyu's strength is not enough to support him to go so far.

He still had to kill a captain to achieve his ultimate goal, and there was no need to think too much about who to kill. Chang Qing had already brought the relationship between the two parties to the point where it was difficult to reconcile.

Looking at his expression, Gao Xiaoyu probably guessed what he was thinking.

After a little hesitation, he said softly, "Chang Qing was put in confinement by the Chief of Defense. He may not have found this killer."

"Hehe, is he that important? Anyway, he wants me to die, and I can't let him live."

Li Xiao stood up and laughed, "Just wait and see the result. I hope that when I come to you next time, this situation will not happen again."

Before the words fell, the person had disappeared into the darkness.

Gao Xiaoyu was silent for a long time, gritting her teeth and cursing secretly, irresponsible man, please clean up this place before leaving. He was so rough just now, and now she has no strength at all, how can she still have the corpse of a killer.


It was another sunny morning, and for ordinary people in Tian'an Town, life never changed much.

But for those in high places, a storm that threatens their own lives is about to hit.

In just three days, the entire town, except for the four main roads extending from the defense hall in the center of the town, had become Li Xiao's sphere of influence.

When he found the remaining three centurions, he successfully brought the three of them under his own name without any resistance.

After all, the strength of the five centurions who were abolished overnight is there. It is not fatal to just declare surrender. In a word, no one wants to make things too bad.

The unprecedented cohesion of people's hearts at Cheonan Station has made the defense chief's path forward a lot.

Without waiting for Li Xiao to do anything else, the Chief of Defense took the initiative to invite to meet this outsider who had caused the entire town to undergo earth-shaking changes in less than half a month.

The two had dinner together, and no one knew what they talked about during those few hours.

Everyone only knows that when Li Xiao came out of the defense hall, the chief of defense personally delivered it to the door.Then the next day, everyone under Li Xiao changed their guns and got the standard weapons issued by the chief of defense.

Just when everyone thought that Li Xiao was going to start a head-to-head contest with Chang Qing or Xu Long to completely replace them.

Overnight, Li Xiao and his people disappeared.

In the entire Tian'an Town, except for the four main roads extending from the defense center, which are patrolled by the defense forces, there is no one guarding the streets anywhere else.

Not to mention that Chang Qing and Xu Long, who were always on guard against Li Xiao's attacks, were in a daze, even Gao Xiaoyu couldn't figure out what Li Xiao was going to do.

(End of this chapter)

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