The toughest man in the city

Chapter 578 The Strange Voice in the Office

Chapter 578 The Strange Voice in the Office

"We are all civilized people, don't say vulgar words about buying and selling, okay?"

Li Xiao felt very innocent and thought to himself, Gao Xiaoyu is also a teacher after all, but why is his reading comprehension ability so poor?

"I just want you to say a word, if you are willing to follow me, then my road will be longer, and I can go to Tianyuan Town next door. If things go well, I will not come back. You continue to live here Your old life will do."

After speaking, he scratched his head, as if remembering something, he put the rough life stone on the table.

"I don't know how much this stuff is worth, so it's a deposit to show my sincerity."

Li Xiao stopped talking.

Gao Xiaoyu looked at the rough stone, then looked up at him.

It took a long time before he opened his mouth with a strange expression: "You not only want to buy me, but after you buy me, you also plan to abandon me?"

With a puff, the sip of tea that Li Xiaogang took into his mouth sprayed everywhere.

What the hell, I will abandon you.

Are we people from the same world, is there any barrier to language communication?

He couldn't understand what Gao Xiaoyu was thinking, and the beautiful teacher Gao stopped looking at him. She just stared at the rough stone of life. He didn't know what kind of emotion he was in. He looked embarrassed and sad, and murmured. muttering to himself.

"It turns out that no matter what I do, in the eyes of others, I'm still only worth such a rough life stone. Why? Am I so cheap? Should women be bought and sold by men as vassals?"

Self-inquiry with strange emotions.

It is obvious that Gao Xiaoyu's mood is not right, and it is probably because she is a woman with a story that she is so sensitive.

But Li Xiao didn't know what story she had.

Li Xiao just wanted to negotiate a settlement in a serious manner, and even if it didn't work out, at least let him know where to go next.

It's good now, facing Gao Xiaoyu like this, he suddenly felt chills down his spine, God knows how irrational things women will do after going crazy.

Who also said that she is the concubine of a certain boss?

In case there was a disagreement, he would make a phone call to summon thousands of troops to level the power of Li Xiao's subordinates, and he would have no place to find someone to reason with.

"Then what, Gao Meimei, you are busy first, let's talk when you calm down. Goodbye."

After saying hello, Li Xiao stood up and wanted to leave.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he retreated quickly and quietly enough, but Gao Xiaoyu obviously didn't want him to leave so easily.

After swiping, the figure flickered, and Gao Xiaoyu directly blocked the door.

"If you want me to follow you, you can. Two conditions, the first is to beat me, and the second is that I want this raw life stone mine!"

No matter what this woman has experienced in her previous life, just looking at today, a rough stone that Li Xiao casually threw brought back many bad memories in her, instantly stimulated the woman's heart that had been dusty for a long time, and aroused her ambition come out.

It is impossible for her to attach herself to Li Xiao with a palm-sized rough stone.

Only a whole life ore mine can make her willing to give her everything.

Without giving Li Xiao a chance to explain, he stretched out his hand and drew the pointer on the table.

When meeting Gao Xiaoyu for the first time, although it was just a quick exchange of words, Li Xiao vaguely remembered how special this pointer was. It looked not much different from ordinary bamboo joints. In fact, inside the hollow bamboo joints, hidden essence The slender stick made of steel, one of its ends glowed with a faint silver light, and its sharpness was no less than Li Xiao's military stab.

At this moment, Gao Xiaoyu held the weapon in her hands again, without any fancy movements at all, she just used her greatest strength and fastest speed, and stabbed straight at Li Xiao's heart.

No one can understand Gao Xiaoyu's current mood.

She regards Li Xiao as a person, and in just one week, she can have such a big influence in Tian'an Town as an outsider, she can definitely be regarded as a person.

But no matter what kind of character, this guy hasn't reached the point where he can humiliate her at will.

Coming up is a deadly attack, which is enough to show how annoyed Gao Xiaoyu is.

Li Xiao was not surprised but happy, what he wanted was the situation in front of him.

Before coming to Gao Xiaoyu, he had thought that this time a real sword and gun duel would be inevitable. It was just a raw life stone that made the woman's mental state abnormal and disrupted his plan, so he wanted to leave quickly and make a long-term plan after returning. .

Unexpectedly, when the other party said to do it, he did it, and things returned to the normal rhythm.

Then why should he dodge.

Even though the special existence in his body had issued an early warning, telling him to quickly avoid this fatal attack, he still stood motionless at the same spot, watching helplessly as the spike of the pointer was less than one centimeter away from his heart, and he would be able to recover immediately. Pierced his clothes.

With a bang, Li Xiao's right gesture was like lightning, and he grabbed Gao Xiaoyu's wrist instantly.

In the instant transition from extreme movement to extreme stillness, even if Gao Xiaoyu used all her strength, she could not move forward at all.

On the other hand, Li Xiao had a relaxed look on his face.

This time I wasn't pretending, but I was really doing it with ease. I was still in the mood to admire Gao Xiaoyu's slightly red cheeks, so I stretched out a finger of my cheap hand to gently pick it up.

Is this an gesture of goodwill? This directly ignites the powder keg.

"Damn you!"

Gao Xiaoyu yelled angrily, let go of the pointer, and rushed forward.

With such a short distance, even a young lady like Ning Xiaoxi who has no strength to restrain a chicken can jump on Li Xiao, let alone Gao Xiaoyu.

Li Xiao only had time to turn his head to avoid his vitals, when he felt a piercing pain from his shoulder.

This woman is crazy, she doesn't bite.

"Let go, let go, or I won't be polite."

How could it be possible for Gao Xiaoyu to let him go with such unnutritious threatening words.

Li Xiao was so painful that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. In desperation, he stretched out his arms and slapped them with big hands.

Outside the office door, a few students passing by after school, heard the sound coming from the house, and each of them looked nervous.

"Teacher Gao is not physically punishing the students, is it?"

"That shouldn't be the case, Teacher Gao is so gentle."

"The gentleness may be superficial. Have you forgotten how honest those former bastard students have become since Teacher Gao came here? Don't worry about it and leave quickly."

People outside were in a hurry, and no one dared to stay here.

Not long after, the entire campus was empty, and even the doorman turned off the electric switch very "intimately", leaving the entire office building in darkness.

The weird noises disappeared, and there was only a figure walking forward in the darkness, reaching the door of Gao Xiaoyu's office.

Infrared thermal imaging equipment, showing two overlapping figures inside the door.

The man took a deep breath, raised the pistol with the silencer in his hand, and slammed the trigger.

(End of this chapter)

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