The toughest man in the city

Chapter 549 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

Chapter 549 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

If there is anyone in the Holy Land Group who still maintains a trace of humanity, it must be Gucci.

When others are thinking about their wealth and family fate, only Gucci cares about the danger of those innocent women involved.

He didn't think exchanging other people's lives for his own was a correct choice.

People have their own destiny, and for their own self-interest, they kill innocent people, what is the difference between that and animals.

Unfortunately, these words cannot be spoken.

The only thing he can do is to apply to Gu Yuantong to take charge of leading people to protect those women. It would be best to find an opportunity to release those women during the chaos.

There is a saying that knowing a son is like a father, how could Gu Yuantong not know what Gu Qi was thinking.

If it wasn't for his own son, Lao Gu would have shot and killed this idiot who disregarded the interests of the family.

"Don't worry about them, it's for South Asian witches. Even if the Chinese come, it's impossible to pay attention to those women. Without my order, no one is allowed to approach the place where those women are held, especially you, Gu Qi, understand. "

Gu Yuantong waved his hand impatiently, very dissatisfied with the benevolent appearance of his second son.

Do you expect them to send someone to protect a few pregnant women caught as chips?
Besides, it's impossible for people from Huaxia to be merciful to save those irrelevant people.

Gu Qi's expression was gloomy, and he reluctantly accepted the arrangement of his father.

Unfortunately, Gu Yuantong thought he had a perfect plan, but he failed to realize that not everyone was as cold-blooded as him.

The entire Holy Land Castle was running quickly, preparing for the possible storm tonight, outside the remote warehouse where those innocent women were held, Li Xiao scratched his head, wondering if he had been cheated.

Just now, I randomly arrested a food delivery boy in the castle, coaxed and frightened him, and forced him to find out where the women were.

I thought I would encounter a lot of resistance when I came here, but who could have imagined that it was just an ordinary warehouse with a lock casually hung on it, and there were no guards around.

According to the information collected by Longyuan, these women were collected by the Holy Land Group from all over the world. The purpose is not clear, but they must be very important.

The result is this?
Tentatively, he stepped forward and listened intently. Waves of low struggles and frightened grunts suddenly reached his ears. He was certain that he was looking for the right place.

So the question is, should we rescue these innocent people now?

His original plan was to kill people first when he came here, kill two mission targets and cause chaos in the castle, and then take advantage of the chaos to come here and take people out.

At that time, the soldiers of the Longyuan army should have seen the note he left and went to the designated location to meet him.

If the hostages were sent away by cooperation from inside and outside, then he could kill all directions here without any scruples, look for Gulina, stabilize the situation here, and wait for someone to bring Su's mother to him obediently.

But the plan could not change as quickly as a fish caused a huge commotion on the other side of the holy lake, which was tantamount to exposing his whereabouts.

The interior of the castle must have been fully prepared.

The surprise he used during the day had failed, so he would do the opposite and save people first.

No matter what, having so many innocent people here will tie him up.It is impossible for the righteous Li Xiao to die without saving his life.

"Now, I can only hope that those people from Longyuan can keep up with my pace."

Li Xiao sighed, and casually opened the door lock of the warehouse with this wire, and stepped in. The first thing he did was to point his fingers at the many innocent women who were tied up and gagged, as a gesture of silence.

If the captain of the Longyuan team in this operation could see what Li Xiao was doing now, he would definitely curse him. No, he had already begun to curse him now.

Nonsense, it is simply nonsense!

The chaos at the holy lake directly prevented the Longyuan team's excavation and intrusion work from progressing. Everyone had to reunite and discuss other methods.

As a matter of course, I should discuss with Li Xiao.

Unexpectedly, when I came back to the hotel, the room was empty, with a small note for leaving a message.

Not only did Li Xiao act without authorization, he also arranged for them to take over the task at the back door of the Holy Land Castle.

This elite team has been lurking in Persia for such a long time, just to assassinate the target of the mission, but Li Xiao gave up the main mission and let them be responsible for saving people. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse.

Needless to say, the commotion over the holy lake must have been caused by that guy.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"What else can we do? Go to the back door of the Holy Land Castle to meet him. We can't see that guy before dark. Let's go straight in and try our best to complete the task!"

The captain was really blown away.

All plans were in vain. If even Li Xiao died here, they would have no choice but to desperately serve the country.

As a top special team, they moved very quickly. They were fully equipped and quickly rushed to the pick-up location where Li Xiao left a message. At the same time, they risked being exposed and finally settled into the Holy Land Castle with them. The spy got in touch and asked him to confirm whether a certain guy who wanted to die was really dead.

The comrade spy who didn't care about his personal safety was also confused.

He is now hiding in the dark among the large team responsible for protecting Coca. No matter what happens outside, he has enough chances to kill Coca.

It can be said that he is the key person to complete the task.

Although after the successful assassination, he could not escape the fate of death, it was worth it.

Now he was asked to leave and do another thing that was completely unrelated to the main task.

After leaving, can I come back? Even if I can come back, can I still have such an excellent opportunity to complete the task.

No matter how unwilling he was, and scolded a certain guy named Li Xiao thousands of times in his heart, he still found a lame excuse to quickly leave the heavily guarded area of ​​the castle and quickly rushed to the place where the hostages were held.

"Captain, I have come out, and the possibility of being exposed is more than [-]%. Now I can only leave with those hostages, and you should be ready to respond. Also, the guy named Li Xiao had better be dead, otherwise I must One shot collapsed...uh!"

The spies complained in a low voice, and chose the most covert route to move forward.

Before he finished speaking, he just turned a corner and saw a rather strange picture head-on.

A man with an oriental face held a rope in his hand, and behind the rope were tied a series of eight women with haggard faces. All the women were gagged and moved forward against the wall as if they were thieves.

No need to guess, this man is Li Xiao.

He also didn't want to make the picture so weird, mainly because these innocent hostages are all emotionally unstable women, if you don't gag their mouths, who knows if they will yell in fright.What if you don't find a rope to tie them together and lose one of them.

Well, these are not important.

The important thing is that he chose such a hidden route, but he didn't expect that there were others who took the same route as him and went head-on.

It was too late to say, but soon, Longyuan's spies felt their eyes darkened, and the breath of death rushed towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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