The toughest man in the city

Chapter 548 The only person with humanity

Chapter 548 The only person with humanity

Gu Yuantong asked the housekeeper to throw a few people into the lake, in fact, he wanted to feed the fish and make it quiet for a while.

But the butler thought this was a good opportunity to get in touch with the Holy Spirit, so he jumped down sullenly, and was sucked by the vortex in the middle of the lake in the blink of an eye, disappearing without a trace.

So many people on the shore were waiting for the Holy Spirit to manifest, and none of them realized that they could take the initiative.

The soldiers of the Longyuan army with normal thinking can guess that there is a problem at the bottom of the lake if they think about it with their toes. Going down is a dead end.

On the edge of the huge holy lake, it was so quiet that a needle could be heard falling for a moment, and no one dared to move.

The giant piranha at the bottom of the lake, which was still exhausted, also stopped at this moment, digging out the brain of a fish weighing less than two or two. It is really incomprehensible, why another humanoid creature landed down.

After a moment of sluggishness, another punch struck the fish's belly, making the fish regain its senses.

He shook his body, changed direction and continued to flee for his life.

The huge fish tail drove Li Xiao to move sideways, and when he saw an outsider appearing in the lake, he couldn't help being dazed.

Isn't it stupid, when it's so dangerous, there are still people who dare to come down?

Not allowing him to think too much, he swung his body uncontrollably. Coincidentally, he kicked the big butler's head.

Pitiful for a person who wanted to get close to the Holy Spirit, he didn't see anything, so he fainted on the spot, drank the dark lake water, and sank quickly.

I didn't kill you, it was the fish that killed you, you turned into a drowning ghost, don't ask me for your life.

Li Xiao shouted this sentence from the bottom of his heart, and continued to compete with that piranha.

But all the balance is broken by a group of ignorant people at this time.

Some devout believers, after seeing the butler jumping into the lake, seemed to have a little understanding of what it meant to be called by the Holy Spirit, and no one encouraged them, let alone forced them.

In just a few minutes, more people jumped into the holy lake than in the previous dozen or even decades.

The piranha, which had worn out its viciousness long ago, could no longer bear the pressure brought to it by so many "intruders", and finally identified a passage, a passage used to obtain food, and drilled its head. go in.

Kacha, Li Xiao could clearly hear the sound of the sewer stone slab being cracked.

Not only that, he could also hear the sound of sharp tools cutting the fish body, as if the channel was only used for sewage, and there were various devices like a meat grinder in operation.

I don't know how long it took, but all the water in the lake receded, and a little smelly air got into his nostrils.

That silly fish actually led him through the long sewer to the inner sewage outlet of the Castle of the Holy Land.

Can this be counted as an assist for you?

He stood in disbelief on the edge of the artificially opened passage, a light shone above his head, and beside him was the giant piranha lying on the leading platform, swinging the fish weakly.

The overlord in the holy lake is now on the verge of dying.

There was hardly any intact skin and flesh on the whole fish, and all the defensive facilities placed in the passage were completely destroyed by it along the way, while Li Xiao came over safely under his protection.

Perhaps no one would have imagined that the Gu family had occupied the castle of the Holy Land for thousands of years, and had already built it into an indestructible place.

Even this sewage channel has not been spared. In a short distance of 500 meters, countless traps have been placed.

Not to mention that Li Xiao planned to enter directly from the exit, even if the soldiers of the Longyuan army dug a tunnel in the middle, they would be strangled by those traps after entering.

But now, no one died because of it. On the contrary, it was a fish that the Gu family had raised for so many years, which completely destroyed their trap and protected their enemies to enter here.

"You are a good fish."

Li Xiao patted the body of the fish, and said these words with a slightly grateful tone, as if he felt a little guilty for punching him so many times just now.

However, can fish understand his emotional expression? The last vitality of this piranha was completely frightened away with Li Xiao's gentle pat.

The fish's tail shook twice, and the dead body was on the spot.

Li Xiao twitched his lips in embarrassment. He could only look up and climb up to enter the castle. The question is, how can he not alarm the people outside.

He was lost in thought again.

And everyone outside has long since lost the energy to seriously think about anything.

As the fish desperately took Li Xiao away, the vortex at the center of the holy lake disappeared. The people who jumped into the lake after that only saw a huge black shadow at the very beginning, and then they never found anything again. Constantly surfaced.

When everyone found out that, except for the first person who jumped into the lake, everyone else came back.

It's all heartbreaking, beating your chest and feet, regretting that you were not the first person to contact the Holy Spirit.

Gu Yuantong, who was holding an emergency family meeting, heard that the butler of the castle disappeared with the holy spirit and the holy lake returned to calm. He really scolded that guy countless times as an idiot from the bottom of his heart.

No need to guess, it must be the piranha that ate the big housekeeper and stopped.

Although the loss of a person who managed the castle, it is also a good thing that the accident factor disappeared successfully.

"Pay close attention to the situation on the other side of the holy lake, and report any problems in time."

After dismissing the second butler with one sentence, Gu Yuantong faced the core members of the family again, and his mood was obviously much more stable.

After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "The change in the holy lake can already prove our previous guess is correct. Regardless of whether the people who come from China this time are gods or demons in the language of our ancestors, we must make full preparations." .”

Having said that, Gu Yuantong's eyes turned to the third and fourth sons.

"Gu Ke, Gu Cheng, it was you who took advantage of the relationship between Nana and that Huaxia person to steal the secrets. In the end, I don't blame you. But this time, Huaxia's primary target should be the two of you. From now on , you take it back to your respective houses, and all the security personnel in the entire castle will protect you. You are the bait, even if you die, you have to hold on, so that we have a chance to keep those guys behind."

After these words came out, the faces of Gu Ke and Gu Cheng changed slightly.

They originally wanted to wander around the world to escape for their lives, but were left behind by their biological father as bait, as a tool for the Holy Land Group to prove to the outside world that no one would take revenge.

Come to think of it, it's really sad.

Gu Yuantong ignored their feelings at all and turned to look at the others.

"Coca and Gu Cheng are the first line of defense, South Asian witches are the second, and Courtyard No. [-] is the last. No one can escape the strangulation of this triple blockade. No matter who it is, let them come and go. Understand ?"

Everyone nodded in unison, only Gu Qi tentatively raised his hand.

"Father, what should we do with those pregnant women?"

(End of this chapter)

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