The toughest man in the city

Chapter 542 This is a Mistake

Chapter 542 It's a Mistake
No one knew where Mother Su had such confidence that Fu Qingcheng would protect their mother and daughter.

Well, even if Fu Qingcheng is willing and able to provide them with asylum, but in their current state, can they still make it to the south of the Yangtze River alive?

Yang Yang didn't answer Su's mother's words, just because she was driving completely by will now. Once she breathed a sigh of relief, she would immediately take Su Manyu's mother and daughter to heaven after losing too much blood, without the need for people behind to catch up.

Even so, Yang Yang still felt that the strength in his body kept disappearing, almost to the point where he couldn't even step on the gas pedal.

The speed of the car slowed down slightly, and one of the three cars behind quickly caught up and drove side by side.

A pistol with a suppressor protruded from the car window, and the muzzle was aimed at the rear door here, about to pull the trigger.

The doors of ordinary vehicles cannot stop bullets. Once the window is smashed, even if Su Manyu and the others get under the seat of the car, they will not be able to escape the fate of being shot on the spot.

At this critical moment, on the other side of the highway, a large truck suddenly slammed the steering wheel and smashed the guardrail in the middle of the road.

The front of the truck was precisely positioned, and the car that was facing the killer moved laterally in an instant.

There was a loud bang, and the whole car, including the people inside, was squeezed into meatloaf by the truck and the mountain on the side of the expressway.

The huge car body lay in the middle, blocking the road tightly.

The two cars in the rear failed to brake enough and crashed into the cargo compartment.

Even if the people in the car don't die, they don't even think about waking up for a moment.

And Su Manyu's car passed through the gap where the god of death came, and it went to a very far place in just a few seconds.

Both Su Manyu's mother and daughter were shocked. No matter what, they never expected that it was the arrangement of heaven that finally allowed them to escape.

But the fact is that God would not arrange such a car accident.

At the scene of the tragic car accident, the passenger door of the large truck that rescued the Su family's mother and daughter was pushed open with a creak.

One person staggered out of the car clutching his bloody head, panting heavily for a long time before taking out his mobile phone and dialing a number with difficulty.

"Miss Poetry Envoy, the task is completed, and the women of the Su family are safe."

After saying this, the man raised his head and passed out on the spot.

Shi Lan on the other end of the phone let out a long breath, finally relaxing her hanging heart.

If there is anyone in the world who would not dare to surprise Su's mother, it is only Shilan.

Su's mother was the one whom the king had told her to stay with Li Xiao. During the time when the king lost contact with her, Shilan took it upon herself to send that woman away.

Originally thinking that an ordinary housewife would not have any life-threatening danger, who knew that things would become so complicated, making the Su family furious and asking someone to kill the mother and daughter.

Shi Lan is in the headquarters of Lie Yan Wang Ting, so she has no way to come here, so she can only tell her subordinates to handle this matter.

The lives of Su Manyu's mother and daughter were temporarily saved, but what's next?

She couldn't get away, someone had to do something.

Shi Lan and Lu Caixiu, the four people who dealt with Li Xiao's resurrection incident on the Internet, all returned to the headquarters. Qing Wu has been guarding Li Xiao, leaving only Chen Jiuge worthy of reuse.

However, how could Shilan command Chen Jiuge.

Chen Jiuge was so worried about Fu Qingcheng that he was dying.

Ever since Qinghe came back, Fu Qingcheng has been shutting herself in the room. In the first few days, she could always vaguely hear Fu Qingcheng crying and laughing, so anxious that everyone in the Li family wanted to send her to mental health treatment Center up.

Fortunately, after those few days, Fu Qingcheng calmed down.

Normally, I don't see any problems. I eat and sleep normally, and it is very quiet.

But is this the Fu Qingcheng that everyone knows? For many years, Fu Qingcheng has been the kind of master who can't stop for a while, especially when he is in the Li family compound, even Mr. Li can be mad at her dizzy.

However, during the past two full months, Fu Qingcheng was right about anything out of the ordinary.

If there is something abnormal, it can only be that she is nestled in the bedroom all day, and she doesn't know what weird things she does. Even Chen Jiuge is not allowed to enter her bedroom to find out.

In the past few days, everyone in the Li family was tortured by Fu Qingcheng's abnormal behavior and couldn't bear it.

Li Linchuan almost begged Chen Jiuge to find a way to see what Fu Qingcheng was up to.

Chen Jiuge also had the same intention. He was just about to find an opportunity to get close to the abnormal adoptive mother, but Fu Qingcheng suddenly took the initiative to find her and asked her a question that made her extremely collapsed.

"What do you think of Li Xiao, if you live with him for the rest of your life, would you be willing?"

Chen Jiuge couldn't think of breaking his head, but Fu Qingcheng said very seriously and sincerely that he wanted to match her and Li Xiao together.

Just because of this matter, she was worried to death.

At this time, Shilan called her and asked her to find a way to protect Su Manyu's mother and daughter.

Miss Chen didn't have the time, and even if she had time, she wouldn't take care of those two women who strictly speaking had an unclear relationship with Li Xiao.

It is true to say so, but when Su Manyu's mother and daughter show up, even if Chen Jiuge doesn't want to care about it, the Li family can't avoid it, but Fu Qingcheng is desperate to welcome Su Manyu into the door.

To be precise, what Fu Qingcheng wants to protect is not Su Manyu, but her own grandson who Su Manyu may be pregnant with.

Of course, this reason must never be told to anyone.

Just like Su Manyu would never tell anyone, she and Li Xiao actually had no substantive contact at all.

Also like Su Manyu's mother, she would not tell anyone that she was the one who was really pregnant with the child, caused this murder, and violated the rules of human ethics.

On this night, the little bodyguard Yang Yang was finally treated, and Fu Qingcheng vowed to keep Su Manyu safe no matter what, Su's mother was quiet, just like her name, and left Li's house and her daughter again alone.

Just because she has no face to face anyone.

It is very easy for a person to want to disappear.

And if you want to find her again, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky.

Even if Li Xiao was beaten to death, he would never have imagined that the task of finding Su's mother would fall on him.

"Li Xiao, we are still investigating what happened during the three days you disappeared. At present, only Ms. Tranquility knows the inside story, and we need to find her. However, the work of finding someone must be done in secret. After all, we still have You have to consider the attitude of the Su family in southern Sichuan. Find her and take her to Kurk City in Central Asia to hide for a while, that's what you need to do."

On the first day Guo Lin led the team to Jiangnan University, he made an appointment with Li Xiao alone and said these words.

Whether he can remember who Guo Lin is, and why the other party should arrange things for him so naturally, is no longer Li Xiao's concern.

He just finally understood one thing.

The person who accompanied him in those few days was not Su Manyu, but Tranquility.

(End of this chapter)

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