The toughest man in the city

Chapter 541 Finding Fu Qingcheng

Chapter 541 Finding Fu Qingcheng
Li Xiao was indeed sold out, but he still can't remember who sold him out.

On a jungle-covered island, signs of restricted areas can be seen everywhere.

On the east side of the island, inside a seemingly ordinary low mountain, a building full of modern technology is built in the hollowed out mountain.

Listening to Guo Lin's report, Zhao Can couldn't help shaking his head and giving a wry smile.

"I can't find that kid everywhere. Why did he go to the south of the Yangtze River and get mixed up with a group of students? What is he thinking?"

"Report to Zhao Shen. According to the information we obtained, that boy may have lost his memory."


Zhao Shen was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "It's good to have amnesia, you can just use it if you have amnesia, let that kid work honestly for us."

"Uh, Zhao Shen, what if he comes here to make trouble after he recovers his memory?"

When Guo Lin said this, he looked terrified.

It seemed that they had also come into contact with Li Xiao before, asking that guy to help with things without paying him, which caused quite a mess.

Zhao Shen was not afraid at all.

"It would be better if he really came to make a fuss. It would be a good thing for us to train our troops for free. However, we still have to think about how to arrange him. The Jiangnan Diling has been unstable recently. If the kid has a chance to go in , who knows what will happen. Guo Lin, you lead the team to take over the work of Jiangnan Diling. You must not let that guy go in at this time. It just happens that the problems on the Persian side are left to him to solve."

In a few words, Zhao Shen settled the work arrangement.

Guo Lin nodded approvingly. There is no one more suitable than Li Xiao for the tasks in Persia.

That's the problem left over from the Zi-[-] satellite last time. How can this kid do things without doing a complete set.

With a decision in mind, Guo Lin turned to another question.

"Zhao Shen, the international exchange competition in three months' time has been confirmed, and the location is chosen to be in the Amazon jungle. But according to the information we have received, the situation there is very unstable. Look, do you want to send someone there to investigate in advance?"

"It's up to you, but remember, you must not take risks."


Guo Lin raised his hand as a military salute, turned around and went out.

Zhao Shen sat on the office chair, tapped the table with his fingers and thought for a long time, picked up the phone on the table, and dialed a number.

No one knows who the call was made to and what was said.

The only thing that is certain is that Zhao Shen got permission to arrange Li Xiao's life for the next half year.

Poor Boss Li didn't know what he was about to experience, so he became a teacher at Jiangnan University in a daze, feeling... not bad.

When he came here to deliver a takeaway before, it was because he went to see those beautiful girls.

Now put on a camouflage outfit and stand next to the training ground, the eyes of countless beautiful girls linger on him.

This is life.

In addition, facing Yue Tian's group of guys who caused him trouble before, he can clean up as he wants now, and there is an honest reason called strengthening training.

The days passed quickly, and Li Xiao didn't think there was anything wrong with such a life.

Occasionally, some fragmented people and objects appeared in his mind, which also proved that his memory was gradually recovering.

Gradually, the impression of a person's name became more and more profound in his mind.

That person was Su Manyu.

Li Xiao couldn't remember which night he woke up from his dream, lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought.

In the dream, he seemed to see himself saving a woman from several human traffickers. He had the feeling that it wasn't the human traffickers but a poisonous snake that came out of nowhere.Anyway, no matter what it is, dreaming of a hero saving the beauty is quite weird enough.

What's even more weird is that he knew that the woman was Su Manyu, but why did he always feel that there was a big gap between the two Su Manyu in his dream?

Yep, just two.

One he saw with his own eyes in Qinghe, and he saw it again in his dreams these days.

And the other is Su Manyu who was by his side with Qing Wu to help him recover during the few days when he was unconscious when he came back from the dead.

He was sure that the two were not the same person, but all his memories told him that they were all in Su Man's language.

He also tried to ask Qing Wu, but the answer Qing Wu gave him might as well not be.

"You say yes, you say yes, you say no, you don't."

Just one sentence sent him away.

Li Xiao felt that Qing Wu might be jealous, it's scary for a woman to be jealous, so don't make trouble for yourself.

He slowly forgot about the strange question of "two Su Manyu", but in the far south of Sichuan, how could Su Manyu fade away so easily because of the troubles he was encountering at the moment.

On the Jiangchuan Expressway in the middle of the night, there was a crazy car chase scene.

The wound on the shoulder of the little bodyguard Yang Yang was still bleeding, but he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest. He stepped on the accelerator and drove forward frantically.

In the back seat, Su Manyu's mother and daughter crouched under the seat with all their strength, and there was no trace of the panic of ordinary women in life-threatening situations on their faces.

The mother and daughter have already passed the stage of fear, and now there is only resentment in their hearts.

In the rear, three unlicensed cars were loaded with an unknown number of people, each with murderous looks on their faces.

Su Manyu and the others were chased and killed by none other than their closest relatives in this world.

The Su family sent out their most elite home guards, as well as powerful killers they hired on the international platform, to form a pursuit team, all seeking the lives of the mother and daughter.

Su Manyu's father, Su Zhicheng, faced this situation and only said a word.

"Leave the whole body alone."

What is the reason that makes a man so determined to let his wife and daughter die together?
Su Manyu only thought that it was the relationship between her and Li Xiao that made the Su family lose face, which led to the current bad results.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I got you into trouble."

"Silly boy, is there any trouble between us? What's more, it's because of me that you suffer together."

Su's mother's voice trembled a little, and only she knew in her heart that Su Manyu could have become a child that the Su family valued very much because of Li Xiao's previous company listing.

But who would have imagined that a certain hateful guy would actually cause a huge trouble in her body during those few days of ignorance.

When this trouble could no longer be concealed, Su's father's anger turned into the current pursuit, and even Su Manyu couldn't let it go.

Su's mother never expected that after so many years of love between husband and wife, she would be put to death without even giving her a chance to explain.

Then she has nothing to worry about, why should she blame herself for that cruel man.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand and patted the driver's seat.

"Yang Yang, hold on a little longer. Go to Jiangnan and go directly to Fu Qingcheng. She will definitely protect us."

(End of this chapter)

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