Chapter 255
do not know?
Can Ning Xiaoxi be more nonsense.

Li Xiao swears, this is the worst joke he has ever heard in his life, it made him not even want a mobile phone.

"Who are you engaged to, you don't know?"

"My dad asked me to choose, and I don't know those people, and I'm too lazy to choose, so it's just whatever I want."

"Heh, heh, you are the real Ning Xiaoxi."

That's right, in this world, I'm afraid that only an emotional idiot like Ning Xiaoxi doesn't care about lifelong events at all.

But what else could Li Xiao say.

Do you want to foolishly advise Miss Ning to choose a good son-in-law?
Stop messing around, he's not qualified for that.

He is just a small person, and Ning Xiaoxi and Ning Xiaoxi are people from two worlds, and he has no control over other people's lives.

"Miss Ning, when you get engaged, I will definitely go to congratulate you."

"Tch, you think I want to see you. Well, remember to bring some fun gifts, preferably a few days in advance, and I will show you around Chang'an City. Should I throw away the clothes I bought for you last time? When you get back to Chang'an, I'll send you a few more."

Soon, the call ended.

Ning Xiaoxi looked at the blacked-out phone screen, her smiling face gradually calmed down.

When I was on the phone with that guy just now, I was obviously very happy, why did I feel empty when I hung up the phone?

Li Xiao also felt empty in his heart.

Should not be ah.

How can I feel lost because Ning Xiaoxi is getting engaged.

No, it should be that the funds that Kelly promised were not in place, which made me feel panicked.

Li Xiao shook his head, and quickly determined the reason for his bad mood.

He called Princess Kaili and asked for two things. One was an order for Cheng Cheng. It had been delivered, but the money he borrowed had not yet been received.

He didn't care about the conversation between Cheng Cheng upstairs and Ferdinand from the Ouhuang Group. He walked out of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical and returned to his company's office. Kelly sent him a surprise.

There is a saying that when looking at a beauty under the lamp, the more you look at it, the more energetic you will be.

Although it was broad daylight and the lights were not turned on, the sunlight streamed in from the south-facing window, casting a special radiance on Sister Yi's body. Li Xiao just looked at it so quietly, he was so fascinated.

Now Sister Yi has lost the sense of inferiority that she involuntarily leaked when she first came to the city, she is working hard to learn business management, and she is taking on the work that Li Xiao didn't want her to take on.

In fact, during the days when my mother died of illness, Sister Yi was very confused.

She didn't know how to live alone after all the people closest to her in the world left her.

I have been away from society for so long that I even thought about going with my mother.

Fortunately, Li Xiao brought her out and gave her some goals in life. She didn't even know what she could get from being the general manager of Xiaolong Company, and she never talked about salary and annual salary. It was very simple. Just to get the job done.

When the afterglow of the setting sun became more and more sparse, Sister Yi finally turned over the last page of the pile of documents.

With a smile full of accomplishment on his face, he raised his arms and stretched, then froze.

"Xiao Zi, why are you still here?"

"Huh? I, I've been here all the time."

Li Xiaomeng came back to his senses, unknowingly felt that he was here watching Sister Yi work all afternoon.

Sister Yi knew that Li Xiao had been here, but she devoted herself to her work, thinking that Li Xiao had already left, she never expected to see him when she looked up.

After a simple conversation between the two, they fell silent.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Li Xiao suddenly wanted to slap himself hard, secretly hated that his mind was full of stupid things this afternoon, and that was his sister-in-law who treated him like a younger brother!

The gesture of raising her hand to light her face made Sister Yi chuckle: "Xiao Zi, are you going home for dinner today? I just happen to be going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables."

Sister Yi lived in the house Li Xiao bought, and although she didn't say anything, all she did these days was to take care of Li Xiao's daily life as much as possible.

Li Xiao is also lazy now, eating the food made by Sister Yi, he feels like going home, so he doesn't want to be like before, trying to please a certain eldest lady all day long.

But not today.

"Sister Yi, you go back first. I still have something to do in the company, I don't know when it will be."

"Well, if you need to go out to socialize, don't drink too much."

Sister Yi asked softly, got up and left.

The conversation between the two was like warm boiled water with no nutrition, but Li Xiao just liked this feeling.

Standing up and standing in front of the window, seeing Sister Yi, who had already walked out of the company gate, blending into the crowd, a smile appeared on her face.

But soon, the smile disappeared, his gaze shifted slightly, and he landed on a black car on the side of the road early, with a license plate starting with the word "Shanghai", moving slowly in the traffic that was not yet congested, as if Just like following Sister Yi.

Who is that?

Li Xiao's figure flickered, like a civet cat, he jumped directly from the window.

Fortunately, he was relatively fast, grabbed the sewer pipe outside the building wall, and landed in the blink of an eye, without attracting too many people's attention.

If someone saw someone jump from the fifth floor and was safe and sound, and took a video, it would probably make headlines.

So many passers-by didn't notice Li Xiao, and the people in the black car in front couldn't possibly know that there was a killing god following behind.

The driver was silent, but there was a skinny guy on the left back seat, holding a binoculars, looking forward, shouting excitedly: "Master Cheng, she is a beautiful woman, the boss of Xiaolong Company is always a beautiful woman ……ah!"

A slap on the back of the guy's head interrupted his words.

Long Zaicheng grabbed the binoculars and looked forward through the car window. Although he could only see Sister Yi's back, it was enough to fill any man's heart with beautiful fantasies.

"It's really a beauty. Did you go to the vegetable market? You can start a company, and such a virtuous and virtuous beauty, this is my dish!"

Long Zaicheng cheered excitedly.

The boy next to him immediately flattered her: "Young Master Zaicheng, don't worry, I will ask someone to tie up that little lady."

He slapped the little brother on the back of the head again with a harder slap than before.

"Bastard, I'm an upright gentleman, how can I do such a thing of robbing women. I want to pursue, I want to marry that beauty as my wife!"

"Yes, yes, Young Master Zai Cheng is a gentleman."

The person who was temporarily recruited to be Long Zaicheng's younger brother, hadn't figured out the temperament of the eldest young master, flattered him on the horse's leg, and hurriedly began to reflect on himself.

Long Zaicheng didn't bother to talk to him, so he sat back with an inexplicable happy smile on his face, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, brother, I've already found out who bullied my sister-in-law. It's your younger brother and sister who did it. Let's forget about it."

Just this one sentence almost made Long Zicheng on the opposite side vomit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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