The toughest man in the city

Chapter 254 The Strange Engagement

Chapter 254 The Strange Engagement

Some things have to be explained back twenty years ago.

Back then, Ning Lao and Ning Guanming paid a huge price and promised certain departments that they would guarantee Ning Xiaoxi's consideration, so that this lovely girl could stay at home.

Of course, they didn't pay in vain, and they also received huge preferential treatment because of it.

The reason why the Ning Group has grown and grown is that so many people in the Ning family have a good life. To put it bluntly, it is the vested interests derived from their promise to protect Ning Xiaoxi.

Profited, but failed to fulfill the promise.

This has caused dissatisfaction among some upper echelon figures.

Nowadays, Ning Xiaoxi no longer only brings benefits, but also brings huge risks.

Therefore, the Ning family must find someone who can share the risk with them.

Find a suitable husband's family for Ning Xiaoxi, and let that "husband's family" and the Ning family work together to protect Ning Xiaoxi.

This was a decision jointly made by all the senior Ning family members, including Mr. Ning and Ning Guanming, after returning from North Africa.

Ning Guanming loves his daughter, and Ning Lao loves his granddaughter. It is because of his love that he reluctantly made this decision.If Ning Xiaoxi is given up now, the disappearance of the Ning family's preferential treatment will be nothing. Ning Xiaoxi will definitely be taken away by the secret department and will never be able to live like a normal person again.

Very complicated layers of relationship entanglements.

After Mr. Ning made a decision, he couldn't bear to continue to participate in the following matters, so he left it to the boss and Ning Guanming to find a partner for Ning Xiaoxi.

But she never expected that after so many days, there was no result, so the date of engagement was confirmed first.

Is it funny?
Ning Lao asked.

Ning Guanming is miserable, it's really not funny, it's because Ning Xiaoxi doesn't have a fixed number.

"Father, we have chosen three partners for Xiaoxi. The first choice is Ye Lingtian from Jinghua Ye Family, the second is Chu Lingfeng from Jiangbei Chu Family, and the candidate is Duan Jiu from Dali Duan Family. What do you think?"

"I read?"

No matter how mature and prudent Ning Lao was, he was irritated by Ning Guanming's words.

"Choose a partner for Xiao Xi, let me see? For this kind of thing, you should ask Xiao Xi which one she likes!"

The old man was so angry that no one dared to look up.

Only Ning Xiaoxi stretched out her little hand to rub the old man's chest: "Grandpa, don't be angry. Dad has asked me a long time ago, but I'm not familiar with those people. So, whatever."


Ning Lao almost fell off his seat because of his granddaughter's words.

"Xiao Xi, don't mess around, this is a lifelong event."

"I know, but no matter how important it is for life, I don't know those people, and I don't know how to choose. You can just choose one for me, don't ask me."

Ning Xiaoxi looked so cute at this moment.

Mr. Ning was speechless.

Ning Guanming spread his hands helplessly, and said in his heart, Dad, you now know why.

We respect Xiao Xi's choice, but the problem is that girl didn't choose at all.

"Grandpa, I have no problem with what you want to do. I just want to ask, before your birthday, Grandpa, can I go to Qinghe."

"What are you going to Qinghe for?"


"Uh, no. It's a critical time, Xiao Xi, you'd better stop running around. Stay at home and go wherever you want after the engagement is over."

Ning Lao cruelly rejected Ning Xiaoxi's request.

There's no way, I'm old and I can't stand it, I'm really worried that Ning Xiaoxi will be kidnapped again.

Ning Xiaoxi pouted, no matter how willful she was, she would not go against her grandfather's wishes.

"Okay, grandpa, you talk about things, I'll go outside to relax."

After saying this, she got up and left.

So many people watched her leave the hall, and then collectively fell into a state of contemplation.

Who was the engagement for, why the protagonist left, leaving these supporting actors to discuss.

After a long silence, Elder Ning sighed, if there is an outstanding descendant in the family who can support the overall situation, why would he entrust the interests of the entire family on that child Xiao Xi.

"Jinghua is the safest place."

Mr. Ning said this softly, turned around and went to the back hall with his hands behind his back.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, that is, let Ning Guanming and the others locate Xiao Xi's engagement partner in Jinghua.

"Brother, I will trouble you to talk to Jinghua Ye's family."

"Well, third brother, fourth brother, I will go to Jinghua personally. You should handle the affairs here, and you must do it in a grand manner. Send invitations to as many places as possible."

The room was buzzing with chatter, returning to its normal rhythm of conversation.

Ning Xiaoxi really didn't care about that. When Ning Guanming arranged a blind date for her, she was not very enthusiastic, let alone now.

The only thing she cares about is Qinghe, what good deed Li Xiao has done.

After leisurely lying down in the garden gazebo, he took out his mobile phone and called someone.

"Li Xiao, tell me how you destroyed such a big club."

The moment the phone was connected, that was the first sentence.

Li Xiao was confused.

A few seconds ago, he was wondering what Ning Xiaoxi was calling now. It might be related to Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, but he didn't expect that she was asking some completely unrelated questions.

Putting aside the past, he had already dismissed Ning Xiaoxi by saying, "None of your business."

But what makes him feel good now? He also wants to hear other people compliment him. He also misses Miss Ning for some reason and wants to say a few more words.

So, of course, it is to tell his most wise and powerful side vividly.

"Ning Xiaoxi, that is to say, you weren't there at the time. If you were here, I guarantee that you would also feel what it means to be shocked. Alas, it's a pity that when I was so majestic, there was no little maid to beat my legs to express my admiration. Ning Xiaoxi , when will you return to Qinghe? Your presence cannot be ignored for me."

"Tch, Li Xiao, you are the little maid. If I were there, I would just wave my hand casually and burn down her clubhouse, everything will be settled, and you won't need to be so troublesome."

"Come on, the owner of the club is very powerful. You are not worthy of carrying someone's shoes."

"Li Xiao, haven't you seen me for a few days and you have become more capable? Believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

I don't know why, but Li Xiao didn't feel any barrier when talking to Ning Xiaoxi.

Bragging and farting are easy and refreshing.

It feels like the fatigue of these days has dissipated.

However, within a few seconds, Ning Xiaoxi on the other end of the phone suddenly lowered her voice a lot: "I can't go back to Qinghe now, or, Li Xiao, come to Chang'an to find me."

"Looking for you? No time. Hey, why can't you go back to Qinghe?"

"My family wants to get engaged to me, and I can't leave until the engagement is over."


Li Xiao's cell phone slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

At that moment, he felt as if he was suffocating for no reason, until Ning Xiaoxi's shouts came from the phone, and he woke up suddenly, and hurriedly picked up the phone.

"Ha, Miss Ning, congratulations to you. Which young master are you engaged to?"

Li Xiaoqiang smiled and asked casually, pretending to be indifferent.


"do not know."


Li Xiao's phone dropped again.

(End of this chapter)

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