The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1606 Superior Bamboo

Chapter 1606 Superior Bamboo

I don't know if the poisonous Tiandi Bamboo still meets the needs of the people who collect the materials.

More importantly, the bamboo has been planted in just half a year.

Not even one year old, it is very uncertain whether it can be exchanged for more contribution points.

But it's better than contributing after only one month of growth.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao also decided to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. At least for now, he can't think of other things to improve his ability.

The only way to do that is to transport these bamboos in exchange for some contribution points temporarily, and see what can be done.

With these thoughts in mind, he walked to the small bamboo forest.

The small bamboo forest has extended outside his residence, and the large forest looks unclear.

And every tree is quite tall.

There is no special means of transportation for this thing, and he can only carry it to the material exchange office by himself. It is impossible for people to go to his own residence to pick these bamboos.

He had no choice but to pull out those bamboos one by one.

Fortunately, Li Xiao is now a cultivator, and his ability is also at the stage of the second-rank Transcendent Realm.

Otherwise, he really has nothing to do with these bamboos that are taller than towering trees.

After trying his own strength, it was no problem to lift ten heaven and earth bamboos, and he didn't even bother to remove the branches and leaves on them, so he just piled them together, found a few ropes to tie them firmly, carried them on his body and stepped forward. go outside.

As I walked along, thinking about my future problems, I actually felt a little depressed.

It's just because he feels that his current level of practice is actually quite reasonable.

On the one hand, there is Fengwu Nine Heavens to practice, on the other hand, to constantly learn the basic knowledge of medicine pills, and on the other hand, to enhance the power of the magic weapon in one's hand through spiritual refining.

These things have been done quite proficiently, and used properly, once all his things are formed, then his own ability will definitely achieve a qualitative leap.

only.The appearance of Li Qinghe completely broke his peaceful state and original rhythm.

But there is no other way, if the rhythm is broken, let's adapt again.

It was really impossible to think about more, just when Li Xiao was walking to the material exchange place for convenience.

The material department is actually surrounded by many people.

You must know that the material department can be regarded as the most densely populated place in the entire Third Academy, just because there are countless people here, and they have to search for or plant natural materials and treasures here in exchange for contribution points. Use contribution points to exchange for other things you need.

This whole process is actually like a trading market.

It's just that this kind of transaction is one-sided. Whether the things they bring are good or bad, all need to be evaluated by the old professor in the materials department.

The better the evaluation, the more contribution points you get, and the more resources you can exchange for.

And if the evaluation is not good, it means that the hype you said will not necessarily get any good evaluation. What's more important is that those good things you think you have worked so hard to make are likely to become the old man's mouth. Completely useless stuff, also subject to other people's jokes.

At this moment, the elder professor was carefully observing the agate flower sent by a student.

"Not bad, this winter ling flower has already reached the medium quality. How about this, I will give you a medium quality certification, I hope you will work harder in the future. Don't think that this time you have the medium quality certification, you can fully plant it Medium-quality Tiancaidibao came out. You know, the quality certification is what I said, but in fact, the amount of profit is the testimony of Tiandi. It's useless, understand?"

Following the words of the elder professor, the young girl opposite who looked so pretty quickly nodded seriously and shouted loudly: "Thank you, the elder professor."

As the little girl left, a young man who looked a bit sloppy came right behind.

The young man just put a Fire Ganoderma lucidum planted by himself in front of him, and the elder professor just glanced at it casually.He yelled angrily: "You dare to put something of inferior quality in front of me. Take it away, take it away."

The young man on the opposite side collapsed a bit.

"Professor Elder, take a closer look. The potency of my medicine has been compared before. In fact, it is not much different from that of the female classmate before. Why is mine inferior?"

"I said you are inferior quality, that is inferior quality, don't come here to dirty my eyes with these things, and leave quickly."

Without saying a word, the elder professor directly gave the quality certification and waved his hand vigorously to drive the people away.

The team behind was still going on, and many people were trembling with fear, fearing that they might accidentally offend the elder professor.

After a short time, another young man finally came to the front. The man held a small bundle of green bamboo in his hand, placed it lightly in front of the elder professor, and said in a vibrating voice: "Please ask the elder professor to check it. It took me half a year to plant the Bamboo from Heaven and Earth. As for the quality, you should carefully evaluate it."

Those bamboos look quite extraordinary.

The elder professor's eyes lit up, and then he picked up a pair of reading glasses, put them on his face and rubbed the branches of the bamboo from the beginning to the end, and nodded vigorously.

"Not bad, not bad, it can be regarded as a top-notch quality. Student Fade Chen, you are worthy of being a young talent that we need to attach great importance to. Keep working hard!"

Fade Chen nodded happily, raised his head and looked to the other side behind him.

Ge Dazhuang, who did not know when he also became a formal student of the third academy, snorted, and handed a bundle of bamboo to the elder professor.

It is also natural bamboo, but the color is a bit weird, it is obviously some green bamboo, but the flat leaves are a little red.

The elder professor's eyes flickered, studied it carefully, then shook his head helplessly after nodding.

"Yes, yes, through special planting methods, some fire element aura has been added to these heaven and earth bamboos. This makes the heaven and earth bamboos have some special spirituality, but it is a pity that they only focus on the ratio of the fire element, but forget the most important thing, heaven and earth. The basic quality of bamboo. If you just talk about the basic quality, it can only be regarded as a medium quality, but because of this special mutation, I will also consider it a high quality for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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