The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1605 This thing is poisonous

Chapter 1605 This thing is poisonous
It is necessary to know that all the students of the entire Third Academy need to participate in the annual competition.

This is a mandatory requirement, and it is also a great opportunity for everyone. Everyone will go all out. Li Xiao can't believe that there is the same result if he goes all out and others go all out.

He was a little uncertain, so it was difficult to answer what Li Qinghe said at this moment.

Li Qinghe frowned, he didn't know what Li Xiao was thinking about.

It's just that Li Xiao's behavior at this moment seems a bit cowardly, which doesn't fit his perception of a genius at all.

"Okay, Li Xiao, since you are still hesitating here, then I will tell you. If you can fulfill the requirements I mentioned, everything will be easy to talk about in the future, even if I personally take you to practice.

But if you can't make it, don't think that I just simply throw you out of the manor for the kind of request I mentioned.

You have been here for a year and a half, and the resources of the entire manor you have used up cannot be counted.

For a person like you, it may be impossible for others not to care, but I care very much.

You also know that I am a powerful alchemist. From the beginning to the end, I have never practiced a method of alchemy, that is, using people to make alchemy.

If you make me feel very dissatisfied, your life was saved by me, so I don’t care what impact it will have on you. Then the final result is that I plan to throw you into the alchemy furnace and see. What kind of elixir can you, a guy who has eaten so many treasures, birds and animals, be able to practice?

Don't worry, my technical level is also a well-known guarantee in the entire Earth Spirit.

The elixir that you practiced is definitely of high quality. "

When Li Qinghe said these words, his tone became gloomy, and he exuded a special pressure, which made Li Xiao feel cold from his back to the top of his head.

He never thought that when someone threatened him, he could shake his heart.

This was unlike anyone Li Xiao had met before.

He even felt that when he faced any powerful enemy in the past, he didn't care about the feeling of the other party's harsh words.

Just because he was the one who put such a strong pressure on others in the past, he never expected that after coming here, it would be someone else who put such a strong pressure on him, but he has no strength to resist at all.

He was in a tense mood, trying to resist this special feeling, but the more he resisted, the more pressure he felt around him.

It made him feel like he couldn't breathe.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I am covered in cold sweat and feel a particularly exhausted feeling.

But unfortunately, I can feel my cultivation realm, and it seems that I have obtained a powerful improvement at this moment.

This is what is called the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation.

The greater the pressure, the greater the rebound.

Until he felt that he had strength, he suddenly raised his head and looked forward, but he never expected that Li Qinghe had long since disappeared.

In fact, Li Qinghe came here to put a strong pressure on Li Xiao, to let Li Xiao bounce back infinitely, to see what kind of situation this guy can grow to.

Li Qinghe's purpose, Li Xiao can probably guess.

Even if Li Qinghe didn't put any pressure on him, he still felt that he had to participate in the competition if he heard the news of this big competition and had rich resources to get tilted.

It's just that before, when he took the initiative to participate in the competition, he absolutely didn't care about the result.

Even if the ranking won is not good, he will face it with ease.

But it's different now, Li Qinghe clearly asked him to be the top five in the entire Third Academy.

To be honest, as long as it is before the ranking test, the pressure of competition must be greater. Fortunately, Li Qinghe still has room for it, and he didn't say that he must get the first place.

Otherwise, Li Xiao felt that he might as well go directly to the alchemy furnace and let Li Qinghe refine him into a elixir.

Not much to say, now that the current situation has occurred, Li Xiao's mood that originally wanted to relax has become tense again.

It's just that the nervousness this time is not at all about how to get more resources, but shifted all the focus to how to participate in that competition.

To be honest, as long as you get a good ranking in the big competition, resources and so on are simply trivial.

But how can I improve my practice realm as soon as possible?

He thought about this question carefully, and his eyes fell on the surroundings, and suddenly he saw the tall bamboos in the sky not far away.

It is said that these bamboos have been growing here for half a year, and each of them has grown to an unimaginable level.

It is said that these heaven and earth bamboos will definitely get contribution points after they are sent over. At the beginning, the simple heaven and earth bamboos conceived, and the contribution points obtained were still small, but if the earth bamboos were conceived for half a year, the contribution points must be a lot. .

Just because of these natural treasures, the longer the planting time, the longer the year, the better the quality.

Therefore, the higher the contribution points that can be exchanged.

A little contribution in exchange can also help people, exchange for certain resources within the academy, or learn certain secret methods to improve their own abilities.

What Li Xiao thinks now is to have contribution points, and then go to the Treasure Pavilion to study what kind of things he can choose to improve his abilities.

Now that he thought of this, he finally found something real to do, and walked to the front of the small bamboo forest.

In fact, at the very beginning, Li Xiao didn't plant a lot of bamboo in the photo bamboo forest.

But after half a year of growth, coupled with the fact that he refined the soil, watered it with the refined water, and buried the bones of the jade essence, a unique aura was formed to nurture these Tiantian bamboos.

It simply made these bamboos grow to an unimaginable level.

Ordinary bamboo is green in color, which is known to everyone.

The heaven and earth bamboos planted by Li Xiao have turned dark green, as if they are poisonous.

Li Xiao suddenly remembered that he took a bite of these bamboos before.

The bitter taste was almost the same as that of poison. He felt that it was probably his previous ability of being invulnerable to all poisons. He kept squatting on his body to keep him safe. If he didn’t have that ability of invulnerability, maybe One bite of the bamboo that day, he died of poison on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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