The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1424 Unreasonable

Chapter 1424 Unreasonable
An Jing hated that guy even more in her heart, but faced her father's dissatisfaction, she remained silent and refused to respond a word.

"Why don't you talk? I ask you now, throw away all the messy things in the house immediately, don't let me see upset. You make me want to go back to this house even more. "

With just this sentence, An Jing suddenly had tears rolling back and forth in her eyes.

"Dad, what have you done since your mother got sick? You just came to see her once when he was just in a coma. Where have you been all this time? Ask yourself, are you worthy of us? What did I do? , I am very clear in my heart, I don’t need you to worry about you, and don’t talk to me. I bought those things at home, and I will do everything I can to save my mother. If you dare to throw them away, That is killing my mother. I, I will sever the father-daughter relationship with you!"

The inner depression that had been quiet for a long time finally broke out completely at this moment.

An Ruran didn't expect her daughter to say such words at all, she got angry and raised her arm to hit someone, but she saw how stubborn her daughter was.

I can't help but can't make any movements in my hands.

In the end, he could only sigh helplessly.

"Okay. You can make as much trouble as you want, but you can never get a penny from me in the future."

An Ruran was very angry, but the only thing she could do was to put an end to Anjing's misbehavior in terms of funds.

But the problem is that the money on his side can not be given to Jing Jing, but Jing Jing has been managing the income of his mother's company, and he has no way to manage it. If the company under Jing Jing's mother's name goes bankrupt, to be honest, it will hurt him. It has a certain impact, but it is impossible for him to completely snatch that company over at this time, that is equivalent to snatching business with his own daughter, which is simply a joke for others.

He had no choice but to forcibly tell Jing Jing that the company must be managed well and there must be no problems.

But now quiet, what kind of mood do you still have to take care of the company's affairs?

She didn't want to hear An Ruran say those meaningless words anymore, so she turned her head and wanted to go to see her mother in the ward.

An Ruran followed from behind. Since he was here, he really should go and take a look, but he hadn't been here again in these years, so what was the point of appearing here at this time.

The only thing he could do was to stand outside the ward and watch him from a distance. He stood quietly at the door and watched him for a while before An Ruran said: "Go in, I'll just take a look outside and leave. By the way, you Remember to think clearly, make a decision as soon as possible between you and Zhang Peng, and I will arrange everything for you."

It's this sentence again, you must know that the reason why Zhang Peng was able to stay by Jing Jing's side all the time, and Jing Jing couldn't force him to drive him away, was because An Ruran, the father, always regarded Zhang Peng as Jackie Chan's son-in-law.

In fact, Zhang Pengjing's great ability can be seen at a glance. The other party has no ability at all, but his family is also capable enough to help An Ruran take a step forward in his career.

To be honest, it is enough for a father to exchange his daughter's lifelong happiness for his own career success.

Jing Jing didn't want to say anything anymore, she turned around and entered the ward, and closed the door suddenly.

Fortunately, this door is not that kind of low-quality door, even if the door is closed too much, it doesn't make any too much noise.

But the people in the house did indeed hear the sound of someone entering the door.

Always be with you.The auntie nurse next to An Ruran's mother slowly got up and looked back at this time, nodded slightly at An Jing twice, and walked outside. Two women together.

Others will not bother them.

Jing Jing looked at the mother who had been in a coma for a long time on the hospital bed and hadn't woken up. She could only rely on the ventilator and nutrient solution to maintain her life, her eyes turned red instantly.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since her mother put her arms around him.

After so many years of hard work, with no results at all, he almost collapsed and gave up.

Sitting beside the hospital bed, talking softly, while outside the ward, An Ruran watched everything that happened in the room, and her mood became quite bad.

In fact, he was also a little touched. If he didn't have any feelings, he wouldn't have never married a new person for so many years.At that time, T just wanted to open the door and go in, hug the two most important women in his life together, and comfort them, but he never thought of that.

The next moment, An Ruran's mood changed completely after An Jing suddenly took out two special talisman papers from the small bag she was carrying.

How long has it been since then, and Jing Jing still believes in such weird things!

Doesn't he consider that those are all lies?

Sure enough, what Zhang Peng said was right. Jing Jing was so crazy that he couldn't control his mood at all. At this time, he had to make changes. He couldn't let Jing Jing stay with his mother like this anymore. There was only a wedding. Only when someone takes care of the tranquility can everything become normal.

Especially when seeing An Jing tremblingly sticking one of the compresses on her mother's body, An Ruran had only one feeling at that time, that is to open the door and go in and scold An Jing loudly, which is unreasonable!

But never thought that what would happen next moment was completely beyond An Ruran's imagination.

Even the tranquility who has done all this can't understand that what he has done has produced such a strange effect.

The ordinary piece of talisman paper could even be said to be just a piece of torn paper as Zhang Peng said, but when it was pasted on An Jing's mother, a special change appeared.

In the blink of an eye, countless sparkling rays of light erupted from that piece of paper, making the whole room brighten up with a feeling of coolness like water, permeating the whole body.

Even though Jingjing was not at the center of those special changes, he was still affected by the fresh and rich atmosphere surrounding him. He unconsciously took a deep breath and felt refreshed, as if he was still tired from the past few days. All the pressure that had accumulated in my heart over the years was released at once, and I felt physically and mentally comfortable as never before.

And as time went by, those blooming rays of light gradually began to converge towards the mother's body, and gradually merged into it in a way that even science could not explain.

In fact, An Jing doesn't quite believe in this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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