The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1423 Zhang Peng Whistleblower

Chapter 1423 Zhang Peng Whistleblower
After all, he doesn't know what everything that happened here means. Once the conspiracy made by some people or everything he encountered was discovered long ago, and if some people tried to plot against him, he would also be at this time Can't get out of it.

After searching for several days in a row, she couldn't find a satisfactory place to live. Just when she was about to give up, she no longer had any hope for any real estate agency. She just followed her own feeling and walked around aimlessly.

He never expected that a small courtyard exuding a faint aura appeared in front of him so abruptly.

Especially when he saw the words "This room is for rent" posted on the door of this small courtyard, Li Xiao could hardly describe the excitement in his heart.

There is only one thing in his mind, that is, no matter how much it costs, he must rent this place, because this is the place he needs most.

Thinking of this, he stepped over, raised his hand and knocked on the courtyard door.

After a few times, a shout came from inside: "Who are you looking for?"

Accompanied by this sound, the courtyard door slowly opened, and a middle-aged woman who appeared to be in her 50s stood inside the door, looking Li Xiao up and down.

Li Xiao forgot to answer the other party's question for a while, just because his eyes followed the middle-aged woman opposite, and landed in the courtyard inside, and suddenly saw a special herb growing in the small flowerbed of the courtyard. .

He didn't know the name of that herb, but he only knew that all the knowledge points imprinted in his mind fully showed that all the effects of this special herb were as if it were tailor-made for him.

I never expected to see such a precious thing in a place like this. It’s simply unbelievable.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, then turned his head and looked directly at the middle-aged woman opposite, and said quickly: "Auntie, I saw it said there is a house for rent. I am here to rent a house."

"You want to rent a room?"

Hearing Li Xiao's words, the middle-aged woman took two steps back with suspicious eyes, looked Li Xiao up and down for a long time, and then nodded.

"Okay, then come in and take a look."

After entering inside, Li Xiao realized that this small courtyard has actually existed for a long, long time, and it is definitely a courtyard that has been handed down from ancient times.

It's just that it has gone through wind and frost, and has never experienced demolition, so it has been preserved.

Now everyone likes to live in a residential building, and there is a property to deal with all problems. Naturally, not many people would like this kind of exclusive courtyard of a small family. No matter what they do, they have to think about it by themselves.

But this is exactly what Li Xiao wants most.

That middle-aged woman is the landlord of this detached house. Of course, the name on the property certificate may not be this woman's, it must be the name of an old man in her family. It's just that this house has been vacant for a long time, and no one has come. live.

Moreover, the small flower garden in the yard was always planted many years ago, and no one cared about it anymore. Some people have rented here intermittently, but they didn’t live for long, so it’s just No damage has been done to anything here.

The room was relatively clean, and Li Xiao was very satisfied.

As for the rent, in fact, the middle-aged woman at that time knew that Li Xiao was still a student from the way she looked, so she hesitated for a while and decided to lower the rent a little, hoping to rent it out as soon as possible.

Just because a house like hers is listed in an intermediary, few people are willing to help them. Finally, someone took the initiative to find it. If it can be rented out, that would be the best.

Never expected Li Xiao to be straightforward, since the rent was fixed, he paid two years' rent directly.

This made the landlady feel quite happy.

"Everything in this house is old and worthless. There are weeds in the yard. You can watch yourself clean it up. Everything else doesn't matter. Well, first of all, let me explain something. What is broken? Compensation. Of course, we are not the ones who care about this little money, as long as you don't mean intentional damage, then there is no problem."

The middle-aged aunt seemed very relieved, just because Li Xiao was so forthright, and even paid a lot of rent, which was enough to cover the compensation funds for any furniture here.

Then she is completely relieved.

So just like that, Li Xiao's single new home fell into his hands, and here would be the beginning of a brand new life.

It was during the period when Li Xiao was renting the house.

In Anjia's private nursing home, when An Jing came back here, the first thing she saw was her own father.

Ever since her mother fell into a coma on the hospital bed with a headache, Jing Jing rarely saw her father, just because men always put their career first, and put all their energy on work, completely ignoring him. anything in the house.

But she never expected that he would come today. An Jing was a little at a loss. After all, when facing her father, even a man who didn't care about their mother and daughter's life at all, she was still a little nervous. She lowered her head and asked softly. Said: "Dad, why are you here?"

A gentle question, in exchange for An Ruran's serious response from An Jing's father.

"If I don't come again, I don't know what you are doing? What's going on with those messy things at home? That's how you take care of your mother. "

It's no wonder An Ruran is so angry, it's just because there are many unknown objects placed in their home.

All of them were bought back by An Jing, who said they were useful things that could improve her mother's condition, but in An Ruran's view, those things were completely rubbish, a family full of superstition.

It stands to reason that An Jing, a young man who has received a higher education, should no longer believe in such crap, but she never expected that her daughter would go further and further down this road, and go too far.

Especially today I heard from my subordinates that there was a large transfer of 50 yuan in the quiet account.

An Ruran was a little puzzled, is there any investment at this time?

Thinking of calling Jing Jing, who knows that Zhang Peng was the first to call him, and he opened his mouth and told him that Jing Jing bought some special talisman papers outside, and people cheated him of so much money. .

How can An Ruran accept this matter easily? No matter how much money the family has, they can't support An Jing's way of spending. Quiet dissatisfaction.

An Jing understood the purpose of An Ruran's coming here, and immediately understood that Zhang Peng had gone to inform her.

(End of this chapter)

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