Chapter 1380 Check

There are specialized personnel to communicate with the leading teachers in the school about how to hide information.

After Captain Wu just looked around and turned around for several times, his eyes suddenly settled on the wide road separated from the school by a wall. The road was nothing special, but on the other side of the road was a large wilderness forest.

Captain Wu Gang frowned involuntarily, and patted the shoulders of the players around him.

"What's the place over there?"

"There is no team to report, there is a wild forest in the suburbs, and on the other side of the forest is Tangwang Village, which is about to be demolished."

"Tangwang Village? All right, come two people and follow me over there to have a look."

talking.Captain Wu took the lead to go there.

In fact, the team members under him may not know what happened there, but Captain Wu was on duty today and knew a little about what happened at the Tangwang Village demolition site. The stone coffin appeared out of thin air, which caused quite a shock. It's just that it's a special event and cannot be detected by a normal case manager like him.

But anyway, I can know a little bit of information, and it happened near Tangwang Village again, something that can't be understood by normal thinking.

No one knew that there would be dedicated staff here who would walk in the direction of Tangwang Village in this way.

At the same time, in Tangwang Village on the other side, the old man Wang's house was screaming loudly.

It was the screaming sound of the eldest daughter-in-law of Old Wang's family, who was screaming in pain when she was about to give birth. In fact, anyone who heard this sound would feel that the other party was in great pain, but Old Man Wang's family looked full of hope.

It's just because in the past, people were dying, and they didn't even have the strength to shout.

Now that they can shout it out, it fully proves that the old god inside really used quite powerful means to help their eldest daughter-in-law regain her physical strength.

If the delivery can go smoothly, then the Great Elder will be the real savior of their family.

However, not long after, another cry broke out, and after the cry ended, the room returned to silence again.

Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment, and the old man Wang panicked in his heart. He always felt that he would have given birth at this time, right?
Unexpectedly, the door opened, and the old man Li stepped out.

At this time, old man Li looked calm, but his eyes were full of panic, because what the king did inside had completely surpassed what he, as a master of metaphysics, could do to save people with a master of traditional Chinese medicine. form hostage.

The elder could see clearly that this was not King Zhaoyang going to save people, but that he was trying every means possible to turn the ghost fetus carried by the mother into a very strong fetus.

To put it bluntly, it is this ghost fetus. If it is successfully produced, it will become a task that can grow into a very promising one.

But if King Zhaoyang wants to save people, he must not let the baby continue to grow in the mother's body.

This is equivalent to blocking the process of becoming a brilliant person who transcends ordinary existence and has infinitely broad future achievements.

It seems that King Zhaoyang didn't want that kind of result very much, but he had to save people, so he adopted a compromise method.That is, use the methods she can think of to stimulate the growth of the baby, on the one hand, without damaging the mother, and on the other hand, allow the baby to replenish the energy it really needs in the process before birth.

This requires them to continuously feed the mother with specially formulated drugs.

During the whole process, King Zhaoyang had given the woman an unknown number of unknown medicines.

The Great Elder was terrified when he saw it, because no matter what kind of medicine those medicines were, they might make people strong, or they might make people die.

After eating so many things, it doesn’t care about mutual generation and mutual restraint, just let that person or that baby excrete it by itself and take in the nutrients it needs.

This woman's body may take a long time to recuperate after giving birth.

And now the whole process has reached a critical moment, but it is a pity that many blindly critical drugs do not exist yet.

Therefore, King Zhaoyang decided to go out and look for it.

Only then did he order the Great Elder to go out and explain, leaving Shen Qingwu there to take care of the woman inside.

In fact, the Great Elder and King Zhaoyang had been rushing towards the ancestral grave in Tangwang Village in the blink of an eye.

Old man Wang naturally didn't know who else would be there in the open or in the dark. He just hurriedly followed when he heard what the great elder said and wanted to find a medicine.

Because this was a critical moment to save his grandson, he thought of helping whatever he could.

This saves the Great Elder and King Zhaoyang from taking action in person. After all, the area is all graves. If there is any misunderstanding, the identities of the Great Elder and King Zhaoyang are also quite taboo.

They don't want to get close to that area. With old man Wang as a conscious labor force, why not use it?
In fact, there are not many things needed, just the piece of soil that the old man Wang passed out when his daughter-in-law was in a coma.

To put it bluntly, the situation of the old man Wang's daughter-in-law is overcast.

And how this yin energy is transmitted into her body through the external environment is actually very simple, it is through the ground.

Soil is the foundation for the survival of all things. As long as you grab the earth pit with yin energy at that time, dig it out, take a handful of deep soil, and then find a living thing living in the soil, it will be enough to promote the evil spirit. , the key to the growth of the last film.

When the old man Wang understood what the Great Elder meant to let him go and dig the grave, to be honest, this ordinary old man also felt quite frightened.

It's just because what happened during the day today has created a considerable psychological shadow in his heart, and he really doesn't want to go near those evil places again.

He only thought about ending today's affairs quickly, and when he completely left Tangwang Village tomorrow, he didn't think about anything else.

But when the matter reached a critical step, it was also to save his eldest grandson. How could he give up so easily?

Only gritted his teeth, found a shovel and followed the direction of the elder, and headed towards the place where he should go. Heck, heck, there was only one person digging in the dark night, which was very strange.

The Great Elder stood beside him and watched quietly. King Zhaoyang's figure was hidden in the shadows, and the old man Wang couldn't see it.

But it is actually very close to the great elder.

The two lowered their heads slightly and communicated in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, why do I feel that someone has been here before? Have you seen the coffin in the ancestral grave of Old Man Wang's house before? It looks as if someone has moved it."

(End of this chapter)

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