The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1379 Horror Picture

Chapter 1379 Horror Picture

"But what I want to say is that I hope I don't do anything now and just watch quietly. Because I have heard that ghost fetuses have a special way of survival, which is to remove their internal organs in the mother's belly. Eat all the flesh and blood in the six organs, and then crawl out. He has been the most bloodthirsty existence since he was born, and also the most special existence in the world. If he can be allowed to give birth naturally and we control it, then this ghost fetus will definitely be born in the future. It will be a trump card in our hands, and maybe he will achieve greater things than King Soyang on behalf of him.”

King Zhaoyang is full of great expectations for an unborn child.

The Great Elder was speechless about this, one must know that there was a special ceremony for the succession of the Zhaoyang Kings of all dynasties.

That is to find one that can last forever among thousands of lives.

Perhaps some lives began to prepare before the previous King Zhaoyang showed any signs of leaving.

Others had to be searched for by the Great Elder due to emergencies.

In short, no matter where it is found, the continuation of this kind of life is to return to the Raging Fire Royal Court for a special inheritance ceremony, so that all the memories and abilities of the previous King Zhaoyang can be passed on.

Perhaps all that the Zhaoyang King in front of him was thinking about was actually looking for someone for himself who could inherit his mantle.

To be honest, there is no problem thinking about it this way.

But the problem is that the King Zhaoyang is only in his early 20s. Isn't it too early to think about these issues now?
Since this was King Zhaoyang's decision, Mr. Zhang couldn't express any objection.

He could only silently guard the door, waiting for a result to appear.

King Zhaoyang is starting to rescue people. At the same time, the atmosphere on the campus of Qinghe University, less than a few kilometers away, has become quite serious and tense.

On the lawn in a small corner behind a certain teaching building, more than a dozen staff members are busy nervously.

The surroundings were pulled up to cover the blockade within a full range of 50 meters nearby, and in the middle of the blockade where everyone was working, two white sheets covered something.

But anyone with a bit of common sense would know that there must be dead people underneath.

Many teachers and leaders of the school gathered around the blockade, while many heads of the nearby dormitory buildings poked out, looking furtively.

The dormitory building was sealed, no one could come out, everyone didn't know what happened, but they obviously wanted to watch the excitement.

Many people were still whispering, and many even took out their high-powered binoculars to observe carefully.

And among the crowd around the scene here, a tall man in uniform walked out, with a feeling of calm and prestige, obviously a big man who had been in the top position for a long time.

At this moment, the man frowned deeply, his expression was serious, as if he had encountered a very difficult matter.

It was also because he was standing on the periphery of the staff in the blockade that someone hurriedly got up and walked over quickly.

A short young man with white gloves on his hands raised his hand in salute to the man, and said softly, "Report to Captain Wu Gang, the current situation is not optimistic."

Captain Wu frowned deeper and said softly: "Tell me what happened? Did you find any traces of the murderer?"

"Report. At present, this is a very special case. First of all, it can be determined that two of the victims were students of the school. According to the results of our on-site investigation, at the time of the incident, the two It should be a special relationship between a couple. I don’t know what happened, but the two lost their vital signs at the same time. The woman died in a very strange way, and her whole body seemed to be fixed by some special props Treatment, pumping out all the liquid storage from the whole body. As you know, the development of medicine proves that 70% of our human body is water. It can be clearly seen that the water in the woman's body was directly dragged in a short period of time. Dry. The death of the other man was very calm, as if he was in a state of excitement and lost his vitality in an instant, and his whole body was intact. It is still unclear what the real cause of death is. If you want more As a result of the investigation, we can only go back and conduct strict inspections.”

Captain Wu couldn't help but take a deep breath after listening to this man's report.

Originally, when anyone heard such a weird event, they would always feel quite puzzled, even surprised.

And his complexion was indeed very calm, as if he had his own special understanding of such an incident.

"Come on, let me see what the state of the deceased is like first?"

After the words fell, the two of them stepped forward together and came to the vicinity of the white cloth sheet.

The short young man reached out and gently opened the white cloth.

A rather horrifying scene instantly appeared in their eyes. The body of a woman who had almost lost her human form appeared there.

It is as shriveled as an ancient air-dried corpse in Egypt. If you say this is a body that has been excavated for thousands of years, you can still believe it, but if you say this is a corpse that has just appeared, it is simply incomprehensible. matter.

Looking at the man again, there is no change at all. If he is still alive, it is trustworthy, but he just lost any vital signs, stopped breathing, and stopped beating, but if he was hurt, because of what kind of The cause of death is not clear at all.

At this moment, Captain Wu no longer had the dullness he had when he was just listening to the report.

With an extremely serious expression, he took a breath and slowly backed away.

The young man next to him hurriedly covered the white sheet again, and said in a low voice: "Captain Wu Gang, I feel that something is wrong with this matter. He shouldn't have done it artificially. It's very evil!"

After all, those who can conduct site surveys here are experienced staff.

They have encountered any special situation, but today's situation is completely beyond their comprehension.

Because no matter what happens, it is impossible for people to become like this in a short period of time.

Captain Wu Gang took a deep breath, and said again: "Take the person there first, and conduct a careful inspection. Let's see what the result is. At present, it is not easy to define directly. Remember to block the information on the scene, don't cause more panic."

Captain Wu, after making these arrangements and orders, he turned his head and looked around.

(End of this chapter)

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