The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1376 Scientific Explanation

Chapter 1376 Scientific Explanation
In contrast, the campus square seemed much quieter.

Only the dim lights on the side of the road illuminate here. In the grove at the end of the campus, on the other side separated by a fence wall is the wilderness forest outside the campus, and on the other side is the hidden lawn of the campus.

With the silvery-white moonlight pouring down from the sky, one could see a young couple of students hugging each other, walking slowly, leaning gently on the soft green grass.

It's a hot and restless summer night.

It is impossible for any young man to suppress the impulsive emotion in his heart, and the two seem to have fallen into an extremely wonderful feeling.

The girl's pretty oval face is now more delicate against the backdrop of the moonlight, and when she slides down, you can see her pretty face is slightly flushed, and another boy who looks a little handsome is completely covering his head at this time below the girl's neck.

This is how youthful agitation comes without reason, without any scruples.

No one would notice what happened here, and the communication between the two people might last for a long time in the whole activity scene.

But at such an incomparably wonderful moment, a gust of wind blew over.

For some reason, there seemed to be dark clouds floating in the sky that blocked all the moonlight, making this place even darker.

It's getting darker and darker, and you can't see anything clearly. For others, it's not a good thing, but for this young couple, the darker it gets, the more unscrupulous they can be.

However, the real unscrupulousness did not appear, but a cloud of black mist spotted the location of the two young people, and suddenly swarmed over, completely surrounding the two of them.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the whole world fell into silence at this moment.

There was a click.It's time for a uniform blackout on college campuses.

All the dormitory buildings were plunged into darkness, no lights could be seen anymore, and even the noisy cicadas around them disappeared completely, and in this extremely short silence, a woman screamed in horror It crossed the night sky, and then stopped abruptly, which shocked everyone's hearts.

Soon there were security guards from the school's property, running here with a flashlight to look around.

I didn't find any problems at first, but when I actually went to the small corner where there was obviously restlessness just now, I suddenly discovered an unbearable scene.

The terrified scream broke out again.

Things had terrible results that no one could have imagined!
The strange things that happened in Qinghe this night must be the most, and all the strange things, where they happened, must all point to the vicinity of Tangwang Village.

It was on such a complicated night that Li Xiao drove to Tangwang Village alone.

Ning Xiaoxi arranged a task for him, as long as he completed it, he would be able to go back to be President Ning's personal driver, which was quite a tempting condition for Li Xiao.

So he felt that it was necessary to complete this task as quickly as possible.

In fact, isn't it just to supervise and guide the demolition work?

It's no big deal either.

Someone wanted to demolish Li Xiao's Xiaolong company headquarters, but Li Xiao tried his best to stop him from going back.

Now that some people want to obstruct legitimate demolition, Li Xiao also has many ways to change those people's minds.

Of course, as for the specific situation here, he still has to come and see for himself.

The main information I got from the development department of Jiangdong Group is that there is a place called Tangwang Village, and the work of the shopping mall has been stopped and stopped only because the demolition of the ancestral graves has been delayed without any results.

Li Xiao couldn't figure it out, what age is this, there are funeral parlors all over the country, and there are all columbariums.

How can anyone make mass burials and ancestral graves now, but this Tangwang Village still retains such a strong tradition.

To be honest, Li Xiao had great respect for the deceased.

But the dead cannot block the living environment of future generations just because they want a habitat.

If in the next 100, 200, or even 1000 years, the whole world is full of people and everyone has no place to live, who would think about leaving a place for him to live in?

So as a human being, it is best not to ask for too much.

As long as you leave this world, ashes return to ashes.

Don't think about it so much, it's fine.

The car stopped, opened the door and got out, the messy scene of Tangwang Village instantly caught Li Xiao's eyes.

Since more than half a year ago, the entire village that has been relocated here has become extremely desolate.Many young people have received very comfortable housing compensation because they have received high demolition funds.He would never stay in this suburban village at all.

And today, because of the process of breaking the ground and moving the grave, the terrible incident of the eldest son of the old man Wang's family occurred, which made the villagers feel great about this place that they have lived for many years and will soon disappear completely. feeling of rejection.

There is no one who does not believe in evil. Everyone just thinks that if they don't leave, the problem will become bigger.

Therefore, most people left before dark.

What is left is the many messy pits where professionals today carry out earth and grave relocation.

Li Xiao couldn't help curling his lips when he saw these messy people.

Although he didn't know what happened here, he knew from the scene in front of him that the relocation work was almost over long ago.

How could there be any obstacles?
Could it be that Ning Xiaoxi just gave him a task, which can be regarded as a completed task, just as a step for him to step down?

Thinking of this, Li Xiao's mood became much better again.

If Ning Xiaoxi really gave him such a good opportunity, then he must seize it.

No matter what the situation is, go to the village to take a look, as long as you are sure that everyone here has moved out, then go back to Ning Xiaoxi tomorrow, and you will be able to work as a driver smoothly.

The mood improved, and the steps of walking were also very brisk.

While walking, a light flashed in the corner of his eyes, attracting Li Xiao's attention.

If the guess is correct, the light that occurred just now is the legendary spiritual fire.

Spirit fire is actually the ghost fire in folklore.

During the day, when the whole village was demolished and the graves were moved, a lot of special chemical elements in the ground were aroused to escape, which left many traces at that time. Naturally, these peculiar, frightening-looking will-o'-the-wisps arise.

(End of this chapter)

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