The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1375 Problems arise

Chapter 1375 Problems arise
The difference from ordinary coffins was that it was covered with a reddish-brown pattern, as if it had been stained with blood.

In the middle of the coffin lid, there was a huge spooky-looking face imprinted in some unknown way, which looked quite ferocious and very frightening.

Even in broad daylight, when seeing this kind of thing, I couldn't help being frightened and my hands and feet became cold, let alone in the darkness of night.

While they were staring at these black stone coffins in a daze, many people suddenly shouted from other places on the construction site, just because similar situations occurred in other places on the construction site.

In just one hour, a total of nine coffins with very strange shapes were found in this area of ​​the construction site.

Even if everyone was far away from the coffins, they could feel a cold and strange aura floating around, especially the one in the middle, whose whole body was blood red.

No one has ever seen such a terrible scene.

You must know that you have done a lot of work and excavation on the construction site.

This kind of special situation can happen anywhere. It’s not that coffins have never been dug out before. It’s just that at that time, as long as the machine goes out, no matter what type of coffin you have, it will definitely destroy it for you. It’s just that everyone When you see that you have broken something, you will report it immediately, and a special person will come to investigate and solve it.

But today is different. Although everyone has reported the situation, everyone is afraid to continue working.

Just because this situation is really terrible.

The stone coffin is harder than machine steel, blood red and has a ferocious spirit and stereotype.

I would like to ask, if I am not wrong, could this be left over from ancient times, what looks like an altar that can lead to the depths of hell?

Everyone on the entire construction site was discussing in private.

And soon, the relevant departments sent people.

The speed of action this time is quite fast, just because the situation has become very bizarre, no one will easily feel that this is an ordinary incident after seeing it.

Moreover, the things here also inherit a special kind of historical mystery, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

So the final result was that the construction site was forced to shut down, and all the special objects here were transported away as quickly as possible.

Then this area was completely isolated, waiting for relevant experts to come here for investigation and exploration.

It was already late at night, and the workers had already left here, following the foreman to consider how to do the next work, waiting for new orders from the big boss.

The relevant researchers are transporting those things, and the relevant experts are still on their way. The whole place has been cordoned off, and only a few temporary workers are left here to watch over the site, responsible for preventing anyone from approaching the past without opening their eyes.

The originally flat road surface was now full of potholes and nine huge potholes, which looked quite eerie.

And in the middle of these potholes, the ground there trembled slightly. If you listen carefully, you can vaguely hear a sound like the whistling of the wind coming from the ground.

The voice was a bit sharp, and very sharp, and it seemed quite terrifying and weird in the silent night.

Those so-called temporary workers turned pale with fright, and couldn't believe their ears. No one had the guts to stand there alone.

Everyone gathered together and took a flashlight to shine towards the source of the sound. Although they were scared, if they didn't see what happened, they just left. In the end, they would definitely be blamed by their superiors. Penalty wages.

Everyone really huddled together, holding on to their spirits to stand like this.

And the shrill sounds of the howling wind in the distance became more and more urgent.

Until a certain moment, even the ground they were standing on trembled slightly, as if a small earthquake had occurred, which made these people almost scared out of their courage.

I just thought that no matter what, if something unexpected happened, I would immediately turn around and run away.

However, before they could put the thoughts in their hearts into reality, there was a sudden click, as if the sound of something breaking broke out.

Then there was a cloud of black breath, which turned into a mist-like appearance, and came out directly from the ground along the mouth of the pothole.

After the black mist met the air, it turned into a bewitching red.

Indistinctly, a shape like a human face can be seen from there.

Especially with that face that can still emit sharp laughter, the situation is even more terrifying.

The temporary workers were so frightened that they forgot to breathe at that moment, so how could they think of running away.

It was precisely because they were running a little slower that the eerie and eerie smiling faces in the air suddenly rushed towards them.

In an instant, a large cloud of black mist swarmed and completely submerged the three of them.

In the end, you can see these three people, walking forward as if they lost their souls, looking for those stone coffins, and I don’t know the order of the holes left behind. In short, one person has one hole, directly Jumping into the potholes around the circle, it seems to disappear completely.

You must know that no matter how deep these holes are dug, they will have a bottom anyway.

But after these three people jumped in, they disappeared completely, as if they had evaporated from the world. Unfortunately, there was no one else around, and no one knew what was happening here.

The black mist in the air seemed to become a little more solid.

Spinning in the air, it seems to want to find the direction of Tangwang Village, and drift away.

But when he came into contact with that piece of wild mountain forest, it seemed that something in the mountain forest produced an invisible barrier that firmly blocked the black mist outside.

The black mist let out a strange scream again, as if expressing a kind of anger.

It's a pity that no matter how you express it, it's impossible to change the result that it can't go through this forest to reach Tangwang Village.

So the black mist could only turn around and drift away to another direction, which happened to be the campus of Qinghe University.

On summer nights, the campus of Qinghe University is extraordinarily lively with the restless chirping of cicadas and the bright moonlight.

As I said earlier, other places may have an earlier night, but only the place where the college students are is always full of vitality.

Ten o'clock in the evening is not night for them at all, at least, all the dormitory buildings are brightly lit.The students are almost all back in the dormitory.Everyone met to chat and chat together, and the washing and washing seemed so lively.

(End of this chapter)

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