The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1172 War, that's it

Chapter 1172 War, that's it

"I think this is not unfair to me, but disrespect to the ground and sincerity. Therefore, I want to find out the real culprit and complete the memorial to the ground and sincerity."

Li Xiao babbled so much that he almost couldn't make it up.

Who does he know and sincerely, in addition to knowing the name and knowing a little about the other party's deeds.Even if that person is not dead, standing in front of him, it is impossible for him to recognize him.

But in this situation, you can fool people, and you can say whatever you want.

Anyway, there is no proof of death, if the land and the old man on the opposite side really want to know the truth, go directly to the land and sincere company.

Seeing that he didn't know how to continue to make up the story, he finally waited for the response from the opposite land and the old man.

"Do you know Earth and Sincerity? Did Earth and Sincerity teach you your wind spell?"

Two questions in succession.

The corner of Li Xiao's mouth twitched into an evil smile, and he looked at the opposite side coldly.

"What did you say? If it wasn't ground and sincerity, didn't you teach me?"

These words are very ambiguous, Li Xiao didn't admit anything at all, and it can even be said that he very clearly reminded the land and the old man on the opposite side that in fact, it was the kung fu in the fight just now that allowed him to learn a little bit of the wind curse.

But the knowledge of the ground and the old man directly restricted his thinking ability.

The old man suddenly became exasperated.

"Ah! Damn it, the traitor Di Hezheng, how could he teach the Wind Demon Curse to outsiders! Hey, no, it was wrong for you to use the Wind Demon Curse just now!"


Li Xiao's originally calm state of mind suddenly became flustered. This old fellow suddenly became smart again and discovered the problem, right?

Fortunately, the truth is not what he feared.

The old man Dihe on the opposite side has fallen into a state of madness. He even ignored Dihexiang, who he had been chasing for a long time, as his last hope. He shook the bamboo stick in his hand vigorously and shouted loudly.

"That's right, it's you! It must be you. I'm talking about how Di Hecheng thought of continuing to advance the Wind Demon Curse. It turned out that someone else helped him. You must have helped him figure out the secret of the Wind Demon Curse to continue to practice."

I go!

Li Xiao really wants to say, I won't take the blame.

I really know what the Wind Demon Curse is, that is, I heard this term from your mouths, and I don’t even know what it is used for.

Kedi and the old man had already fallen into their own thinking mode, from madness to insanity, raised their heads and laughed loudly.

"For many years, how many people in the land and family have been trying to make the wind magic spell change from simply stirring the air to generate wind blades to stirring other things that can be used, but they failed. In the end, only the land and sincerity did it. This point. I thought that guy was a genius, but I didn’t expect that there were others helping him. That’s right, if it wasn’t for discussing the wind spell with others, how could it be possible to open up a new world if you didn’t jump out of the fixed thinking of earth and home. The ground and sincerity are courageous, but unfortunately, he deserves to die!"

Having said that, Di and the old man stopped laughing, and slowly lowered their heads to look at Li Xiao.

"Who the hell are you? With your ability to help and sincerely discover the practice tricks of the Wind Demon Curse, I'm not surprised at all. But you... Ah, I understand, I know who you are!"

Di and the old man are like a stupid and one-sided detective, relying entirely on their imagination to maintain their current life, pointing at Li Xiao, and laughing again.

Li Xiao was really worried for him, what if the old man had a heart attack or something, couldn't bear the severe mental blow, and died directly.

Fortunately, the old man's body can still hold on.

"You are... Fire Phoenix!"

Di and the old man finally uttered the code name, which was also the code name exit, and Di Hexiang beside him also widened his eyes in astonishment.

"That's right, you must be Huofeng. Only you are worthy of discussing with Di and Zhenxin. Only you are accused of being the murderer of Di and Chengxin by outsiders. Huofeng. Haha, old man I can finally see the appearance of the number one person in the legendary circle."

Di and the old man looked like elementary school students who had finally found the answer, with a sense of accomplishment on their faces.

What else could Li Xiao do, he could only pretend to be indifferent, shrugging casually.

"I'm sorry, the number one in the circle is our snake boss, the Demon Snake. I don't dare claim to be number one."

Just this one sentence is a complete admission of his identity.

At the same time as acknowledging their identities, the land and the old man finally completed all the psychological construction, almost roaring, and the whole person rushed forward.

"Huofeng, you're going to die! No, you should be obedient and get caught. As long as you tell me the secret of the Wind Demon Curse honestly, I promise to keep your whole body."

People with knots and expectations have always been the kind of people who don't care about the reality at all.

If someone else was here, once they guessed that Li Xiao was Huofeng, they would definitely have to measure the gap between their own abilities and Huofeng, and then obediently choose to run away.

After all, no matter who in this world can escape from the hands of Huofeng, that is a very proud thing.

Unfortunately, Di and the old man obviously do not have such a wise mentality.

The old man is now full of thoughts about how to get the trick of the wind spell.

Before, he always thought that only Di Hexiang knew the secret in this world. If he didn't master this skill before Di Hexiang could master it, he would catch her and interrogate her hard.When the woman succeeds in her cultivation, even a dozen of him trapped together will be no match for her.

So he has to hold on to Di Hexiang, worried that he dare not hurt Di Hexiang, at least he dare not let Di Hexiang leave this world with such an important secret.

But the feeling is different now. Even if Di and Xiang are gone, isn't there still Li Xiao who helps and sincerely discovers the secret of the wind magic spell?

This is the most rooted person, and he must be the person who has the deepest understanding of the progress of the Wind Demon Curse.

Instead of catching a wasteland Hexiang who only knows the results but has not verified the results, it is better to directly control Huofeng who came out with the questions and reference answers together.

I have to say that Di and the old man really dare to think and act, and they are definitely ruthless people.

But no matter how ruthless the old man is, he has to consider who he is facing.

Facing a guy who can be called the most ruthless person in history, his ability is really not enough.

When the two returned to the previous state again, Li Xiao's mood also became very good.

He gradually understood that if he wanted to make good use of his special ability, he only needed to do one thing.

Fight, that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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