Chapter 1171
Di He and the old man did not disappoint Li Xiao at all. They used the most powerful attack and used it with all their strength.

The old man was afraid of long nights and dreams, and just wanted a quick solution.

However, the attacks he can make, in Li Xiao's view, are at the same level as that old Chen from the Liu family.

If there is any difference, it is that Mr. Chen uses a kind of soft gentleness like water, but the ideal that explodes is like a red-talking beast.And the ground in front of him and everything the old man did was as dazzling as the wind. Almost a simple movement can drive the surrounding air to change, and the wind blade like a sharp blade cuts everything.

But no matter what the opponent cuts off, it is impossible to cut off the various methods Li Xiao automatically used.

How to use the things in his body is full of surprises.

Especially when he had a premonition that he might cause harm to himself, he really directly armed his whole body.

Gravel, earth and rocks flew, and every time the ground and the old man felt that he could deal a fatal blow, his attack was invisible.

The movements of the two became faster and faster, until in the end only the grotesque changes of light and shadow were left.

Di and Xiang, who fell to the ground over there, were dumbfounded.

She really couldn't believe that this man who suddenly appeared to save her was still so powerful.

Since he has such a great ability, why did he try to escape before.

There were only three people here, two of them were shocked inside, only Li Xiao's heart was as still as water, what he saw in his eyes, and what he remembered in his mind were only ground and sincere actions.

Until a certain moment, there was a slight change in his defensive movements, and at the moment of turning around slightly, he suddenly waved and attacked.

Accompanied by his shot, the military thorn that had been with him for many years, which had not been used as a weapon, jumped out of his high boots automatically, as if being driven by the surrounding air to cut at the ground and the old man's neck. past.

Li Xiao knew that it was caused by the metal piece in his body.

Now he also gradually understood what the several things in his body represented.

That innate special existence is full of special feelings for flames.

The green bead that was swallowed in the stomach of the giant night tour god can have a very special resonance for things like earth and rocks.

Finally, there is King Zhaoyang, also known as Xiao Zhao. It seems that the piece of metal he accidentally swallowed has a different impact on all the metal objects around him.

If it is explained by the traditional theory of the five elements, it is the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. He has passively controlled the three elements of gold, earth, and fire.

It's a pity that there is no wind among the five elements, otherwise Li Xiao would have thought of how to perfectly deal with the land and the old man in front of him.

Of course, these are only clear in his own heart, and everything he does falls into the eyes of others, and that is a completely different feeling.

The land and the old man were a little dumbfounded, and it wasn't until the sharp blade of the military thorn left a wound on his neck that he suddenly recovered from the shock, retreated quickly, and drew a long distance away from Li Xiao. The bamboo stick he was holding was also placed directly on Di Hexiang's neck, and he shouted loudly.

"do not move!"

As soon as the words fell, the military thorn in the air seemed to be able to dance with the wind, and suddenly turned his head, and returned to Li Xiao's hand.

I don't know how long the battle lasted, but there was a short pause at this time.

Li Xiao was still thinking about what kind of changes the fight just now had brought to him.

On the opposite side, Di He and the old man and Di He Xiang asked in unison: "Why do you know how to curse the wind!"

I believe that no matter who is here, anyone from the land and family will send out such a startled question after seeing what Li Xiao did just now.

It's just because what Li Xiao did was too obvious, he used the movement essentials of the Wind Curse, and also drew other things to make an attack method that only the secret method can make.

The truth is, Li Xiao just learned a form, and he just learned it from the ground and the old man.

It's just that the two people on the opposite side didn't know his special situation at all, and they subconsciously thought that he would also know these things.

What can Li Xiao do?

He is a little unhappy now.

Only then did he faintly grasp the idea of ​​how he could skillfully use his own special ability, but because of the withdrawal of the land and the old man, he couldn't find the wonderful feeling just now.

Especially when he saw the other party's panicked look that he couldn't even erase the blood from the wound on his neck, Li Xiao was also very panicked.

Don't just think that you are afraid to turn around and run away. If you run away, where can I find such an excellent partner, so that I can understand more deeply what kind of potential I still have.

Li Xiao pursed his lips, his mind spinning rapidly, and finally he grinned.

"The Wind Curse. Haha, is it strange that I know how to cast the Wind Curse?"

As soon as the words came out, the old man Di and the old man ignored the Di and Xiang around him, took a step forward, and asked angrily, "Who are you? , it’s impossible for others to learn it, who did you learn it from?”

The ground and the old man are a little older, so they may not have so much knowledge. They were completely shocked by the terrifying ability Li Xiao showed just now, and they didn't even realize that the Wind Magic Curse Li Xiao used was nothing more than superficiality.

Besides, if Li Xiao really knew that thing, he would have used it at the very beginning, how could he have waited until now.

It's useless to say more, the key is how to make this old man stay.

Li Xiao sighed for a long time as if he was very helpless, and said in a pretentious manner: "I originally thought that the people of the land and family would be the same as the land and sincerity, all of them were bright and aboveboard men, and they were also extremely intelligent people. I didn't expect that I still thought highly of you. Yes, how many people in this world can compare with ground and sincerity."

"Don't pretend, tell me who you are!"

"Hehe, old man, it's all up to now, can't you guess who I am?"

Li Xiao lowered his head and looked straight over, his gaze became much sharper.

"Why do you say that I care so much about things of sincerity and sincerity? It's not because there are many people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal. They insist on arranging the death of the earth and sincerity on me. Although I don't care about these things, plus I I have many opponents, they deliberately framed me, and I don't need to pay attention to them. But the face and sincerity, this person I admire a little. I still can't tolerate others after killing him. Let the real murderer go free, but let me bear the blame."

(End of this chapter)

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