The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1128 Sit down and talk slowly

Chapter 1128 Sit down and talk slowly

With a simple question, I can't feel how much anger there is, but the shock it brings to the hearts of these people on the other side is really indescribable.

In the situation just now, not to mention He Zhizheng, even Old Chen was not sure if he could survive unscathed.But now, the Li Xiao in front of him is fine and can express his indignation.

How terrifying must this person be?
Once he exploded, I wonder if He Zhizheng still has a chance to resist.

Not to mention He Zhizheng, even Ge Lao and Chen Lao felt that they might not be qualified to stop Li Xiao at this moment.

You know, the attack by Chen Lao just now was considered to be with all his strength, even if it was not aimed at Li Xiao, but after all, there was an accident in front of Li Xiao, and Li Xiao did not receive the slightest influence, so Chen Lao can still influence Li Xiao. what to him.As for Mr. Ge... Not to mention, he is defeated.

As the distance got closer, everyone's hearts became excited.

Only Liu Zixin broke away from her mother's hand and rushed over after the initial shock.

"Li Xiao, you scared me to death. Are you okay? Are you not injured?"

Liu Zixin's concern was sincere, and Li Xiao also felt a moment of peace in his heart, stretching out his hand to hug the girl into his arms, signaling her not to worry too much.

Turning his head again, seeing the scene in front of him, he almost burst out laughing on the spot.

Over there, He Zhizheng's father came to see his wife and children, and he had already retreated a long way back when he was talking to Liu Zixin. He didn't care about face issues at all, and shouted loudly: "Brother Liu, I'm sorry to bother you today. Come to see me another day."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

That's not what running away is.

What a fucking talent. When he sees the situation is wrong, he runs away without caring about face at all.

Li Xiao frowned and started suddenly.

I haven't even spoken yet, the matter is still over, you just want to run away, do you still take our boss Li seriously?

However, just a few steps forward, you have to stop.

It was only because the two old men Ge Lao and Chen Lao stood in front of him.

"Mr. Li Xiao, our old man of the Liu family invites you to speak in the inner hall."

Old Chen bent down slightly, and said this to Li Xiao in a very respectful manner.

It was this kind of performance that made Li Chengcheng, who had always had a cold face, couldn't help but widen his eyes in astonishment.

This is Mr. Chen who has followed the old man of the Liu family for decades. Except when facing Mr. Liu, he will not and does not need to treat anyone else, even the older generation of other aristocratic families, with this attitude. Facing Li Xiao at this time, he showed an unimaginable respectful attitude.

what does this mean?
Li Xiao hastened to deal with it.

At that time, Li Chengcheng wanted to press Li Xiao's neck to make that guy bow his head, and he bowed and answered more respectfully than Old Chen.

Of course, these are just thoughts.

Li Chengcheng didn't have the ability to ask Li Xiao to do anything, and it was impossible for Li Xiao to do anything according to Li Chengcheng's ideas.

The guy just shrugged and pointed at the He Zhizheng family who had already run out of the backyard.

"Someone hit me just now."

"Mr. Li Xiao, don't worry, no matter who it is, if you use such means in the Liu family, our Liu family will definitely seek justice for you."

Old Chen pressed his body again.

Li Xiao could only shake his head indifferently.

"In this case, well, where is the old man of the Liu family, please take me there."

After saying these words, Elder Ge and Elder Chen let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

They were really worried that this young man would do something quite irrational in a moment of anger, and if he really wanted to entangle with that He Zhizheng to the end, then the whole He family would come to trouble the Liu family.

To be honest, if Li Xiao is fine, no matter who stops him or who wants to see him, he must catch up with He Zhizheng and make that guy understand what regret is.

As soon as he makes a move, he rushes to kill someone, can this matter be settled so easily?

Of course not!

Unless, he doesn't have the energy to settle accounts with others.

Don't look at Li Xiao's calm appearance on the surface, but in fact, he was also terrified in his heart.

It wasn't just He Zhizheng's own power just now, it was just because that guy's power caused some changes in the surroundings, so that all the restless factors mixed in the fresh air in the back garden gathered and were forcibly absorbed by the special existence in his body up.

The result is that Na Kezhu, who had the upper hand in the body, and the special existence with a strong supplement, started to compete for territory again, as if two people were fighting hard.

Although it didn't affect him in the slightest, there were two forces in his body competing with each other, and that wasn't a good thing, it would always distract him.

If those things get out of control, and they focus on fighting by themselves, regardless of his life or death, then wouldn't he want to lose face here or even lose his life.

So, the immediate result is pretty good.

As for settling accounts, hehe, the monk can't escape the temple if he can run away, and He Zhizheng can't escape his palm after all!

Under the leadership of Chen Lao, he walked alone towards a secluded residence behind the back garden.

These old people now like to be quiet. With such a big family and so many people here, they are also qualified to choose a place where others will not come easily, raise flowers and walk their dogs.

When Li Xiao came here, the first thing he saw was the foolish Erha squatting in front of the door. When he saw him, he blinked his eyes and let out a bark.

It was this sound that made the old man watering the flowers in the small yard look up and look over.

The old man's eyes are very sharp, he is just an ordinary old man, but Li Xiao believes that this old man's experience, he is afraid that he will live for decades before he can compare.

After he cupped his hands, he called Mrs. Liu a hello, and Mrs. Chen over there slowly backed out, guarding the door with the Erha.

"Not bad, a very energetic young man."

This was the first sentence Liu Lao said after seeing Li Xiao.

Li Xiao just wanted to say something modest, but the old man smiled and waved.

"I was young too. It's normal to attract the attention of many girls when I was young. It should be right for Zixin to choose you. However, I still want to say, my beloved granddaughter If you are wronged, come to me and cry. I won't let you."

Just this one sentence put Li Xiao into an extremely embarrassing situation.

What does the old man mean by this, and what is the difference between entrusting Liu Zixin to him.

The point is that he came here for the joy of beautiful women, but he really didn't think about taking over anyone's life-long happiness. He doesn't dare to say who he is taking over now.

He lowered his head silently, not knowing how to respond.

Elder Liu smiled casually and waved again.

"Come in with me, let's sit down and talk slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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