Chapter 1127

What's even more frightening is that at that moment just now, all the secret techniques that were not very proficient were used without any barriers, and a full blow was struck. After so many years of practice, He Zhizheng himself had never thought about it.

At this time, he looked at Li Xiao who was swallowed by the opposite side.

He Zhizheng has already determined that the other party must die.

But he was also terrified of killing Li Xiao. This contemporary captain of the battle spirit would have terrible consequences. Even if Li Xiao's identity was not considered, the Liu family would not let him go easily.

While his mind was spinning, the sounds of chaotic footsteps approaching from behind.

Liu Guozheng, Li Chengcheng and his wife, as well as the parents of the He family and He Zhizheng, originally came here to talk and laugh, but they never expected to see a sudden change here from afar.

At that time, Li Chengcheng and He Zhizheng's father, He Guangyuan, rushed over at a speed unimaginable to ordinary people.

He Guangyuan pulled He Zhizheng away, and Li Chengcheng quickly left with Liu Zixin who was stunned.

At the same time, figures flickered everywhere in Liu's house, and some masters that Li Xiao hadn't noticed before appeared in an instant, completely guarding the entire back garden of Liu's house.

So unexpected.

These people were very close, realized that there was a problem, and rushed over at an extremely fast speed.

But no one thought that the reality would be so bad.

It stands to reason that the collision of the secret attacks of Mr. Chen and He Zhizheng should have caused a greater impact, but at this time, the energy that collided together seemed to be terminated by time, and there was no change at all as expected.

On the contrary, it is expanding at an extremely slow but visible speed, and it seems that certain factors that are rich in the air that are still sweeping the entire back garden are constantly converging towards that side.

Everyone retreated again and again, until they all backed out of the protective circle of the back garden set by the hidden consciousness, finally stopped and looked at everything inside in amazement.

Suddenly, an exclamation broke out.

Liu Zixin was about to rush back, but was held back by Li Chengcheng.

"Mom, hurry up and save Li Xiao."

Liu Zixin shouted loudly, his voice already tinged with tears.

This young girl who doesn't understand anything didn't react until now. Even if she still doesn't understand what happened just now, she can see that Li Xiao is completely enveloped by a large ball of fire. She can also know that Li Xiao is in danger now. among.

However, Li Chengcheng didn't do anything other than hold Liu Zixin tightly.

Are you kidding? Didn’t you see here that Mr. Chen and Mr. Ge all backed out, and those masters in Liu’s courtyard that she hadn’t seen a few times all looked stern and serious, and they didn’t dare to take a step forward? What qualifications does Li Chengcheng have to rush to save people.

Liu Zixin was in a hurry, and wanted to ask Mr. Ge and Chen Lai for help, but on the other side, an old man whom he had never seen before suddenly appeared in Liu's house at this moment and shouted sharply: "Shut up, be quiet!"

Li Chengcheng hurried over and covered his daughter's mouth.

Everyone's mood was extremely tense.

No matter who is in the mood to pay attention to how the whole incident happened in the first place.

Everyone was standing against the mass of unknown object on the path in the middle of the back garden, watching the thing grow bigger and bigger as it absorbed the restless air factor around it.

After reaching a certain limit, a scorching feeling suddenly rushed to his face.

Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment, especially that old man, he couldn't believe that the secret method he had just used all his strength to intercept He Zhizheng, aroused those messy leaves and flowers, but at this moment, he burst into flames with the burst of fire. In the blink of an eye, the flying ashes were annihilated.

too frightening.

It was the first time for everyone present to see such a scene.

They were very sure that it was purely He Zhizheng's ability, and it was impossible for his own secret technique to surpass Chen Lao's method, but now the fact happened before their eyes, and He Zhizheng's attack completely overwhelmed Chen Lao's.

How is this going?

Could it be that the kid from the He family has cultivated to the point where he has surpassed old Chen from the Liu family?


Even if he is a talented person, everyone can see that He Zhizheng has only been exposed to this way for a year, how can he compare with the achievements of Chen Lao's decades of practice.

What exactly is going on?

When everyone was wondering, those strange figures were originally scattered around the back garden, blocking the surrounding area, but at this moment, they felt that the scorching heat coming from the center of the back garden became more and more obvious, which made them feel a little bit painful, and even tried to The strength needed to break through their blockade and play that thing from outside the circle.

Several people shouted angrily in unison, increased the output of power, and forcibly suppressed the scorching heat.

Fortunately, there are many people and strength, and although they have suffered several rebounds, the final result is still good.

At the very least, the scorching sensation from the place where the flames gathered gradually disappeared, and the flame ball that should have disappeared long ago also gradually retracted.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the compression speed of those flames became faster and faster.

Everyone's eyes seemed to be forcibly attracted by that compressed thing, firmly holding back everyone's spiritual power.

I don't know how long it has passed, when the fire light was compressed smaller and smaller, and Li Xiao who was still standing still could be seen.

Suddenly, the brilliance flourished and the dazzling light made everyone close their eyes subconsciously.

That is to say, during the moment when I closed my eyes and then opened them again, everything around me became quiet. There was no change caused by any secret method, nor any special time. Not caring.

After a moment of stupefaction, those guys who shouldn't be here jumped up and disappeared instantly.

Li Xiao couldn't help but pause slightly in his steps, feeling extremely shocked.

too frightening.

When he met Mr. Ge before, he already had expectations for certain special groups of people, but he still didn't expect that his expectations were so different from the reality.

Based on the scene just now, facing these people according to his usual level, he really didn't even have the slightest chance to resist.

What does God want, must he always remember the saying that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond heaven.

It’s so frustrating!

But no matter how it collapsed, those people still ran away.

Haha, no matter how powerful you are, if you run away when you see my brother, who are you going to talk to for excuses?

Li Xiao quickly adjusted his mentality.

A wicked smile hung on his face, he continued to walk forward, and his eyes slowly turned to He Zhizheng.

"I didn't seem to provoke you just now, why did I put people to death?"

(End of this chapter)

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