Chapter 109
"Li Xiao, if something happens to Xiao Xi, I, I, you wait for me!"

Outside the emergency ward of the Municipal People's Hospital, Lin Huahua pointed at Li Xiao's nose. He was so anxious that he didn't know what to say. He stomped his feet hard, picked up his mobile phone and turned to call Director Ning to report the situation.

Li Xiao slumped on the rest chair in the corridor, feeling exhausted as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

Ning Xiaoxi, who had a high fever of more than 40 degrees, was lying on the hospital bed with a ventilator.

It is not life-threatening for the time being, but the person has fallen into a severe coma. The doctor said that the possibility of high fever damaging the brain nerves and causing the patient to become a vegetative state cannot be ruled out.

In another ward on the same floor, my old lady was undergoing an infusion and had a sudden myocardial infarction. After emergency treatment, her condition has stabilized. She will stay in the hospital for two days, just to observe.

Perhaps, if Li Xiao didn't go to pick up his old lady, and let Sister Yi wait for an ambulance for more than ten minutes, there wouldn't be any problem.

But these ten minutes may be extremely critical to Ning Xiaoxi.

One after another, it caused such serious consequences.

"Haha, if regret is useful, there won't be so many annoying things in the world."

Li Xiao muttered something, and slammed his fist hard on the wall next to him.

Looking up, looking at Ning Xiaoxi with a pale face on the hospital bed, she murmured softly: "I owe you this time, and the previous account has been written off. I don't want to start a company opposite Jiangdong Pharmaceutical either. I just hope you can get well. As long as you can get well and recover as before, I guarantee that no one in this world can hurt you."

He made the most sincere oath that he didn't need any threat of "pus on the top of the head, sores on the soles of the feet, starving to death on the street and no one to care about it". The man said what he said.

"Li Xiao!"


A suppressed and angry shout came from behind, Lin Huahua sullenly, hooked his fingers at him, turned his head and walked towards the stairwell.

Li Xiao quickly caught up.

Even if Lin Huahua didn't look for him, he still had to ask why Ning Xiaoxi was so afraid of cats.

But after actually entering the corner of the stairwell and cutting off all eyes, before he could ask the doubts in his heart, Lin Huahua, who turned his back to the past, suddenly turned around and kicked him sideways.

With a sharp kick, the pointed leather shoes went straight to his temple.

At that moment, Li Xiao only felt that this woman was crazy, because of Ning Xiaoxi, she actually wanted to kill him.

He dodged and leaned back, snatching away the sharp attack, and took a step back.

"Lin Huahua, don't force me to do anything to you! I'm not in the mood to play with you right now!"

"Damn you!"

Lin Huahua, who was already furious, would not listen to any pertinent advice. He missed with one blow, and then followed with a back fist that went straight to the center of Li Xiao's eyebrows.

Xiao Xi was lying in the intensive care unit, facing the danger of becoming a vegetative state. All of this was given by Li Xiao in front of him. Shouldn't he apologise with death?

He didn't want to die, so Lin Huahua helped him.

A punch with soaring anger is definitely many times stronger than that brother Hu who punched a dog with three punches.

Lin Huahua was sure that as long as this punch hit, it would be enough for Li Xiao to fly upside down, hit the back of his head on the steps, and be buried with Ning Xiaoxi in advance.

But in the next second, I felt the light in front of my eyes suddenly changed, and Li Xiao, who should have been punched to death by her, disappeared, and then a hand grabbed her neck, pushing her whole body hard with irresistible force. Hit the wall behind you.

The tip of her tongue was slightly salty, her teeth were biting her lips, and traces of blood flowed down. Lin Huahua only felt that his eyes were full of gold stars, and his whole brain went blank for more than ten seconds.

When he regained normal thinking again, he could only see bloodshot eyes in Li Xiao's eyes, and the hand holding her neck was like a vise, which was hard to resist.

"Am I going to be killed by him? Teacher Qingwu didn't lie to me, his strength is really superior to mine. Why, why didn't you realize this problem before? He should have been shot to death long ago. Sorry, Xiao Xi, I can't avenge you. But even if I become a ghost, I won't let this Li Xiao go, and I will make him atone for your sin with death."

God knows how many thoughts Lin Huahua had in his mind during this short period of time.

With her little life in her hands, she could only think that Li Xiao would take this opportunity to kill her, and then run away to avoid the wrath that was coming soon from Dong Ning.

But the truth is, she thought too much.

As Li Xiao said just now, he is not in the mood to play with Lin Huahua now, he only wants to know one thing.

"Tell me why Ning Xiaoxi is so afraid of cats."

"Huh? I, I don't know."

Lin Huahua was stunned, she could only answer subconsciously when Li Xiao asked something.

Lin Huahua, who only came into contact with Ning Xiaoxi five years ago, was tasked with protecting Miss Ning. She only knew that Teacher Qingwu had specially instructed her not to let Ning Xiaoxi come into close contact with cats when she was training her. See.

She didn't know the specific reason at all.

But after Li Xiao accepted the task of protecting Ning Xiaoxi, Lin Huahua was blindly annoyed, and had already forgotten what Teacher Qingwu told her at the beginning.

She even forgot to tell Li Xiao that in the process of protecting Ning Xiaoxi, there was a more important requirement than "don't meet cats".

Ning Xiaoxi couldn't be injured in any way, not even a drop of blood.

At this moment, Lin Huahua could only look at Li Xiao in confusion, opening his mouth wide, making people look like he wanted to stuff something hard into her mouth to match her elegant mouth shape.

"You don't know? Well, I'll ask Lao Ning myself."

From Lin Huahua's expression alone, Li Xiao could tell that the Lin Brigade really didn't know anything.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't know, she doesn't believe that Ning Guanming, who raised Ning Xiaoxi since childhood, doesn't know either.

Taking advantage of the situation, he let go of the hand that was holding Lin Huahua's neck, and he turned around and walked upstairs, only wanting to go back outside the ward and continue to guard Ning Xiaoxi.

But before walking up two steps, he heard a shout behind him.

"Stop. Do you think Xiao Xi became like this because she met a cat?"

"Yes, a black cat. A very special black cat."

With a simple reply, Li Xiao continued to move forward.

Unexpectedly, Lin Huahua rushed up suddenly and stood in front of him again. The moment he raised his hand, he actually stuffed a USB flash drive into his hand.

"Take it."


Li Xiao was stunned, why did you give him a USB flash drive for no reason, could it be that there were some important information about Ning Xiaoxi stored in it for him to read?

Looking at the things in his hand, he definitely raised his head full of doubts, hoping to get some explanation from Lin Huahua.

As a result, when I looked up again, I saw that Lin Huahua had rushed to the door of the stairwell, opened the swing door, and shouted to the outside: "Comrade police, the thief who stole our Jiangdong Pharmaceutical's business secrets has been caught. here."

After the words fell, Xue Ning, who was wearing a police uniform, led the team into the stairwell, spotted Li Xiao at a glance, and waved.

"Cuff it and take it back."

Two police officers stepped forward and put the shining handcuffs on his wrists, but Li Xiao still couldn't recover.

What the hell is going on here?
(End of this chapter)

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