The toughest man in the city

Chapter 108 Li Xiao's Choice

Chapter 108 Li Xiao's Choice
Li Xiao has two mobile phones.

One is to join Huasheng Security Company after returning to China, and the company specially distributes it.

The other is a customized machine that has accompanied him for many years.

There are no more than ten people in the world who can know that mobile phone number, and the other four members of the Wild Beast Organization are among them.

To prevent some scary woman from harassing him with a barrage of phone calls, the phone was always turned off.

After returning to China for more than a year, tonight is the first time to turn on the phone and make external calls.

After fully expressing what he wanted to know to Mole, before the guy was about to ask him when he would go back, he hung up the phone.

In fact, in life, it is a very happy thing to have two or three friends who can help you at any cost.

Li Xiao looked down at the note codes of several other people in the address book, and the gratified smile on his face was definitely not faked.

But just as he was about to turn off the phone again, suddenly an unfamiliar number indicating an international call came in. What happened?
That guy Mole shouldn't be so inconspicuous, he turned around and told others that he was on.

No matter, if you really think that you are a human being or not, you can let the dignified Master Huofeng take the initiative to answer the phone.

Shut down, go back to sleep.

The cigarette was crushed on the bluestone pier, and the whole world was plunged into darkness.

Li Xiaoman thought that when he woke up, he would be able to see the message sent by the mole, so as to determine whether there was a special killer targeting Ning Xiaoxi.

But he never expected that before turning on the phone to check the news, Ning Xiaoxi's situation made him fall into a hole in the ice, terrified.

It stands to reason that people who fainted after being frightened can recover [-]% to [-]% as long as they have enough rest and then drink hot porridge to suppress the shock.And Ning Xiaoxi's kind of big heart, if she can't keep it together, she can completely forget what happened yesterday, and she can't remember that there was such a thing as a cat in the house.

But it turned out that Li Xiao's thinking was too simple.

When he saw Ning Xiaoxi lying on the sofa, her eyes were still closed, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her whole body was shaking, he subconsciously reached out and touched the girl's forehead.

That temperature is hot enough to fry an egg.

He grabbed the blanket, wrapped it around the girl, and rushed out.

The violent shaking made Ning Xiaoxi wake up slowly from her lethargy, and curled up in Li Xiao's arms like a kitten.

"Li Xiao, I'm cold."

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you to the hospital right now."

"Don't go to the hospital, I, I haven't eaten your stewed pig's feet yet."

"What time is this? You still want to stew pig's trotters."

Li Xiao really regretted it very much, if he knew there would be such troubles, he should have sent Ning Xiaoxi to the hospital last night.

Everyone knows that a person's mental state can directly affect physical function, like that kind of young children, once they are frightened, they will usually have a serious illness.

People with superstitions say that they lost their souls from fright and were possessed by dirty things. They must find something to call out their souls to recover.

Li Xiao didn't have time to think about whether it was time to call Ning Xiaoxi's soul.

If a high fever of that level cannot be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately, there is a possibility that the brain will be burnt out directly.The eldest lady who was originally alive and kicking turned into a fool because of his negligence. God knows whether Ning Guanming will tear him to pieces with his own hands.

"Ning Xiaoxi, don't sleep. Talk to me and go to the hospital right away."

The Lincoln car was driving rapidly on the road, Li Xiao kept the steering wheel steady with his left hand, and stretched his right hand all the way to the back, tightly strangling Ning Xiaoxi's tiger's mouth acupuncture point.

Shouldn’t pressing there be able to relieve the pain in the body, and it can’t reduce the fever, so why do such useless work?
It doesn't matter whether he is useful or not, as long as Ning Xiaoxi doesn't fall asleep like this.

Ning Xiaoxi's face was pale, and she rolled unconsciously on the back seat: "Don't pinch me, I feel bad. Li Xiao, what are you doing with the air conditioner turned up so high, turn it off quickly."

"Okay, okay, the air conditioner is turned off, you cover the quilt."

"Cover the quilt? Li Xiao, what are you doing in my room, watching me sleep? You have to be responsible to me."

"Okay, I'm responsible for you."

Li Xiao was so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat, he wrapped Ning Xiaoxi tightly in the blanket again and again, but saw the girl stretching her hands and feet and kicking them away, her voice became weaker and weaker, and there was a possibility of saying goodbye at any time.

He panicked completely, and frantically took out his cell phone, about to call Lin Huahua.

Ning Xiaoxi's illness, such a big matter, dare not keep her family from knowing.

But before he could find Lin Huahua's cell phone number, a call came in suddenly, and his scalp was about to explode.

"Hello, hello, Miss Yi?"

When I was in the hospital yesterday, I secretly went to see my mother's attending doctor and asked for Sister Yi's phone number, and recorded it down. I never expected that Sister Yi would call him at this time.

He answered the words tremblingly.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for two seconds.

"Li Xiao, can you help me. The hospital's ambulance is stuck on the road. Do you have a car to take my mother to the hospital?"

Accompanied by this urgent inquiry, the Lincoln car creaked and stopped suddenly in the middle of the road.

Ning Xiaoxi rolled under the car seat, and Li Xiao was so blank that she forgot to help her.

"Li Xiao, did you hear me? Your phone number is on the envelope. I, I really don't know who to call. My old lady..."

Li Xiao couldn't hear what Sister Yi was saying later.

Here is Ning Xiaoxi with a high fever, and over there is my old lady who is in critical condition.

If you take a detour to pick up my old lady, Ning Xiaoxi is here...

"Sister Yi, don't panic, I'll be right there."

After hanging up the phone, he hugged Ning Xiaoxi to the passenger seat as quickly as possible, and the car turned around and rushed away.

The trees on the side of the road turned into phantoms and quickly retreated backwards. Ning Xiaoxi shook her head from side to side, and unconsciously raised her hand to grab something outside the window.

"Li Xiao, where are you taking me? Are we flying?"

Li Xiao really wished that he could fly, so that he wouldn't have to bear the torment in his heart.

"Ning Xiaoxi, this time I am the one who is sorry for you. If you are really burned into a little fool, I will take care of you for the rest of your life!"

"Hey, hey hey."

There was no reply, only silly laughter came.

It's over, Ning Xiaoxi won't be stupid anymore.

Li Xiao stepped on the gas pedal to death, and almost used his foot to step on the engine to run wildly.

When I came to Sister Yi's house, I hugged my unconscious old mother on the back seat without saying a word. When Sister Yi also got into the car, I looked up and saw Ning Xiaoxi, who had completely lost her normal expression on the co-pilot, and was shocked. I couldn't even close my mouth.

"You, who are you? Li Xiao, didn't you send me to the hospital? This is picking me up again, who is picking me up?"

With an extremely weak question, Ning Xiaoxi tilted her head to the side and fell asleep again.

(End of this chapter)

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