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Chapter 558 River of puffer fish, wood of wood!

Chapter 558 River of puffer fish, wood of wood!
After the nameless man agreed to the girl's invitation, he followed the girl towards the girl's house, and after the nameless man and the girl left, the corpses all over the ground soon attracted a group of wolves with black and gray hair. As for why the corpse did not dissipate into white smoke, it is because there seems to be no setting in Minecraft that the corpse dissipates into white smoke after the death of an animal.

This was known when the nameless man killed the bandits before he lost his memory, but now the nameless man obviously doesn't know about it, but at the same time, he doesn't know that the corpse will turn into white smoke and dissipate , even more will not pay attention to this kind of thing.

The group came back to eat again, but they didn't eat for a long time, because during the time they were eating, a group of people dressed in the same clothes as the dead body came to this place, and at the same time they saw the corpses all over the ground .

The wolves were driven away, and an assassin in white quickly searched the area.

"My lord, there are a total of 15 corpses. They all died in the same way. They were all shot through the head by a crossbow arrow and died instantly. Although it is a bit unreasonable, according to my speculation, these people should kill each other to death, and finally all died in the Come here." An assassin came to the middle assassin and told his observations.

"Are you killing each other? The rumors are true, but the witch has come here. Has the other party mastered another evil black magic in just a few days?" The leading assassin said with a serious face, looking at the ground dead body, with a melancholy look on his face.

"Is it magic that makes people kill each other? It's really evil."

The reporting assassin listened to the lead assassin's words, stood there quietly, just looked at the lead assassin respectfully, and the leading assassin waved his hand after saying this:
"Leave two people to deal with these corpses, and the rest, search around with me to see if we can find any clues!"


The nameless man walked behind the girl, carefully absorbing the memories in his mind as he walked.

The girl walked ahead silently leading the way, but looking at the girl's appearance, it was obvious that she wanted to find something to talk about. After all, the two of them walked together without saying anything. Such words would make ordinary people feel very uncomfortable. Awkward.

Anonymous people naturally do not belong to this category of people, but the girl is different. After thinking about it carefully, the girl opened her mouth and said:

"Well, from just now until now, I don't know your name, can you tell me your name?" After the girl finished speaking, there was an apologetic expression on her face.

"No, I'm sorry, I, I asked your name without saying my name."

The nameless man's thoughts were pulled back by the girl's words. Seeing the girl's reaction, he was speechless and at the same time a little confused. Why is it so troublesome to ask a name?

But after thinking about it carefully, the nameless man may not know how to answer the girl's words for a while, because he himself can't remember what his name is at this time, although memory fragments often emerge in his mind, making the nameless man understand To a lot of things.

But there is no information about his own name at all. No matter how much the nameless person tries to recall his name, he cannot find a trace of it from his memory, as if he had no name before. Of course, the nameless person I don't think I don't have a name, it's an intuition.

Although it feels unreliable to believe in intuition, in any case, the nameless person does not want to believe that he used to be a person without a name.

At this time, the nameless person also knew the girl's name.

The girl’s name is Yumuli. As for why she is called this name, the girl is not very clear. According to the girl, when the orphanage that adopted her picked her up, the name on the sign was called Yumuli. To be honest, when the nameless person first heard the name, he almost listened to Elm Ridge.

But since the young girl has said her name, the nameless person feels that it is not good for him not to say anything, so he opened his mouth and said:

"I can't remember what my name is."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to even forget your own name." Yu Muli said in surprise after hearing the nameless man's words.

Maybe it's because in most people's minds, people with amnesia will instinctively remember their own names?
Well, this may be due to some biographical novels that have been circulated, and there are some stories that have been passed down from the mouths of bards. Most people actually think that people with amnesia will instinctively remember their own names this kind of thing.

But Yu Muli and the nameless person obviously don't care much about this kind of thing, the girl looked at the nameless person and asked with some trouble.

"If you can't remember your name, what should I call you?"


The nameless person frowned, what Yu Muli said was very reasonable, but it is a very troublesome thing if there is no way to call it by name, why don't you choose one for yourself?
If you want to name it, what name is better?
Wang Dazhuang?Wu Daniu?Or a bumblebee?Wait, what the hell is Bumblebee, and why does this name feel a bit weird?

What are ghosts?
Looking at the pensive face of the unknown man, Yu Muli couldn't help but smile, and said:

"If you can't think of one, let me think of one for you."

can you do itIt wouldn't be very strange, the nameless man couldn't help thinking when he heard the girl's words.

The girl seemed to see what the nameless person was thinking, and said angrily:

"What kind of look do you have? Forget it if you don't want to, then give yourself a name!"


The corner of the nameless man's mouth twitched twice, remembering the names he had imagined in his heart.

Forget it, it's probably much more pleasant to hear than the name I gave myself.

Thinking of this, the nameless man opened his mouth and said, "I can't think of a nice name myself, so please help me come up with one."

"Hmph, I don't want it. From now on, I will call you Hemu, the river of puffer fish, and the wood of wood!"

"Why does it feel like you're scolding me?" Unknown, no, He Mu couldn't help twitching when he heard the second half of Yu Muli's mouth.

Although the memory of puffer fish is somewhat missing, the general idea can still be understood. As for the wood, there is no need to say more, but if the second half is removed, the name Hemu is still good, so I thought about it carefully. Yes, Hemu still accepted the name.

After walking for a while, finally, in the deepest part of the swamp, in front of a tree at the top of a hill, the girl stopped.

"Here, this is my home."

(End of this chapter)

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