Super template lottery system

Chapter 557 Fake Brotherhood Assassin

Chapter 557 Fake Brotherhood Assassin

The girl opened her mouth in surprise, and then suddenly noticed that her actions might not look very good, so she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

As for the corpse on the ground, just by looking at the attire, the girl could tell at a glance that the other party was a member of the fraternity, and the girl didn't have the slightest fluctuation in her heart when a member of the organization that hunted her down died.

And it was precisely because of the nameless person's actions that the girl instantly relaxed her vigilance against the nameless person, because if the nameless person was really a member of the fraternity, how could he kill his own members?

Although the costumes on the Nameless are very similar to those of the Brotherhood, but think about it, one is white and the other is black, maybe the Nameless are a rival organization organized by the Brotherhood.

The more the girl thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense. Just as she was about to speak, there was a sudden sound of piercing through the air, and she saw crossbow arrows flying from all directions, surrounding the girl and Lu Fang.

The girl looked at the arrows shooting towards her in all directions, and wanted to dodge in panic, but the next moment, the girl felt her body lighten, and was hugged by an unknown person. The next moment, when the girl's sight After recovering, he found that he had been thrown into the air.

"Huh?" The girl was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but scream loudly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" There is no way, because the nameless person threw it too high, and the nameless person himself did not expect that he threw the girl to a height of nearly 15 meters with his random throw.

How high is 15 meters?If it is converted into a building, it is roughly equivalent to the height of the fifth floor, and it is not surprising that a person who is suddenly thrown 15 meters screams after being greatly frightened, and the girl's reaction is actually quite different. It's good, because if you are timid, you may have fainted from fright at this time.

After throwing the girl into the air, the nameless person moved slightly twice, easily dodging all the attacks. Subconsciously, the nameless person felt as if he could control his right eye, and there was a strange fluctuation Drilling into the right eye, the next moment, the number in the right eye changed suddenly.

The third animal path!

Sharp thorns drilled out of the ground, and the next moment they stabbed into those figures wearing pure white thorns, and the intense toxin poured in. The next moment, Lu Fang himself was shocked. In the process, the bodies of these assassins turned into a puddle of purple thick water very quickly.

After picking up the girl who fell from the sky, Lu Fang looked at the assassins on the ground, speechless.

The first moment he discovered these people, the nameless man subconsciously felt that these people were not real members of the Brotherhood. It was precisely because of this that the nameless man took action mercilessly, and at the same time, a wave of emotions emerged in his heart. A violent rage.

The reason for the anger was because someone pretended to be his brotherhood, and it was at this time that the nameless person had the leisure to absorb the memory fragments he had just recalled.

At this moment, the nameless person finally knew why he knew that these brotherhood assassins were fakes.

Because every Brotherhood Assassin has the free will that belongs to the Assassin, and at the same time, the Assassin Brotherhood clothing has special attributes. This, even if the Nameless One is not there, Connor can do it. At the same time, this is not system functionality.

Strange, what is the system?
The nameless person began to think subconsciously, but after the severe pain in his head, the nameless person gave up thinking, because he now knows that thinking in vain is meaningless, and it will only give him a headache instead of Will recall what comes out.

And just as the nameless man was thinking, a small voice came from the nameless man's arms.

"That...can you let me down?"

The girl's face was pale at this time due to the excessive fright she received while empty-handed. However, amidst the paleness, she was sweating profusely from being hugged by a man.

Of course, this is not because of overheating of body temperature. In fact, when people are shy or embarrassed, the specific performance is that they feel that the body is very hot, especially the brain, and it is because of the heat that the body will sweat. As for the face Will it turn red, it should be.

(The above is the author's own experience. When I was teased by the whole class when I was in school, I would be shy. Oh, it's really embarrassing to say it.)
And the nameless person also came back from the state of thinking at this time. Looking at the nervous girl, the nameless person didn't notice it, but it was natural for the nameless person to think that his emotional intelligence was still above the level of ordinary people. Putting the girl down, of course, there is no such thing as letting go and throwing the girl down.

This kind of operation is usually only manifested in some straight men who are more steel than steel, or that person is not a straight man of steel, just a little stupid or stupid in his mind, of course, it is also intentional.

The girl fell from the arms of the unknown person, and stood on the ground with a flushed face (let's assume that she would blush by default, besides, why do novels care about so much QWQ), what she originally wanted to say was forgotten deep in her brain, And Lu Fang also spontaneously entered the state of "meditation".

In fact, it is to carefully search the memory fragments in his mind. The nameless person feels that he still needs to familiarize himself with his own memory carefully, and he must not make such a wrong move again.

So the two sides fell into silence, no one spoke, and no one wanted to move. Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the girl looked at the unknown person and said.

"That. If you lose your memory, I don't intend to let you live in my house."

Oh, don't get me wrong, there is a lesson to be learned from the world, the girl only invites the nameless person because she feels that the nameless person has amnesia is very pitiful and because she saved her own life, of course, it does not rule out that because she has become a witch, she has to be alone The loneliness I feel in life is due to the fact that I hope that outsiders can accompany me.

You know, knowing social animals, living alone for a long time can drive people crazy, let alone a little girl who looks like she is in her twenties, although this little girl may not be very lonely , because every ten days and a half months someone will come to chase and kill him, but it's not that no one has come to "accompany him."

However, as long as she is a normal person, she should hope to have someone by her side who will not be malicious to her. This is obviously the case for the girl, although she does not know whether the nameless person will leave in the future.

However, regardless of whether the nameless person will leave here in the future or what, the girl feels that she should thank him for saving her life.

And the nameless person didn't think too much. After thinking for less than two seconds, he felt that he didn't like staying in the wild and building a house would be troublesome, so he nodded in agreement.

But then again, why do I have the illusion that it doesn't take long to build a house?

The nameless person couldn't help but think in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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