Chapter 398
A ball of flame rose out of nowhere and touched Lu Fang's palm, but he couldn't feel the heat at all, instead he felt the warmth of his hand.

Lu Fang was not surprised by this, after all, he knew the scroll.

The contract scroll is a scroll produced by the church. More than a dozen believers pray overnight to communicate with the gods and guide the power of the gods into the scroll, which will take effect after the scroll is opened.

The scroll will burn light attribute flames that will cause great damage to dark creatures, but will not cause any damage to any creatures except dark creatures.

Open the scroll, the first sentence at the beginning is:

All the following contents are highly confidential, and no information may be leaked in any form after reading, otherwise, it will be a breach of contract.

Needless to say, everyone knows the effect of breaching the contract. As for the content below the scroll, Lu Fang read it one by one.

And the more he wanted to look down, the more exciting Lu Fang's expression became.

What is the girl's name? Lu Fang doesn't know, but the girl's code name is Dog Mouse, and the girl's identity belongs to the half-orc assassin. That is to say, what Lu Fang said before, if the world of "Huan Dao" doesn't have Under the influence of Lu Fang and the main god space, the first organization the protagonist joins is this half-orc assassin organization.

Lu Fang is not very clear about the specific details of the Orc Assassin organization, because he didn't finish writing this at the beginning, but Lu Fang still knows about dogs and rats.

Dog Mouse, the fifth assassin in the Orc Assassin Organization, is equivalent to the strength of humans breaking through eight bottlenecks, proficient in tracking, night combat, dagger assassination and so on.

Because her body is half-rat, she has two cute long gray ears, a sharp gray-black rat tail, minions that can turn into sharp claws at any time, and incisors that can control laughter at will, making this girl particularly proficient. Assassination.

This time, they pretended to be a human caravan to assassinate an orc duke, because the existence of the other party had already threatened the half-orc assassin organization, so the half-orc girl code-named Dog Mouse was sent to assassinate the orc duke.

Of course, the scroll did not say that the girl was a half-orc, nor did it say that the girl belonged to a half-orc assassin organization. It just said that the girl came from a mysterious assassin organization. Lu Fang's assistance was needed for the mission to assassinate the orc duke.

The content of the scroll is entered by the user relying on the mind. It is clearly written in the scroll. Lu Fang has no choice but to perform high density in any form. This has already taken effect when the scroll is just opened. Of course, only this can be done take effect.

As for the subsequent treaties that must not betray halfway and must assist the girl, it will only take effect after Lu Fang signs his name.

As for the reward after completing the task, it is a thousand platinum coins from the human empire and the right to choose any item in the duke's treasury at will.

Although a thousand platinum coins are useful to Lu Fang, they are not very useful. They are not very attractive to Lu Fang. What can really mobilize Lu Fang's interest is to choose any one from the Duke's treasure house. items, but
"One item is a little short." Lu Fang frowned and said this sentence, but the girl's face showed a look that was so true.

After all, one item is indeed a little short. You must know that assassinating the orc duke is a very dangerous task. It is really not worthwhile to choose only one item. As for the thousand platinum coins?Both parties knew that this was actually just an addition, and what both parties really cared about was actually the items left behind after the death of the Orc Duke.

As for whether the assassination can be successful or not, it depends on the situation.
"Then how many do you want?" the girl asked with a smile.

Lu Fang's left hand showed five fingers, the girl looked at Lu Fang and said:
"Five items? Yes."

Which one? After the girl finished speaking, Lu Fang shook his head and said:

"I said fifty percent."

After Lu Fang finished speaking, before the girl could speak, the strong man on the side sneered and said:
"You really just thought about it, you are only one person, even if you are powerful, how much contribution you can make, you have to open your mouth to [-]%, be careful to hold on to yourself!"

The girl frowned and didn't speak, but it seemed that her thoughts were similar to those of the strong man.

Lu Fang didn't pay much attention to this, and said with a smile:
"Well, I will accompany you to complete the assassination mission first. As for the property of the Duke of Orcs, let's talk about it later."

When the strong man got angry, he wanted to say something else, but the girl quickly stretched out a hand, blocked in front of the strong man, signaled the strong man to shut up, and said:

"Yes, we will decide after the assassination is completed."

The strong man opened his mouth, looking at the contract scroll slowly burning to ashes in the air, he didn't know what to say.

Looking at the girl beside him, the strong man finally didn't say anything, but his face became not very good, he almost stared at Lu Fang walking out of the carriage.

After Lu let go, the girl looked at the carriage with only two people, and said:
"Li, are you wondering why I agreed to this request?"

"I don't dare." Li Zai said quickly after hearing the girl's words.

"Pfft." The girl didn't know what she thought of, but she laughed outright, looking at the bewildered burly man beside her, the girl smiled and said:
"When you tell a lie in the future, can you stop pretending to be serious? Anyone with a discerning eye can see it. After all, when Mr. Lu Fang went out, your eyes never left the other party's body."

There was a hint of embarrassment on the face of the strong man, he laughed twice, but he didn't speak, and after the girl finished laughing, the expression on her face also became serious and said:
"What the organization really needs is to kill the Duke of Orcs, but with our strength, to be honest, it may be very difficult to kill the other party, and maybe even die, but in order to complete the task, appropriate His sacrifice is also possible, as long as he can kill the Duke of Orcs, not to mention [-]%, [-]%, [-]%, I am willing to hand it over."

"Too many partners died because of the Orc Duke."

There was a trace of sadness on the girl's face, she couldn't help but put her hand into her bosom, and took out a delicate doll carved out of wood.

The appearance of the doll looks just like a girl, with long black hair, cute and smart ears, and a mouse tail that seems to be wagging, making the whole doll seem real.

But the only pity is that the color of the doll is only half painted, and the other half is a wood color that has not been painted with dye.

The girl gently stroked the doll with her hands, the sadness in her eyes was undisguised, she took a deep breath, the girl put the doll back in her arms, and carefully treasured it.

Looking at the caravan driving slowly outside the carriage and feeling the puppet on her chest, the girl's eyes revealed firm belief.

"elder sister."

(End of this chapter)

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