Super template lottery system

Chapter 397 The Contract Scroll

Chapter 397 The Contract Scroll
Lu Fang nodded, and nodded to Luo Han behind him, signaling that the other party would take care of Nuonora and the others when he was no longer there, so as to prevent any accidents.

Luo Han didn't have any opinion on this, and nodded his head in agreement.

Following the young man, Lu Fang soon came to a well-made carriage.

As soon as he got into the carriage, Lu Fang saw a middle-aged strong man with bushy hair in a black-gray gown. At the waist of the strong man was a long steel sword.

After Lu Fang entered the carriage, the middle-aged strong man quickly stood up from the carriage, looking at Lu Fang who came in with a vigilant expression.

In his perception, Lu Fang exudes a dangerous atmosphere all over his body. Although he seems to have many weaknesses when he is walking, but if he looks carefully, he will find that if he does it right away , the opponent can transform the weakness of the body into an offensive killer move in an instant.

"This man is dangerous."

As a guard, the middle-aged strong man immediately wanted to block his body in front of his master, but just after his body started to move, a sweet girl's voice rang in his ears:
"Li, sit down!"

The body of the strong man called Li was stiff, and then he slowly sat down on the seat, but his muscles were tense, and it seemed that he could enter a fighting state at any time.

Lu Fang didn't care much about this. He sat on the opposite side of the girl who spoke before, and when he saw Lu Fang's position, his whole body relaxed, but he didn't relax his vigilance, but kept brewing. The fighting spirit in his body tried to kill Lu Fang in an instant after he made any unruly actions.

Shrugging helplessly, ignoring the rising momentum of the strong man opposite, Lu Fang observed the man in front of him.

The fair-looking slightly pale complexion looks like it hasn't been exposed to the sun for a long time. The blue-gold one-piece dress is worn on the body, which makes the girl exude a businessman's atmosphere.

Wearing a blue round hat with a silver edge on his head, I don't know if it is an illusion, Lu Fang always feels that this hat seems to be used to cover something, after all, judging from the overall appearance of the girl's clothes, this hat Not very appropriate.

The girl's eyes and hair color are the same as Lu Fang's body color at this time, smart black pupils, and a long jet black hair hanging behind her back. When Lu Fang looked carefully with his eyes, he actually felt it from the hair A sharp feeling.

"The girl in front of me is not simple." Lu Fang is so sure, he believes in his own intuition. If he didn't believe it, what else could he believe in?

However, it is impossible for Lu Fang to trust his own intuition 100%. After all, sometimes, the body's intuition may not be correct. Only by relying on his own wisdom to judge the right and wrong, can Lu Fang be able to go further.

An An believes in his intuition, it is a beast, a real human being, always relying on his own wisdom to fight against the enemy, of course, it is not counted when he goes berserk, besides, Lu Fang does not go berserk at every turn, unless it is someone some special cases.

"So, did you ask me to come?" Lu Fang asked, looking at the girl in front of him.

"Of course I'm here to meet the bounty hunter from the bounty guild." The girl looked at Lu Fang and said with a smile.

"Then what do you think after seeing me?" Lu Fang asked with a smile.

"I don't feel anything~" There was a playful look on the girl's face, she looked at Lu Fang, and said to the strong man beside her:

"Li, don't accumulate energy here, there is nothing wrong."

"Uh, miss, he." Li looked at the lady beside him with some embarrassment, his face was full of tangles.

"Pfft..." The girl looked at Li's expression, couldn't help laughing out loud, and said with a smile: "It's nothing wrong, there's no need to be so vigilant, everyone is human, so what will happen?"

The strong man didn't know what he was thinking of, but the one who came to take the lie showed a helpless expression, the fighting spirit surged back in his body, and the aura on his body slowly dissipated, and there was also a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Taking a deep breath, the strong man's body slowly calmed down, and respectfully said to the girl beside him, "It's my subordinates who are overwhelmed."

Lu Fang saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, but slowly stood up from the carriage, saying:
"My companion is still waiting for me outside. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Wait!" Just as Lu Fang was about to get off the carriage, the girl stopped Lu Fang. Lu Fang turned his head and watched the girl say:
"Is there anything else?"

The girl stretched out a hand, pointed to the task list hanging on Lu Fang's waist, and said:

"Let's talk about the specific content of the mission and the rewards of the mission."

"Hmm" After pondering for a while, Lu Fang nodded, and then returned to the carriage.

Although Lu Fang's main purpose is not to reward the mission, but to go to the human empire, but there is nothing to do now anyway, it is better to listen patiently. After all, having money and not having money are indeed two concepts, and the former can make Lu Fang The life of Fang is much more comfortable, and although the latter has no effect on Lu Fang, the comfort level will indeed drop a lot.

In the human empire, the coins of the orc empire will be depreciated to be very worthless. The reason why humans often have caravans to the orc empire is only because of the country's policy. In fact, few people are willing to go there. kind of place.

But this kind of thing is obviously willing. The value of the coins of the orc empire in the human empire is also constantly rising because of these merchants. I believe that it will reach the same level as ordinary coins in a few years.

Although, these things have nothing to do with Lu Fang
The girl took out a white scroll from her body, put it in front of Lu Fang and said:
"First of all, let's sign a brand new mission contract. Remember, this is not an ordinary mission contract, but a legal contract scroll with the nature of laws. Once the contract is signed, if you violate the contract, you will be punished." The backlash of the law~”

"Miss, here!" Seeing the scroll the girl took out, Li stood up quickly, with a shocked expression on his face, but before he could speak, the girl stretched out a hand and said:
"The things I made a decision will not change, and the opponent's strength is very strong, isn't it?"

"But." Li still wanted to say something, but the girl interrupted directly with a serious face:

"sit down!"

Li's face turned red, and finally he sat on the chair obediently, but his hand quietly touched the hilt of the long sword at his waist, his eyes fixed on Lu Fang, ready to draw the sword at any time, and Lu Fang Then he picked up the scroll and slowly opened it
(End of this chapter)

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