I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 75 The stunned students!

Chapter 75 The stunned students!

Seeing that Shen Ping posted on Weibo that Yuan Mei was the best foodie in China's history, none of the netizens believed it!
"No way out?"

"Impossible! Su Xian is already a well-known foodie!"

"What are you talking about, Teacher Xiao Shen!"

"Shen Ping, just lie to me!"

"Who will win the food competition between Su Shi and Yuan Mei? What about the competition between the two great writers? How the hell do you dare to say that Yuan Mei is unmatched in terms of food? Hey! Are you going to be so exaggerated! "

"It's all gone, why did Shen Ping give a standard answer! It's obvious that Shen Ping wants to play with us, and that exam question must be tricking us, don't waste time, prepare for the next exams in other subjects!"

No one wanted to hear it anymore, and everyone felt that Su Shi would definitely win the food competition.

Shen Ping glanced at the comments on Weibo, and then typed: "Who said Yuan Mei can't be the strongest foodie? Since I dare to say that Yuan Mei is the best foodie, of course there is evidence, and you don't want to hear it." Can you hear the correct answer to this question?"

The candidates didn't believe it.

"Pull it down!"

"Hehe! Just two words for me!"

"I don't believe that Yuan Mei is stronger than Shen Ping!"

"Then you should hurry up and say the answer, you!"

"I really don't believe that Yuan Mei can eat better than Su Xian!"

There was so much buzz on Weibo that even some high school teachers couldn't help but speak up.

Ding Yulan, director of politics and education at No. [-] High School in Beijing: "Pfft! How long is it? The students don't believe you anymore. Besides the food competition, I'll stand against Su Dongpo!"

Second High School official Weibo: "Yuan Mei is really the strongest foodie in history? Impossible?"

Ding Ruizhen, an associate professor at the university, said: "Su Dongpo has eaten a lot of delicacies, which can be reflected from his poems. It is impossible for Yuan Mei to eat all the things that fly in the sky, walk on the ground, and swim in the river?"

No one believed it, but Shen Ping actually posted all the things Yuan Mei had done!

For example, animals with feathers: white sliced ​​chicken, chicken floss, raw gun chicken, chicken porridge, burnt chicken, pounded chicken, fried chicken slices, steamed chicken, sauced chicken, diced chicken, chicken balls, stewed chicken with mushrooms, fried chicken with pears , fake pheasant rolls, fried chicken with yellow sprouts, fried chicken with chestnuts, roasted eight pieces, pearl balls, steamed chicken with astragalus, stewed chicken, Jiang chicken [Jiang Yushijiafaya. 】Tang Chicken【Tang Jinghan's family law is also. 】Chicken liver, chicken blood [tenderness is the most important], shredded chicken, bad chicken, chicken kidney, egg, pheasant five methods, red stewed chicken, stewed chicken with mushrooms, pigeon, pigeon eggs, wild duck, steamed duck, duck muddled, braised Duck, duck breast, roasted duck, hanging stewed duck, dry steamed duck, wild duck group, Xu duck, stewed sparrow, stewed wren, yellow sparrow, Yunlin goose...

Looking at the results given by Shen Ping on Weibo, the netizens on Weibo were dumbfounded!


"Oh my God!"

"Yuan Mei is so awesome?!"

Shen Ping's Weibo continues to post: "Things with scales in the water: crucian carp, white fish, season fish, earth fish, fish floss, fish balls, fish fillets, even fish tofu, vinegar fish, whitebait, Taiwanese fish." Flounder, flounder, flounder with shrimps, fish breasts, home-fried fish, yellowtail fish, side fish; those without scales in the water: soup eel, red stewed eel, fried eel, raw fried turtle, fried turtle with sauce, bone-in turtle , green salt turtle, simmered turtle in soup, whole-shell turtle, shredded eel soup, fried eel, segmented eel, shrimp balls, shrimp cakes, drunken shrimp, fried shrimp, crab, crab soup, fried crab powder, peeled steamed crab, clams, Clams, clams {Chongao}, dried razor clams, fresh razor clams, water chickens, smoked eggs, tea eggs.”

Some Weibo netizens questioned: "Apart from animals with feathers, animals with and without scales, there's nothing else, right? It won't prove that Yuan Mei is the strongest foodie in history! After all, Su Dongpo is also famous for loving food!" "

Shen Ping smiled slightly, and continued to post on Weibo: "About pork: two methods of pig head, four methods of trotters, pig feet and tendon, two methods of pork belly, two methods of pig lung, pork loin, pork tenderloin, white meat slices, red stewed pork Three methods, boiled meat in white, roasted meat in oil, steamed meat in a dry pot, meat in a covered bowl, meat in a magnetic altar, desanded meat, sun-dried meat, stewed ham, stewed turtle meat, steamed meat with flour, smoked stewed meat, hibiscus meat , lychee meat, eight-treasure meat, stewed cauliflower head meat, fried pork shreds, fried pork slices, eight-treasure meatballs, hollow meatballs, pot-roasted pork, sauced meat, bad meat, violently cured meat, Yin Wenduan’s public-style meat, hometown meat , simmered fire meat with bamboo shoots, roasted piglets, roasted pork, pork ribs, Luo mino meat... and Yang Gongyuan, stewed ham with yellow sprouts, and honey ham."

"About beef and mutton: beef, beef tongue (beef tongue is the best. Peel the skin, tear off the film, slice it, put it in the meat and simmer together. There are also winter salted and air-dried ones, and eat it the next year, which is very similar to good ham.) Sheep's head, sheep's feet , mutton soup, mutton soup [...Northern people stir fry, southerners can't be as crisp. Qian Yusha Fangbo's pot roasted mutton is excellent, I will find the method.] Red simmered mutton, fried shredded mutton, roasted mutton [… ...It is suitable to provoke Song Renzong to recognize his thoughts in the middle of the night.] Whole lamb, venison, deer tendon Erfa, roe meat, civet cat, fake cow's milk, deer tail [If you taste too much, wrap it in vegetable leaves and steam it, taste The fruit is different. There is a paddy ear on the tail of the best part.]”

"Tea: Wuyi Tea, Longjing Tea, Changzhou Yangxian Tea, Dongting Junshan Tea! Wine: Jintan Yujiu, Dezhou Lujiu, Sichuan Pitong Liquor, Shaoxing Liquor, Huzhou Nanxun Liquor, Changzhou Lanling Liquor , I have never drank it before.] (full of regrets and complaints) Liyang Wufan Wine, Suzhou Chen Sanbai, Jinhua Wine, Shanxi Fen Wine!"

When a list of dishes that Yuan Mei can cook, involving things that fly in the sky, things that walk on the ground, things that swim in the water, even wine, tea, and various snacks, are all posted on Weibo!
The candidates surrounding Shen Ping's Weibo all fell silent!

The candidates were shocked!

The high school teachers were shocked!

Countless netizens were shocked!
"...Damn it! Yuan Mei is amazing! This Yuan Mei is a fucking cook, right?!"

"Awesome! I am convinced!"

"It turned out that in the food competition between Su Dongpo and Yuan Mei, Yuan Mei was the correct answer!"

"I'm so impressed! Teacher Xiao Shen is Teacher Xiao Shen! The way of thinking about the exam questions is completely different from others! Always so open-minded! Never play cards according to the routine! This kind of competition between Su Dongpo and Yuan Mei is fine. I originally thought Teacher Xiao Shen deliberately set up tricks for the exam questions that would win, but I didn't expect that there were answers!"

There are many people who admired the five-body projection on Weibo, but they didn't expect Shen Ping to post a Weibo lightly: "Students understand? In fact, this food competition test question is so simple, as long as you answer Yuan Mei can win, and put forward a general answer." Theory candidates will all get extra points!"

With the release of his Weibo, his Weibo exploded again.

"So, the Chinese test paper is not difficult at all. I don't know how difficult the other test papers are?"

"Fuck, if it wasn't mentioned above, I would have forgotten that there are other subject exams!"

"The language test papers are so brainy, the remaining six sets of test papers he produced are probably out of his mind, right?"

"Just thinking about it makes me feel cold!"

 Thank you Liu Niuniu for your reward, thank you very much, let me give you a last shout, please collect it, recommend it, and ask for a reward.
(End of this chapter)

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