I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 71 The Final Exam Arrives!

Chapter 71 The Final Exam Arrives!

There is no cloud in the sky, a scorching sun overhead, no wind, and all the trees are listless, standing there lazily.

Shen Ping sat in the office, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and discussed with Fan Danqiu how to teach. There was a glass of ginger jujube brown sugar water on the table. During Fan Danqiu's menstrual period, after Shen Ping cooked it at home, he brought it to school, took advantage of the lunch break at noon, and handed it over to Fan Danqiu.

It may be due to the menstrual period. Fan Danqiu's teaching level has seriously declined in the past two days, especially the second and eighth grades in the substitute class. Wang Erpi's child has been very naughty recently. It's fine for the students, but the parent of the other party is Wang Jianguo, so Fan Danqiu dare not scold him.

Shen Ping thought for a while, and finally told her frankly, as long as the child Wang Erpi is willing to show a trace of wanting to learn, then don't give up. If the child is unwilling to learn, even the teacher can have little effect. If it doesn't work, just give up.

Every parent loves their children, but if they love their children so much, regardless of right or wrong, it is harming their children.

At the beginning, Shen Ping tried every means to improve Wang Erpi's grades, but because he refused to agree to Wang Erpi's request to reduce the difficulty of the exam papers, his father Wang Jianguo used his power to suppress him to the point of losing his position as head teacher. Help him, I'm afraid Shen Ping has already left school in disgrace.

Comfort Fan Danqiu.

Consider it from an objective point of view.

Shen Ping didn't feel impatient, and he was able to bear his temper, so he used his lunch break to comfort Fan Danqiu, trying to tell her that the student's fault was not her fault, and that he had done his best as a teacher, and he was already worthy of his teacher's morality. , the rest is a problem for students and parents.

As for the next final exam, he told Fan Danqiu to give lectures seriously and help students prepare for the final sprint.


in the next days.

on Weibo.

I don't know which student in the second and ninth class of senior high school, suddenly posted the ten test questions that Shen Ping gave in biology class yesterday, and added a sentence, "This is the test question that Teacher Xiao Shen randomly posed in class. , all high school students in the capital city can take a look! Let me tell you, it is said that the content of the biology paper of the final exam is about the same difficulty as these ten exam questions, hehe."

Judging by the tone of this Weibo, it must be a teenage boy.

Many high school teachers and students in the capital city quickly saw these ten exam questions.



"Your sister, why is this question so difficult?!"

"Is this really the question asked by the Fawang?"

"It's hard to say! This Shen Ping has never followed the routine in his questions! He has never encountered a teacher like him in the countless exams he has experienced since he was a child! But even the previous exam papers, those that seemed more difficult, It's not as difficult as his exam paper!"

"Exam questions in class? Why? The final exam is coming, shouldn't we help students review well? Why do we have to ask questions in class?"

The owner of that Weibo said: "That's right. Teacher Xiao Shen will not explain knowledge points to students like other teachers, but let students recall the knowledge points they have learned by asking questions, or use interesting stories , let the students memorize the knowledge in a humorous way. Among the teachers who have taught us, only Teacher Xiao Shen can do this, envy you?"

"Oh my God!"

"Is it so beautiful?"

"It's amazing! Since the founding of China, there has never been such a teacher! Let alone, if I meet such a teacher, I will definitely listen to the class seriously!"

"Hearing what the blogger said, I suddenly felt that Teacher Xiao Shen seemed to be quite good. His exam questions were too difficult, and it was also to test whether students study hard?"

As the Weibo forwarding soared all the way, more and more people noticed this Weibo, and the scolding became more and more intense!

"Are you afraid that you were taken astray upstairs?"

"What test is not tested!"

"I'm worried about the difficulty of the next final exam questions!"

"That's right! After reading the ten test questions on Weibo, I suddenly felt pessimistic! The ten biology test questions written by hand are so difficult, can the test papers of other subjects be easy?!"

"Autistic, autistic!"

"Maybe the exam papers of other subjects are not so difficult? Are you too pessimistic?"

"That's right! Even if the biology test paper is too difficult, the test papers of other subjects will probably be relatively easy. After all, if all the test papers are difficult, it is intentional to make students fail, and the Education Bureau will definitely not agree!"

"What the upstairs says makes sense!"

"Other subjects will definitely not be too difficult!"

"I hope so... But I always feel uneasy."

"Forget it, let's resign ourselves to fate when the time comes! I'm going to review my homework again now, and strive to pass the final exam!"

"I'm going to review too!"


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the semi-annual final exam began!

As the capital of China, Beijing City, naturally received a lot of media attention.

Most of the headlines in the media are like this.

"Today, the final exam of Beijing City High School is officially opened, and the difficulty of the exam paper has been greatly increased! "

"Next, the students will feel the terror of the King of Exam Questions! "

"Let's look forward to the tragic scene of high school students walking out of the examination room crying! "

This exam is related to whether the students can successfully advance to the third year of high school!

And the sophomores who took the final exam also had different expressions, some had faint smiles on their faces, while others were full of sorrow.

Facing the rising sun, high school sophomores walked into the examination room, and the last exam of this semester began!

The first test is Chinese.

When the test papers were distributed to each student, they took out the carbon pens in the pencil case and were ready to answer the questions!
However, the moment their eyes fell on the examination paper, their eyeballs were about to pop out!
In the classroom, there were bursts of 'fuck', 'this is a nonsense' swearing voice!

The classroom was as messy as a vegetable market, and the invigilator also picked up a student's test paper and looked at it strangely, and immediately yelled: "This is a fucking problem!"

I saw, the first question on the Chinese examination paper:
Original text: My nephew Zhizhi, the immature nephew of Zhi Zhizhi, is extremely wise, knows how to make paper, and knows how to weave banners.Hemorrhoids treated with Zhizhi, nephew to Zhizhi, Zhi Zhi juice to cure hemorrhoids, to Zhizhi, Zhizhi branches, spiders to, nephews, holding straight branches to throw, spiders stop, nephews to Zhi Zhizhi to Zhizhi, Zhizhi to cure Hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids stop.Zhizhi Zhizhi pheasant limbs.

The vernacular translation is as follows: "There was a man named Zhi. He had a young nephew named Zhi. Zhi was very smart. He not only knew how to make paper, but also knew how to weave brocade. One day, Zhi got hemorrhoids. Although he used Mugwort burned the hemorrhoids, but the hemorrhoids grew bigger. When Zhi arrived at Zhi's house and learned about this, he thought that the juice of Angelica dahuricae could cure hemorrhoids, so he went to the place where Angelica dahurica grows to collect Angelica dahurica. An insect crawled on him. Zhi picked up a straight branch and threw it at the insect. The branch fell next to the insect's feet, and the insect stopped moving. Zhi took the Angelica dahurica and ran to Zhi's home, and then Zhi used the Angelica dahurica to Treat hemorrhoids, and the hemorrhoids will be cured, and Zhi roasted a fat and tender wild pheasant leg as a thank you gift to my nephew."

Now ask everyone: write a homophonic text, and form a story!
Homonyms, forming a story? !

Homophonic your sister!
Make up your sister!
The invigilator cursed!
The students are swearing!

The entire teaching building in the examination room resounded with bouts of crap!

What a fucking problem!

(End of this chapter)

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