Chapter 2 Lottery
in the afternoon.

In April, the weather starts to get hotter.

Although the school is called Tianxing Middle School, it also has a high school. The high school is in front of the school, and the junior high school building is behind it.

Downstairs in the high school teaching building, Shen Ping tidied up his attire, and stepped into the teaching building in a very handsome... rather arrogant manner.

At this time, the students had already entered the classroom and waited for class, and now all the teachers who entered were the same school teachers as Shen Ping.

Before the class bell rang, let's take a look at the despair value obtained by passing the math paper two days ago.

A virtual screen appeared in front of Shen Ping, which recorded his current data in detail.

Name; Shen Ping.

Age: 25
Despair value: 29999
Mall: open.

Lottery: draw prizes.

(Note: The increase in despair value is related to the host’s popularity, exposure, achievements, reputation and other factors. Items and draws in the mall can be purchased through despair value. The statistical method of despair value is based on all student feedback from the host starting from the time of setting the question. Despair value.)
99 despair points?
Shen Ping thought about it and found that he had published a mathematics test paper two days ago. The content of the test paper was not too difficult, and he was encouraged by the school.

By the way, he also saw the changes in the faces of the students.

When the students saw the contents of the examination paper, they looked like wilted eggplants, their entire faces were extremely bleak and desolate, and they even looked at Shen Ping with fear in their eyes!

Well, Shen Ping was very satisfied.

However, there are only more than 2000 students in the second year of high school. How did the nearly [-] despair points come from?

Could it be that the math test paper appeared on Weibo and was spread, giving it a despair value?
It looks like a lot!

But when he looked at the lottery page, he was frightened and speechless for a long time.

【Lucky draw】: You need to spend 20000 points of desperation, and the system will randomly draw skills after purchase.

Well, after a long time of fussing, I can only draw a prize once for the despair points I got from the exam papers I worked so hard to get?

Not even eligible for two prize draws?
Shen Ping thought for a while and said the lottery in his mind. When his voice fell, he spent 9999, and the despair value immediately became [-].

A virtual turntable appeared on the lottery page, with pointers and buttons.

On the roulette are written [Time Limitation], [Permanent], [Skill] and [Item].

Each category corresponds to a different color, and the ranges of the four areas are also different.

The aging category has the largest scope, accounting for almost two-thirds.

Followed by skills and items, accounting for [-]/[-].

The smallest one is the permanent type, which only takes up [-] of the remaining ones. If you don't squint, you can't see it at all.

The location where the guide finally stops is the reward drawn, which will be distributed randomly.

Shen Ping suddenly realized, clicked the button to start the draw, and soon the draw began.

The pointer on the roulette wheel rotated crazily in a clockwise direction. After about 20 seconds, the pointer slowed down and finally stopped completely, staying at——

Timeliness category!
The lottery is over!

A small pop-up window popped up, prompting that the prizes had been put into the item column, and there was an additional category called item column on the system page. Shen Ping clicked it in and saw that there were actually rewards!
Here's a little card!

Display name: [Geographical knowledge]

Card introduction: Basic knowledge of geography. This card is valid for 10 minutes.

Basic knowledge of geography?

This Shen Ping couldn't be more clear, anyone who has gone to school knows it.

This is a subject for domestic students to learn about the various natural and humanistic phenomena of the geographical environment on the earth's surface and the relationships between them. It is a comprehensive basic subject.

Get this reward?Only two 10 minutes?

That is to say, once used, it will lose its effect after 10 minutes?
Shen Ping thought for a while and decided to wait.

With the knowledge I currently have, beating adolescent children is not a problem at all.

"This math test is over!"

"What are you so worried about? You will definitely pass."

"That's hard to say. The math paper is too difficult this time. I heard that many students from the other dozen or so classes left the examination room crying. It was horrible."

"That's right. The math papers are too difficult. Like me and Wang Erpi, there is no pressure. We used to get zero marks in the math test, and this time we got zero marks in the test. There was no pressure. But when the test was over, Wang Erpi cried and followed I said, "It's over. You also got a zero on the test, and I got a zero on the test. Will the teacher think we're cheating?" "


Before entering the classroom, there were chaotic sounds inside.

Shen Ping's face turned dark and he didn't care about studying the system anymore. He hurriedly walked into the classroom.

"Your class is the noisiest on the whole floor!"

The moment the sound sounded, the classroom, which was originally as messy as a vegetable market, suddenly fell silent, and all the students shut up.

Shen Ping walked up to the podium, took out the exam papers from the previous two days, coughed twice and said: "Our exam results have been reviewed..."

"Teacher, why are the corrections so fast this time?" Before Shen Ping could finish his words, a female classmate raised her hand in a weak sign.

Shen Ping said calmly: "Because the teacher is more diligent, and because the teacher believes in your forgetfulness. Normally, you don't want the papers to be handed out so early. The teacher still has quite confidence in your laziness."

"Math class representative, come here and hand out everyone's papers."

A female classmate walked up to the podium, took the math paper full of red crosses, and handed them all out according to their names.

Below the podium, more than 50 students were downcast, like eggplants beaten by Shuang.

On their desks, there is a math test paper full of red crosses!

These are the exam questions that Shen Ping personally did two days ago!

However, no matter which classmate it is, after seeing the math results, they are like eggplants beaten by frost, and their whole faces must be bleak.

They even looked at Shen Ping on the podium with fear in their eyes!

Seeing this, Shen Ping coughed twice.

"Ahem..." He pretended to be calm and said, "In this class, let's talk about the test papers of this exam. At that time, the teacher added a lot of interest to test your thinking, and specially selected interesting questions. Tell the teacher loudly, are the exam questions difficult this time?"

When talking about the final difficulty, Shen Ping's voice was deliberately aggravated, and at the same time, there was a mysterious smile on his face.

The tone is emphasized and full of laughter!
But below the podium, more than 50 students all lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Not difficult?

It's not difficult for your sister!

However, forced by Shen Ping's lewd force, the students still raised their heads feebly and said in sad and angry voices: "It's not difficult!"

The voice was full of grief and indignation, full of endless despair.

Later, Shen Ping was about to explain the exam paper carefully, but at this moment, the boy in the last row of the classroom was bolder: "It's difficult!"

As soon as the voice of "difficult" came out, all the students in the classroom looked at him.

The boy's face turned red, but he gritted his teeth and said, "Teacher, it's really difficult!"

Shen Ping heard about this student from Fan Danqiu. He usually doesn't study well, always makes troubles, and his academic performance is relatively poor.

When he first heard these words, Shen Ping laughed them off.

He thinks that these children are all adolescents, and it is normal for adolescents to have this kind of situation.

Even when he saw this boy now, he was not angry. He just smiled and said, "Which part do you think is more difficult? Tell me and the teacher can solve it for you."

"There is a question on the test paper about square dancing aunt and Xiao Ming. There is no answer to this question at all!" The boy said with courage.

At this moment, more than 50 students in the classroom were excited. When they first saw this test question, they were all dumbfounded. The teacher Shen Ping is so bad. Look at it, this guy didn't intend to ask them to answer it from the beginning.

"That's right!"

"That question is too difficult!"

"There is no answer at all!"


There was wailing in the classroom.

Shen Ping cleared his throat and said, "Since I asked this question, it means there must be an answer."

The students didn't want to believe it.


"What's the answer?"

"Teacher, just admit that you don't have the answer!"

More and more students are joining in the group of complaining about Shen Ping.

Shen Ping was really happy!

Don't trust the teacher?

Since the teacher asked this set of questions, it means that there must be an answer!

Shen Ping, who was standing on the podium, smiled slightly. Remembering the question, he picked up the chalk on the podium and started to answer it on the blackboard.

Answer time is up...

The little sunflower class is starting!

Oh no, start over again!

Teacher Shen Ping's personal show of pretense has begun!

(End of this chapter)

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