Treasure well

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

The beautiful night sky is dotted with intoxicating demeanor, the clear cricket singing comes from the grass, singing loudly, the leaves shake their bodies gently in the silent forest, making a rushing sound, the dewdrops on the tips of the grass condense , forming beautiful water marks, water droplets dripping, forming a gorgeous water splash on the ground.

Under the night sky, the owl stands upside down under the treetops, and the bat flaps its wings in the hollow...
When Mr. Chu saw his wife walking towards the bedroom, he didn't pay attention and continued to tell about his deeds back then.

"When I was 25 years old, I went to Houshan alone. Maybe you don't know what Houshan means, but I can explain to you that Houshan is a forbidden place here. When I was young, I heard the old man at home It is said that there is a death cemetery that everyone fears. It is said that the situation inside is very complicated. Not only are there various snakes and beasts living in it, but also plants that are said to be able to eat people grow in it. It is very terrifying. If you are not careful, there will be I may have died in it. I remember when I was a child, during the Anti-Japanese War, the devils came to sweep them up. My parents took the whole village to hide in it. I was terrified and held my mother's hand tightly, but nothing happened. It happened, so I was curious, and there was no danger. It was the first time I entered the back mountain. Because I was young, I felt that adults lied to me to play.

Later, a lot of devils came to raid, and they were lured to other places by one of my cousins. You don’t know, not only did they get nothing, but they were wiped out. No one came out alive. My cousin was there He died in the war and never came back.

Later, the devils left, and all the people in our village walked out of the back mountain again. Every time we raided, our village would hide in the back mountain until the victory of the War of Resistance.

I think you should understand the horror of the back mountain. This is a forest that eats people. People who are not familiar with the way go in and basically never return.So when I grew up and had children, I couldn't control my curiosity. I really wanted to know what happened back then, and why nothing happened when we went in, and we went to another place. The people in the place have gone but never returned. Where did my cousin go and where is the body?So I dared not tell anyone, neither did my parents.

During the day, I secretly took a long roll of rope, a shotgun, a machete, and some medicine to deal with venomous snakes and insects, and climbed up the mountain alone. I was well prepared at the time, but when I got there, I realized that I was not prepared enough at all.

I tied the rope to a tree, and then walked inside. You don't know what I saw inside. I feel scared now thinking about it." Mr. Chu had unspeakable fear on his face.

Chen Guobin looked at the dark night outside, always felt as if something was staring at him, he couldn't help shivering, "Oh my god, bro, are you telling me ghost stories?" Chen Guobin swallowed Drooling, "Don't scare me, I'm a little timid."

"Come on, come on, I want to drink some wine and see if I scare you. I can promise you that what I tell you is the truth." Mr. Chu couldn't help laughing when he saw Chen Guobin's pale face.

"En", Chen Guobin took a sip of the wine, got up and closed the door, they were facing the door, looking at the night outside, coupled with the silent voice, it felt a little eerie.

He didn't want to hear it at first, but the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to hear it. He was very curious about what old master Chu saw back then.

Mr. Chu once again fell into memories, "I tell you, I saw bones all over the ground. Really, they were all bones. There were also guns and bayonets scattered everywhere. And based on the torn clothes on them, you could tell Come on, these are all Japs. When I found the corpses, none of them were complete. They were torn apart. Some were missing legs and some were missing heads. It can be seen that they had committed evil during their lives and all their corpses after death had been destroyed. The wild beast ate it, this is retribution." Mr. Chu had a trace of pleasure on his face, which was the pleasure of retribution for the devil.

"However, what surprised me was that there was no corpse of a wild beast around, so I guessed that these wild beasts might not have killed them, or else, according to the weapons in the hands of these devils, it is not certain who will live and who will die?

After walking more than 100 meters, I found my cousin's body. Although more than ten years have passed, I still remember clearly the clothes he wore back then. , We brothers each have one. I originally wanted to transport my cousin’s bones back, but I found that the neck bone on my cousin’s body was black. My cousin died of poisoning. I wanted to take my cousin’s body back. The bones of his body were collected completely, but one of his arms was taken away by wild beasts, and on a tree, I found densely packed murder beehives. The bones escaped secretly.

Later, I buried my cousin's bones under a pine tree and marked the tree with a knife. I planned to call more people to help after I went back.

After burying my cousin’s body, I didn’t dare to go back because there were too many killer bees inside. Maybe you don’t know that in the forest, killer bees are much scarier than beasts, because when you encounter beasts, you can pretend to be dead. , or climbing a tree, there may be a chance of survival, but if you encounter killer bees, there is nowhere to run, because you are running, and they are flying, and there is no place to hide, because there are only trees around, so there is only a dead end. I didn't dare go there, so I went to another place.

Let me tell you, I suspect that my cousin lured the devils to the killer bees on purpose, and then provoked the killer bees on purpose. When the killer bees became angry, all the animals they encountered could not escape the fate of extinction. They are not only social creatures, There are a large number of them, and their bodies are small and light. It is difficult to hit them with bullets. What's more dangerous is that their tails have deadly toxins. When a killer bee stings a person, it will make people vomit and faint. The place will be swollen. If you are accidentally stung on the head, you don’t need to look at it. You can just take care of the funeral, so we locals call it a killer bee. The meaning is obvious. A poisonous bee that can kill people. It turns out that My guess was right. After I went back, I asked my grandpa. Grandpa told me that this is indeed true. It’s just a pity for my cousin, but it can save all the people in the village by sacrificing my cousin alone. He feels worth it."

"It's amazing." Chen Guobin was completely attracted by Mr. Chu's story, and he felt admiration for Mr. Chu's cousin who had never been masked.

During the Anti-Japanese War, many patriots emerged on the land of China. They contributed their strength to the Anti-Japanese War. Although they were not known to others, they contributed to the rise of the Chinese nation and contributed to the construction of high-rise buildings. There are many such people, but unfortunately, they are buried in the smoke and dust of history...
"Later, I told my grandpa that I had found my cousin's body and buried it somewhere. Unexpectedly, not only did grandpa scold me severely, but he also wanted to whip me. Fortunately, my grandma stopped me. They warned me not to tell Anyone, I have been holding it in until today. Unfortunately, when we go back, I can no longer find the original place. This is also a big regret in my heart. Apart from my grandparents and my parents, I I didn’t even tell my wife." Mr. Chu sighed and shook his head.

"Brother, we seem to have gone astray. I want to know about the back mountain." Chen Guobin had a hunch that there must be shocking secrets in it!

(End of this chapter)

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