Treasure well

Chapter 73

Chapter 73
PS: Special thanks to the big brother of "Hongchen Yimeng Flick of the Fingers" for his support, thank you very much, thank you for your support, Beichen is very grateful!

At night, the night sky is dotted with stars, as bright as a galaxy, densely packed, dotted with stars, the moon is big and round, like a huge silver plate, exuding a cool silver glow, illuminating people walking on the night road .

Looking up, people can't help being intoxicated by the beautiful night sky.

The stars twinkle to reflect the past and the present, and the silver plate of the clear moon is like reincarnation!Stay together for the rest of your life, never change your mind!

At the foot of the mountain, Chu Yunqiu hugged his little niece Niu Niu and watched TV. Lu Zhiqing, Chu Yuhe, and Yang Mi chatted there, seemingly indifferent to what was on the TV.

Little Niuniu looked left and right, looking very dishonest, twisting left and right.

"Niu Niu, what do you want to do? You're so dishonest," Chu Yunqiu gently pinched the little Niu Niu's face.

"The TV is not good, I want to watch cartoons," Xiao Niuniu said childishly.

"No, you've been watching it for almost a day, and it's not good for your eyes to be in front of the computer for a long time." Chu Yunqiu straightened his face.

"But I don't like watching news broadcasts." Xiao Niuniu pouted and pouted, very unhappy.

Chu Yunqiu looked at his little niece's beeping face, and felt amused in his heart, "Then what do you want to watch? You must watch cartoons."

"Hmm..." Xiao Niuniu raised her head, stared at her big eyes, and thought about it carefully, "How about we watch a movie?" Xiao Niuniu looked at Chu Yunqiu and put forward her own opinion.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Chu Yunqiu looked at Xiao Niuniu.

"Well," she prefers watching movies to news broadcasts.

"Niu Niu, we have to go back, or your grandma will come here again", but the reality is not as Xiao Niu Niu thought, Chu Yuhe planned to leave before the movie started.

"Mom", Xiao Niuniu looked at Chu Yuhe pitifully, this move was fine against Chu Yunqiu, but it was useless against Chu Yuhe, Chu Yuhe wouldn't take this trick.

"No, I have to take a bath for you tonight, it's time to go back." Chu Yuhe's face became serious.

"Humph, I don't like taking a bath." Little Niuniu turned her head away from looking at her mother, pouted her red mouth, and looked very angry!

"If you don't leave, will I? Then I can leave. You can sleep with your uncle tonight." Seeing her daughter's angry bear, Chu Yuhe couldn't help being amused, and directly took out her trump card and threatened.

"I don't want it," the little girl hurriedly turned her face away and looked at her mother pitifully.

"Okay, Niuniu will come back tomorrow." Chu Yunqiu looked at the mother and daughter, and couldn't help but feel amused, and so did the elder sister, as if she was a child who didn't grow up.

Lu Zhiqing sat beside Xiao Niuniu, stroking her soft hair, "Niu Niu is obedient, go back with mom, and tomorrow, aunt will give you my computer."

"Really", the little girl's eyes suddenly lit up.

Why did Xiao Niuniu have such a big reaction? It turned out that Lu Zhiqing's computer had downloaded a lot of fun games, but Chu Yunqiu's computer didn't have so many fun things, except for files.

Occasionally, after Chu Yunqiu knew that Xiao Niu Niu likes to play games, he prevented her from being immersed in it, and set a password on Lu Zhiqing's computer, so Xiao Niu Niu could only use Chu Yunqiu's computer.

Xiao Niuniu doesn't know how to surf the Internet, so she doesn't know many games on the Internet.

"Auntie means what she says," Lu Zhiqing nodded.

"Let's pull the hook." Little Niuniu stretched out her cute little finger just to be safe.

"Okay, pull the hook", Lu Zhiqing smiled and decided to pull the hook with Xiaoniu.

"Mom, hug", after pulling the hook, Xiao Niuniu smiled happily, opened her hands, and asked her mother to hug her.

"Yunqiu, let's go back," Chu Yuhe hugged Xiao Niuniu.

"Zhiqing, Mimi, I'm going to see off my sister, and you can chat later." There are big and small dogs, snow mastiff, big white and little black in the yard. They are very safe, so there is no need to worry about their safety, Yanzhou The tripod is also placed in a special room, so don't worry about that!

"Okay, slow down." Lu Zhiqing picked up the clothes from the sofa and handed them to Chu Yunqiu.

After Chu Yunqiu's sister and brother went out, Yang Mi looked at Lu Zhiqing with a smile on her face, "Zhiqing, it's okay, she looks more and more like a good wife and a beautiful woman."

Lu Zhiqing was taken aback, and seeing Yang Mi's half-smile smile, she laid it on the floor, "Okay, you dare to hit me, look at my nine-yin white bone claws", Lu Zhiqing stretched out her hands and pointed at Yang Mi. Attack away.


There was the sound of two girls fighting in the room.

After Zhou Guotao had dinner, he chatted with the host family and inquired about some things around him. At night, Zhou Guotao looked at the sky full of stars outside. Living in the city, he had seen such a beautiful night sky with twinkling stars. Tens of thousands of stars are competing for glory, groups of groups, the Big Dipper, the Cowherd and Vega, and the Milky Way, etc., can all be seen clearly.

Looking at such a beautiful night scene, Zhou Guotao didn't even think about going to sleep. He took out his camera and took a picture of the starry night sky. The photos were not so satisfactory to him.

The tens of thousands of cameras are not astronomical telescopes, and they are not the kind of cameras that specialize in shooting long-range views. It is already very good to be able to capture such effects, but Zhou Guotao is a little bit more refined.

Looking at the picture on the camera, Zhou Guotao shook his head, feeling dissatisfied. He felt a little regretful that he didn't think carefully and didn't bring his big guy.

Zhou Guotao not only likes to travel, but also likes to take pictures. Unlike Chu Yunqiu, who is not a professional, he is a professional. His biggest hobby is to take pictures while traveling, and record the places he has been with his camera. His My dream is to visit my brother's magical places all over the world, such as Shennongjia, Yellowstone Park, Mount Fuji, etc., and then take out all these photos when he grows old.

It not only bears his pursuit of dreams, but also bears the time of his life, carrying his back when he was young, and imprinting his youthful footprints.

On the day when he gets old, he can proudly say, "I have not wasted my time in this life. I have traveled all over China, the world, and my whole life. I have conquered the world with my footsteps and imprinted it in my heart." world map".

When Zhou Guotao was standing in the courtyard to take pictures, Professor Chen Guobin was still drinking wine with Mr. Chu. The two of them had been drinking since the evening. Deeds, what a joy!
Mr. Chu's face was flushed from drinking alcohol, but his face was filled with a happy smile, and he kept talking about his great achievements when he was young.

Grandma Chu watched the old man bragging, didn't speak, just looked at it strangely, as if to say, "I have been married to you for so many years, and you have made so many great achievements. How come I don't know how many of you? Do you believe me?" What about the Buddha? Don’t you know that monks don’t tell lies? You almost don’t even know your last name after drinking some wine!”

Mr. Chu was "talking" in high spirits, how could he have known his wife's strange eyes, he was now in high spirits.

"Brother, aren't you a biological engineer? Let me tell you a big secret," Mr. Chu looked at Chen Guobin and said drunkenly.

Although the two of them drank for a long time, they didn't drink much. Half of the bottle hadn't gone down yet. They just "blown" there and didn't eat much.

"What secret?" Chen Guobin couldn't help but show interest. Just now, Mr. Chu did say a lot of interesting things!
"When I was 25 years old, I once climbed a mountain alone. I was young, and I didn't know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth. You don't know, I went to the back mountain."

Before Mr. Chu could say the plan, Grandma Chu stood up directly. She really couldn't listen anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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