Treasure well

Chapter 386

Chapter 386

After learning about this, everyone couldn't help being overjoyed, and then severely fined the auto repair shop.

Later when the reporter interviewed them, they told the reporter that if they had the opportunity to go out, they would not come to Huaxia even if they were killed.

Things on the Internet are in full swing, people in other countries are also silent, and the Australian TV station, which said sourly about Chinese liars before, still does not want to repent, and there is plausibility there.

It is not so difficult to make these self-proclaimed superiors apologize.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to get the statue of the Goddess of War from them.

So they cried a few.

We also wanted the statue of the Goddess of War, but some unscrupulous bastard snatched it away.

After interrogation over and over again, everyone believed that they stole it. The fact is, they did steal it, but later, Chu Yunqiu snatched it back.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

Chu Yunqiu became that oriole, and even made the famous Ace of Hearts a scapegoat.

Who made this girl pretend to be aggressive, throwing poker cards for nothing, if you don't catch him, whoever you catch.

Although several people told the truth, no one believed it.

Oh, you stole it, and then you were snatched away halfway, and you haven't seen the other person's face, are you a liar?

Not to mention that the police didn't believe it, they all felt a little unbelievable. They felt that God was playing a joke on them.

Later, several European countries wanted to release the six people on bail, how could Huaxia agree.

Later, six people were released only after giving up a lot of benefits.

Now is the old saying, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests, as long as the interests are enough, everything is easy to negotiate.

Everyone knew that the Ace of Hearts organization and the man behind the scenes who ordered Liuren to steal had taken action.

The mastermind behind the scenes is very good at controlling the scale. He knows that if he doesn't act again, the six people will probably confess himself, so he can only bear the pain and save the six people first.

Huaxia has become the biggest beneficiary, and Lu's father is also full of joy. These are all political achievements, which have laid a solid foundation for him to go further.

With this experience, Father Lu will defeat many opponents and become the top group of people in China in the future.

Therefore, Father Lu was also very grateful to Chu Yunqiu. After the matter was over, he had a long talk with Chu Yunqiu.

Moreover, because of this incident, Chu Yunqiu has won the favor of the two big bosses in Eastern Ludong Province, and has become the favorite of many high-level figures.

Not to mention anything else, this incident alone allowed the two bosses of Ludong to show their faces to the world, with smiles on their faces.

In addition, the many regulars who participated in the siege and arrest all recorded their merits. Those with great credits were directly promoted, and those with small credits were also verbally praised and commended.

Don't underestimate this, although it's a verbal praise, it's all a resume, and it's all real capital when you get promoted in the future.

It can be said that it was given to them by Chu Yunqiu.

Therefore, everyone was full of gratitude to Chu Yunqiu.

Johnson, who is far away abroad, has been paying attention to China's affairs. When he saw the statue of the Goddess of War was missing, he was very nervous, so he hurriedly called Chu Yunqiu.

After getting what happened from Chu Yunqiu, Johnson was pleasantly surprised, it was so perfect.

In order to make the plan more perfect, Johnson invited Chu Yunqiu to England and personally escorted the statue of the Goddess of War to England. As a gesture of sincerity, Johnson will pay Chu Yunqiu the "reward" in advance.

After thinking about it, Chu Yunqiu agreed.

When the entire land of China was immersed in the "Ace of Hearts incident", Chu Yunqiu started to get busy again.

Chu Yulian's school started, how could Chu Yunqiu, as an elder brother, not escort the baby sister himself.

In addition to Chu Yunqiu and Lu Zhiqing, Chu Yuhe and Xiao Niuniu also followed. Chu Yuhe resolutely dropped out of school for Chu Yunqiu and Chu Yulian, so he never went to college. This time, he just wanted to see Watch the scene of the opening of the university and feel it.

In the morning, just after dawn, Chu Yunqiu and the others came to their hometown.

At this time, the lights in the hometown were brightly lit, Father Chu and Mother Chu had already woken up, Mother Chu was busy cooking, and Father Chu pulled out the packed luggage.

"Dad, where's little sister?" Chu Yunqiu didn't see Chu Yulian's figure.

"In the bedroom with your sister," Father Chu raised his head and said.

After packing up, Chu Yunqiu drove the car over, put the luggage in the trunk, and then took the girls to the capital.

There were three women in a drama, plus a noisy little girl, chattering without stopping. Chu Yunqiu got on the highway and headed north.

At this time, at the railway station, at the bus station, and at the high-speed rail station, there are buses from major colleges and universities welcoming new students.

At the door, one by one held up a sign with the name of the school written on it.

There are many schools in Kyoto, especially prestigious schools, where various colleges and universities are stationed here.

Of course, there are quite a few people who drive their children here in person. The entire Huaxia University has become a parking lot, densely packed, and there are many luxury cars among them.

There are quite a few rich second generations.

Chu Yunqiu searched for a long time before finding a place to park on the side of the road.

Although Chu Yunqiu is a student of Kyoto University, he is no stranger to Huaxia University, and he often comes here to wander around when he has nothing to do.

In fact, not only Huaxia University, but Chu Yunqiu also visited several other universities, just a few times.

Five people got out of the car, and Chu Yunqiu took out his sister's luggage from the back of the car.

"Let's go report first and get the keys to the dormitory." Chu Yunqiu was wearing big sunglasses, as if he was a celebrity on a trip.

There's no way, it's too hot.

"Brother, where are we going to report now?" Chu Yulian looked around. It was too big, so I had to find someone to ask.

"Wait a minute, let's ask someone." Chu Yunqiu pulled his luggage and stopped two beauties who were passing by.

"Hey, beauties, may I ask where the freshmen register?" Chu Yunqiu stopped two beauties who seemed to have a good temperament.

"The place where freshmen report. If you go straight from here, you will see a lot of people with work badges. That's it." The girl pointed to Chu Yunqiu.

"Okay, thank you." Chu Yunqiu smiled and nodded.

"Don't move," just when Chu Yunqiu was about to leave, the female student who didn't speak suddenly yelled.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help being taken aback, what's going on?
Chu Yunqiu stood there, motionless.

"You are... that, that..." The girl's voice trembled a little because of excitement, she just couldn't remember.

"Not good", Chu Yunqiu's heart skipped a beat, is his make-up technique that bad? He was recognized as soon as he came out, and Chu Yunqiu felt bitter in his heart.

"Chu Yunqiu, you are Chu Yunqiu, right?" the girl pointed at Chu Yunqiu and said excitedly.

PS: Thank you brother "Yanlong D Shentian" for the support of two monthly tickets, thank you brother "Xiao Xingpeng" for the support of one monthly ticket, and especially thank you brother "Drunken Love Yueyou~Rui Fan" for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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