Treasure well

Chapter 385

Chapter 385
Everyone was comforting Chu Yunqiu, and Chu Yunqiu suddenly became a victim and was comforted by netizens.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the comments on the Internet, and felt very sorry while being moved.

Because anyway, he lied to everyone.

So in addition to thanking everyone on WeiKe, at the same time, Chu Yunqiu also thanked Gao Yuanyuan, Teacher Huang Bo and others for their "speaking out of justice".

At this time, something unexpected happened, which made the things that had calmed down slowly become hot again in an instant.

A few days later, an international news shocked the whole world. Some members of the internationally famous Ace of Hearts theft organization were arrested in Ludong, China.

Although it is only a part of the members, each one is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

After getting the news, there was an uproar internationally, and some countries couldn't believe it at all.

How can it be?That is the international theft organization ranked sixth in the world and the second in Europe, an international theft organization that makes several big countries, including the United States, look helpless.

Especially in several countries such as Korea, Australia, and the United States, it is disgusting to death.

One by one shouted and barked there, "How is it possible, the Ace of Hearts, which makes the United States helpless, is caught in Ludong. It's fake, it must be fake, a liar, yes, it must be a liar, a shameful Chinese liar, in order to attract international attention. It’s really shameless to tell such a lie.” Several Australian media publicized it on TV programs.

What was originally a good thing was disrupted by Australia's "shit stirrup", which instantly disgusted a large number of people.

The Australian incident was brought to the microgram, which instantly aroused the anger of Chinese netizens.

Grandma, why can't China do what the United States can't do? What is "how is it possible?"

Also, "Please **** translate for me, what is a liar".

There was an uproar on the Internet, with different opinions, and various jokers came out again, satirizing Australia and other countries.

A netizen named "I am a civet cat" specially commented on Chu Yunqiu about the incident in Australia.

After all, the Ace of Hearts and Chu Yunqiu have an "indissoluble bond".

Chu Yunqiu didn't know it at the beginning, but after being informed by Lu Zhiqing, he realized that there was such a thing.

Chu Yunqiu watched the reposted video of "I am a civet cat" and wrote a sentence on his Weibo.

"It's really full of shit. I admit that I am vulgar. Even so, I don't want to have anything to do with what the West thinks of as 'elegant'. The clean will be clean, and the turbid will be filthy. See you later."

After Chu Yunqiu sent the microgram, he ignored it.

But Chu Yunqiu's words were reposted by countless people. There was no way, who made Chu Yunqiu have more fans?
So "Mouth full of shit" was on the hot search list.

And at this time, CCTV microgram announced the confidence of the arrested persons, and played a special "mosaic".

This mosaic is actually the word "mosaic", nothing can stop it.

Yes, CCTV just wants to disgust those people.

These actions of CCTV have been greatly praised by Chinese netizens, and the surprised expressions of the members of the "Ace of Hearts" organization when they were arrested have also been made into emoticons one after another by the powerful netizens, which are extremely popular.

The so-called layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way.

Those laymen made jokes for the sake of spoofing, and made the six Ace of Hearts members who came to China into emoticons, while those insiders paid more attention to the identities of these six people.

Soon after, the identities of the six were fully revealed.

Peter, that is, the buddy who carried out the theft, is a national thief. He once stole many valuable things, and then absconded without knowing his whereabouts. His nationality is English.

But the ridiculous thing is that the other party is an Australian. After a theft, he joined England and became a citizen of England.

In any case, this Peter grew up in Australia, lived in Australia, and only joined the English nationality later.

So our most powerful "trolls" in China suddenly became a new force. They can spray good things into bad things, and they immediately sprayed bloody things like this.

Didn't you scold us for lying to you?how about you?Thief?thief?

All kinds of foul language in the bathroom, all kinds of ironic jokes, and crazy greetings.

The second person is called Rone. The person who takes care of Peter outside is a very powerful coping master. He can understand the surrounding situation clearly. No matter what happens, he can solve it perfectly. He is a French People, besides the first time, he also has a legitimate career, an outstanding violinist, and it is this identity that makes him ask a lot of investigations.

The third person is called Hall, a well-known hacker with a great reputation in the world, especially the monitor, which is what he is best at. This is a person from a German country, rigorous, serious, Meticulous.

The fourth person is Akashi, who is from Italy and is a super memory master. He can completely remember the things he has seen in his mind. The distribution of on-site personnel, rotation time, and various details are all done by him. The memory, and then hand it over to the core of the six people, which is the leader of this operation - Temuer.

The fifth person is their core - Temuer, a man from Denmark, is the planner and commander of the entire operation.

The last one is their driver, who is from Belarus and is a drag racing expert. Unfortunately, he came to China.

In the process of escaping, he was beaten up by an auto repair company.

Originally, they could have been arrested a few days in advance, because the sixth man, Hunter, was so skilled that he allowed them to escape capture many times.

But on that day, a miraculous thing happened. When Hunter and others fled, the rear tire of one of the vans ran away.

It just fell off, fell off.

Because of this, the six people were caught on the spot by the chasing police.

At first I thought it was retribution, but after careful investigation, I found that it was not the case at all, but because of an auto repair company.

After Hunter and others bought a van on the black market, they asked the owner of the auto repair shop to modify it for themselves.

In order to facilitate his escape, the car's engine and tires were changed.

Because it was approaching noon, the owner of the auto repair shop hurriedly cleaned up in order to get off work early, and it ended like this.

It could have lasted a while, but Hunter was driving too fast, all kinds of elegant.

Unexpectedly, the waves were too much, and the tire installed last couldn't stand it anymore and fell off, so the six people were stunned on the spot. (purely fictitious)

PS: Thank you "Moonxia﹠Lonely Boat" brother for a monthly ticket support, thank you "Different You, Strange Me" brother for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you two big brothers.Today's Qixi Festival, I wish lovers grow old together, I wish single brothers find their other half as soon as possible, Beichen spends Qixi at home alone, single Wang Yimei, I also wish you find your own happiness as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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