Treasure well

Chapter 234 Fighting with the Jade Bow (Thanks to brother 08a for his support

Chapter 234 Fighting with the Jade Bow (Thanks to brother 08a for his support
Book friend 160211143319185 Black night, dim moonlight, the world is silent, and the insects also fell silent, suspending their singing.

The rest of the night actually gave people a kind of cold chill.

On the way up the mountain of Baiyun Mountain, several people flew down the mountain at a very fast speed, moving like thunder and ghosts.

Although I don't know the strength of several people, but judging from the speed of movement, the opponent is definitely agile.

But at this moment, a sharp arrow suddenly shot out from the grass by the side of the road, like a meteor piercing the sky, at a very fast speed.

Moreover, the entire body of the arrow is dark black, and it is directly hidden in the environment in the black night, making it undetectable.

Even in the daytime, the arrow is not easy to dodge, let alone the night, so the tragedy happened.

"Small...ah..." Fujiwara actually didn't see anything, but heard the sound of breaking wind, and shouted like a conditional launch, but just as he opened his mouth, he felt his thigh As soon as it hurts, he flew upside down.

Hattori was the only one who discovered the situation, so when Fujiwara spoke, he stopped.

As for Sanben and Fujiwara, they were a little confused by the sudden situation, what happened.

Up to now, the two of them have not reacted.

At this moment, a sharp arrow flew out of the grass again, this time, the target of the sharp arrow was not someone else, but San Ben.

"Be careful", Hattori's reaction was not unpleasant, the samurai long sword in his hand came out of his body directly.

"Ding", a bright spark burst out in the air, and Hattori's samurai sword and arrow collided together.

Sanben was dumbfounded by the sudden situation. If it wasn't for Hattori's action, he probably would have fallen to the ground at this time.

However, Sanben is a smart person after all. After experiencing big storms, Sanben will recover his calm state of mind in just an instant. At the same time, he also understands what happened to Fujiwara just now.

"Who is it, come out for me?" Sanben's eyes were very calm, and he looked into the grass. This time, Sanben did not speak Fusang, but changed to Huaxia.

Sanben understands that if he speaks Fusang, he will reveal his identity, but speaking Huaxia can cover himself well.

At this time, Sanben can still think so much, which shows that his mind is deep.

Sanben didn't know, but Chu Yunqiu had already known his identity, otherwise he wouldn't have come to ambush him.

Looking at the rescued Sanben, Chu Yunqiu sighed in his heart, "It's a pity", Chu Yunqiu shook his head, he thought that Sanben was definitely an important role.

Although Chu Yunqiu doesn't know Fusang language, he is not stupid. From the images presented by the Tianbei, Chu Yunqiu can see very clearly that several people are centered on Fujiwara and Sanben, and Fujiwara is the leader. , Several people respect him very much.

So Chu Yunqiu's first target was Fujiwara, and Chu Yunqiu put the second target in Sanben, but it was a pity that it was destroyed by Hattori.

Chu Yunqiu looked at Hattori who was holding a samurai sword, and felt vigilant in his heart. This person was definitely the most powerful person he had ever seen in his life.

Chu Yunqiu held a bow and arrow made of "white jade" in his right hand, and took out a "sharp arrow" from the kit bag with his left hand.

The longbow in Chu Yunqiu's hand is nothing but a section of spine that was removed from the back of the "two-winged kui ox" last time. It looks like a bow, and it feels like jade to the touch. There is a saying Well, Qiushui is the god and the jade is the bone.

And this section of spine is the best section of jade bone on the body of the two-winged Kui ox.

It took Chu Yunqiu a long time to polish the Ruyi hairpin to smooth the edges of Yugu's body, turning it into a peerless bow.

Later, Chu Yunqiu used the "beef tendon" of the two-winged Kui ox as the bow string, and made a white jade bow.

Not only does it have a long range, but it is also powerful. If you don't have strong arms, you can't even think about pulling the bow away.

If it wasn't for practicing the "Zhenwu Xuanjing", Chu Yunqiu would not have the strength to pull the longbow away.

And the black arrow in Chu Yunqiu's hand was nothing but the feathers on the wings of a two-winged Kui ox.

Not only is it sharp and firm as a diamond, but because of the feathers, it is very fast when traveling in the air.

Chu Yunqiu took out the feather, put it on the longbow again, and attacked Hattori.

Chu Yunqiu felt that among the remaining three, Hattori was the strongest and should be the first to deal with it.

Hattori is obviously not a mediocre person. To obtain his current strength, he did not know how much he suffered. Now he has reached the point of "seeing what he sees". Can't escape the knife in his hand.

Seeing the sharp arrow galloping towards him, like a white horse passing through the gap, it was just tens of meters away, but at this moment, it appeared directly in front of him.

"Be careful", Sanben was taken aback, it was too fast, he couldn't catch the trace at all.

"Dang", a spark flashed in the air again, and Chu Yunqiu's sharp arrow directly hit Hattori's long sword.

"Damn it", Sanben understood that the other party's visitor was not kind, and he was immediately rude. He wiped his hands from his waist, and several shurikens appeared directly in his hands.

"The goddess scattered flowers", San Ben immediately threw the wand in his hand towards the place where Chu Yunqiu was hiding.

"Shu shua shua", Sanben's strength is not weak, and the shuriken directly attacked Chu Yunqiu.

Chu Yunqiu was too lazy to hide, such a good hiding place was hard to find, so Chu Yunqiu directly took out the round shield transformed from Ruyi Baochai, and threw it in front of him.

"Dangdangdang", there was a clear sound of golden swords clashing, and Sanben's shurikens all hit the round shield,

"Baga", Miyata only realized it at this time, and was actually intercepted and killed. Miyata put down the backpack on his back and attacked in the direction of Chu Yunqiu's hiding place.

"Be careful", Sanben and Fujiwara shouted at the same time.

Fujiwara was pierced by a sharp arrow and immediately lost his ability to fight. Although his life was not in danger, the pain was inevitable.

The severe pain made him lie on the ground, unable to stand up.

Sanben didn't take advantage of Chu Yunqiu's defense to attack because he didn't know the details of Chu Yunqiu. He was worried that Chu Yunqiu had other schemes and tricks, and set traps around to lure him over.

This is the shortcoming of smart people. They think too much, think too carefully, and many things that don't exist are created out of nothing.

That's why Sanben told Miyata to be careful when he saw Miyata attacking.

Just as Chu Yunqiu put down the round shield, he saw Miyata attacking him.

"God help me too", Chu Yunqiu was so happy, he didn't expect the other party to be so reckless.

Chu Yunqiu directly took out three arrows from the bag of kits, and fired all three arrows at Miyata's head, neck, and chest, respectively.

Although Chu Yunqiu doesn't shoot many arrows, and he can't achieve the kung fu of piercing Yang with a hundred steps, he has cultivated the supernatural power of snapping fingers.

Chu Yunqiu's supernatural powers are deep, even if he can't do it with a hundred steps, he can still do it with a hundred shots and a hundred hits.

"Not good", the hairs on Miyata's body stood on end, as if he felt a shocking crisis, which was the threat of death.

Although Hattori shattered the flying feather arrow, he also took three steps back. Chu Yunqiu's own strength was stronger than Hattori's, and with the blessing of the "white jade bow", the power attached to the feather arrow was far greater than that of Hattori. Far beyond the scope of Hattori's tolerance.

Fortunately, the sword in Hattori's hand is a famous sword. If it weren't for this, it would probably have been broken by the feather arrow in Chu Yunqiu's hand.

"Baga", seeing Miyata rushing up, Hattori couldn't help cursing inwardly.

He is very aware of the opponent's strength, and he is definitely not mediocre. If he rushes so recklessly, he will definitely die.

Hattori's speed increased to the extreme and he headed towards Miyata. He wanted to save Miyata.

But Hattori's speed was faster than Chu Yunqiu's Feather Arrow.

A blood flower bloomed in the air.

"I'll wipe it," Chu Yunqiu's eyes widened.

PS: Thank you brother "08a" for the support of the two monthly tickets, thank you brother, thank you Beichen, thank you brother "Heart Bruise", the beauty "Yao Xiaojun 2", brother "Tea Xiaoye", brother "Leaves of Honolulu", and "Liang Xiaowei" Big brother, "Summer & Crazy God", thank you big brothers and beautiful sisters for their support with a monthly ticket. I really appreciate it. At the same time, I would like to thank "08a" big brother for the two "evaluation tickets". If Beichen remembers correctly, this It should be the second big brother who voted for Beichen. Thank you for your support. At the same time, I would like to thank the "08a" brother for the reward of 588 starting coins. Brother luoke200" and brother "Rhinoceros with one horn" support with 000 starting coins, thanks to "Youxia J Poqu", "Lazy, Niu", "Book Friends 100" and other big brothers for their rewards, let everyone spend money ,Thanks.

Beichen took the exam today, and he didn't have time to stay in front of the computer, so I made a special statement, thank you to the brothers who voted for Beichen, thank you for your silent support.

Today's exam can be said in one sentence, "all those who can pass the exam, and those who can't pass the exam will not be tested".

(End of this chapter)

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