Treasure well

Chapter 233 Tianbei Warning Halfway Intercept

Chapter 233 Tianbei Warning Halfway Intercept
The moon was mottled and the sky was getting late. Chu Yunqiu read a book in the study for a while, yawned, and was about to go to bed. At this moment, the "Tianbei imprint" in Chu Yunqiu's mind suddenly sent a signal.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help being a little puzzled, what's going on.

The imprint of the Tianbei has been quietly staying in his mind, very quiet, unless he uses his mental power to investigate, the imprint of the Tianbei inside will float and come alive. Normally, it is like a dead machine.

This was the first time he had encountered the Heaven Monument Mark taking the initiative to send out a signal.

Chu Yunqiu's spirit was shaken immediately, and he was no longer sleepy. He concentrated his mental strength and directly probed into the imprint of the Tianbei.

A picture appeared directly in front of his eyes.

A miraculous thing happened. The things on Baiyun Mountain were displayed in front of him without any change. The characters, scenes, language, etc. in the picture were presented intact, as if he was standing opposite him.

Listening to the other party's conversation, Chu Yunqiu frowned directly, "Fusang people", although Chu Yunqiu couldn't understand what the other party said, he could still understand the Fusang language.

Chu Yunqiu concentrated his energy, wanting to see the opponent's face.

With the output of Chu Yunqiu's thoughts, the whole screen is like the touch screen of a smartphone, with an invisible hand slowly enlarging the screen.

Chu Yunqiu's eyes froze, and he saw something on the back of a person, to be precise, it was a sword, a samurai sword.

And the other person, with muscles all over his body, looked very strong.

Chu Yunqiu began to feel uneasy. He had a feeling that something must happen tonight.

The night is dark and the wind is high, so you don't go to sleep, but hide in the dark, sneaking around, it is definitely not a good thing.

Chu Yunqiu thought about it carefully, and decided to plan ahead. If the other party didn't do anything out of the ordinary, then everything would be easy to talk about. If the other party really had some ulterior motives, then no one could blame him.

A fierce light flashed in Chu Yunqiu's eyes. For some things, he would not be soft-hearted.

Chu Yunqiu took the Ruyi treasure hairpin from his neck, turned it into a round shield, and then took out the fish sausage sword from the Qiankun bag in the kit.

Looking at the Yuchang Sword in his hand, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help but wryly smiled. At first, he wanted to seal it forever, so as to reduce the bloody and killing atmosphere, but he didn't expect that just after he put it in the kit bag, it would come back again. Take it out.

The sharp weapon for killing is only fish intestines.

"After sleeping for so many years, I think you must be very eager for the taste of blood." Chu Yunqiu gently stroked the fish pattern on the body of the fish intestine sword.

"Buzz", the Divine Sword has a spirit and a bright spirit. After hearing Chu Yunqiu's words, the Fish Intestine Sword actually buzzed.

"Okay, it seems that you are also excited, let us see what they want to do, if you really have evil intentions, then today I will let you taste the blood of people from other races." Chu Yunqiu once again turned his eyes He turned to the imprint of the Tianbei in his mind.

Listening to the other party discussing and discussing there, Chu Yunqiu hated himself a little. He hates less when the book is used up. Why didn't he think of learning two more languages ​​during college?If you can speak Fusang, you can hear the other party's communication and know the other party's purpose and plan.

Things are not perfect, the stele has a warning function, but it does not have the function of translation.

Chu Yunqiu kept looking around the people, trying to find some clues.He found that there were weapons behind everyone, and there were several packages on the ground, which seemed to contain something, but he didn't know what it was.

The more Chu Yunqiu thought about it, the more wrong it became. At this moment, several people acted quickly.

"Ninja", seeing several people moving quickly in the dark night, the word ninja suddenly appeared in Chu Yunqiu's mind.

Ninja is a special profession unique to Fuso. To become a ninja, one must receive special "ninjutsu training" from a special organization. Fuso ninja is both a special warfare killer and a special warfare spy. in darkness.

Chu Yunqiu was no longer calm. Since ninjas were dispatched, it was definitely not a trivial matter.

The number of Fusang ninjas is not very large, but this time two (Sanben and Hattori) were actually sent, and they even came to the small mountain village of Chujiazhai.

There is only one person who is worth the trouble of the other party, and that is Kyushu Ding.

"They came rushing to the Yanzhou Ding", Chu Yunqiu was startled, his face became more solemn, only he knew that the Kyushu Ding was in the bag of kits at this moment, and he was the only one who could open the place in the whole world.

Chu Yunqiu knew that some people in Fusang were very beastly. If they couldn't get what they wanted, they would do whatever it took and even hurt his family.

Chu Yunqiu decided to strike first.

Chu Yunqiu took out the human skin mask from the Qiankun bag of the kit. Since the last time it was used, Chu Yunqiu kept putting it in the Qiankun bag of the kit. This was the second time it was used.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the character mask in his hand. This is a golden belt for murder and arson. In this age, there is no technology to make this thing.

When Chu Yunqiu returned to the bedroom, he saw Lu Zhiqing lying on the bed, holding a mobile phone, chatting with others.

"It's not cold when the air conditioner is turned on so high." Chu Yunqiu walked to the air conditioner and lowered the temperature.

"It's not cold." Lu Zhiqing raised her head.

"Zhiqing, I'm going out for a while, you stay at home well, I'll be back in a while," Chu Yunqiu stretched out his hand, stroking Lu Zhiqing's beautiful hair.

"It's so late, why are you going out?" Lu Zhiqing looked at the dark night outside, and frowned.

"Don't worry, it's a small matter." Chu Yunqiu smiled, stabilized Lu Zhiqing, and walked out directly.

Chu Yunqiu walked out of the yard, called Dawang, Xiaowang and Daxue out, and then called Dabai and Xiaohe down from the tree, and asked Dawang, Xiaowang, and Daxue to follow him, while Dabai He and Xiao Hei scouted in the air and defended the base camp.

If a stranger comes to the old house, send a signal directly to yourself, and then attack the other party.

Although Dabai and Xiaohei couldn't speak, they could understand what Chu Yunqiu meant, and they didn't bother to sleep, so they just spread their wings and hid in the air.

Dabai's whole body is white, and his target is somewhat obvious, but Xiaohei is different, he can't be seen at all, completely hidden in the darkness.

Seeing Dabai and Xiaohei flying towards the sky, Chu Yunqiu put on a human skin mask, called Dawang, Xiaowang and Daxue, and intercepted and killed them on the way.

If it doesn't move, it's enough. If it moves astonishingly, he must destroy one first.

Fujiwara, Sanben and the others made a plan, planning to kidnap Chu Yunqiu, Lu Zhiqing, and Meng Qingyou in the courtyard without doing anything.But I don't know if the heavens also hate them, can't see them, and let Chu Yunqiu know about this in advance.

Therefore, the plan does not change quickly. On the road of the plan, there will always be problems of one kind or another. If you want to be unknown, unless you do nothing.

Miyata was the most excited among the crowd, he felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling.

He had been in Chu's village for a while, and from the first time he saw Lu Zhiqing, he decided that even if he died, he would still get this woman.

He didn't expect that this day would come so soon, and he couldn't help being excited.

Facts have proved that Miyata overthinks.

Miyata is not a ninja, but a karate master. He has great strength, thick skin and thick flesh. He is the meat shield of the whole team.

Just as the others were advancing, Hattori's heart suddenly became vigilant, and his figure couldn't help but slow down.

"It's not good, it's murderous." Hattori's eyes immediately turned to the grass.

A sharp arrow galloped from the grass at an extremely fast speed.

PS: Thank you "Bear in Hibernation" for the support of a monthly ticket, thank you brother, and thank you "Under the Yin Tree" for the reward of 588 starting point coins. I only know two of these four words, and I still need to look them up in the dictionary for the remaining two. Found it, thank you brother for your support, thank you.Thanks to brother "Yeluo Hanshang" for the five hundred rewards, thank you brother.

(End of this chapter)

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