Treasure well

Chapter 172 Testimonials on the shelves and changes (please come to view 1)

Chapter 172 Testimonials on the shelves and changes (please come in and have a look)
Counting from uploading Chapter 1 to today, it has been three and a half months. To be honest, I have never said a few words of my heart to everyone. I took this rare opportunity to say a few words of my heart and express it quickly.

It will be on the shelves soon, and I am looking forward to it, but also a little apprehensive.The anticipation is because I have given myself an explanation, and I have finally made it through and can make money (making money is the most real thing), and it also proves that I am not just dawdling in writing novels, let alone doing nothing.In the countryside, my parents are a bit old-fashioned, and I always feel that staying at home is not a serious matter.My parents always tell me that I have to go out even if I find the worst job. What is it to stay at home all day? Let the neighbors think about it. If you don’t know, you will think that you are incompetent and can’t find a job.Hey, what can I say, my parents have their own ideas, and I have my own plans. I haven't graduated yet, so I should find a way for myself in advance.

The fear is because I don’t know if I can give you a satisfactory explanation. Of course, I understand that it is impossible to satisfy everyone. A book is good or bad, and there is praise when it is derogatory. After all, taste It's different, I understand, we can't say anything.So the only guarantee I can make is that I will try my best not to oversee it, even if it is difficult, I will try to finish this book, and I am worthy of the strong support and starting point coins of all the big brothers.

I have written for such a long time, and I have a lot of feelings. I have eight years of book experience, and I can be regarded as a little bookworm. I read books written by others, and I always feel that I have written too little, which is not enjoyable. know the difficulties.

If you are not in your position, do not plan for your own affairs, and if you are not personally on the scene, you will never experience the real taste.

I know my level, that's all there is to it, there is only so much ink in my stomach, I admit this, there is nothing to hide.There is no great reason to write this book. It is just that I have read too many novels and my hands are a little itchy. I want to write according to my own ideas, which can be regarded as a taste of various tastes.

So I updated it once a day at first, but then I couldn't stand the enthusiastic rewards from the two big brothers "Time and Tea" and "Yu Shenglong". They gave me face, so I had to know what is good and what is wrong, so I changed it to two updates a day. Basically, it's just Keep it like this.

What really surprised me was that when I wrote more than 20 yuan, the background sent me a message that I wanted to sign A. I couldn't believe it at the time, and I was really surprised.

Later, more and more elder brothers and sisters came to support me, including "An Ran Tianyi" elder brother, "Ye Luo Hanshang" elder brother, and the two rudder masters of this book, "F Bao" elder sister and "Tian Tian ^_ ^Brother Tiantian, brother Haoren who keeps voting for recommendations, and sister Juewu, etc., are your constant motivation and support for me.

There are more and more rewards, more and more recommendation votes, and I have gradually climbed up the rankings and obtained various recommendation positions. I understand that these are all thanks to everyone. Without everyone, I am nothing.

Although it is said to be on the shelves, I will not do any messy things, anti-piracy and the like, I can only watch it by subscribing.

I have also seen piracy, and I also know that some elders are short of money, so they don’t do that. I don’t support piracy, but I don’t object to it either. Those elders who read pirated books are still my elder brother. I will continue to contribute and write, as long as I hope that after wandering outside for a long time, you can come home occasionally and give me a subscription or a ticket. I will come home often and visit. Don’t ask for more, let alone force it.No matter how nice it is outside, it is still warm at home.

Thanks to my editor-in-chief "Brother Lie Shou". I am relatively introverted and not good at talking. I have basically never communicated with my brother Lie Shou. It's my luck and luck, thank you!
My requirements are not too high, and I don’t have any great ambition to become a god in a book. I will write it slowly, and I will write more than 200 million, so that everyone can enjoy reading it.

Because of introversion, I am not good at communicating, so I didn't even build a group, because I don't know what to say, and I can't say anything.It may be because of too little experience in society. I personally don’t like intrigue. I believe that there are still many good people in the world, so I was tricked into it by my friends, but I still firmly believe that there are many good people in the world because of you.

I personally like the warmth of the family. Tao Yuanming and Tao Lao’s "Peach Blossom Spring" and the Datong society of Confucius are all what I yearn for. Let’s not talk about communism, so what I want to write most is warmth, so that people can relax.

My parents often scold me, saying that I am too introverted and easily suffer big losses. I am also troubled because I am stupid, what should I do?That’s all I have to say. All you brothers and sisters can do your best to support me. The requirements are not too high.

I hope that all brothers and sisters will have a lot of money, happiness, good health and all the best in the days to come.

Now that the leaflets have been distributed, I also changed the plan for adding more, after all, it is on the shelves.

The first one, Wan Reward, does not need to be reminded by everyone, a chapter will be added automatically, there is no upper limit, and it will be added to everyone if there is no time.

The second type, monthly pass, will add a new chapter when it reaches 500. I don’t have much hope for this, but I should keep it as a thought for myself.

As for the subscription, I have no experience, so I won't talk much about it.But if the subscription is good and I have time, I will definitely add updates. The most realistic thing is to subscribe one update and one update. I understand.

The above is all from my heart, and I wrote a bit too much. I don’t know if this chapter is not a paid chapter. , Congratulations.

Beichenhai thanked all the big brothers on February [-], [-]!
(End of this chapter)

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