Treasure well

Chapter 171 The Role of Medusa King's Heavenly Monument

Chapter 171 The Role of Medusa King's Heavenly Monument
PS: Thanks to brother "Yeluo Hanshang" for the reward of "300 starting coins", to brother "Ye V is very black" for the reward, and to brother "Haoren" for his support of 75 recommendation tickets, thank you all.Hey, I want to write quietly, but I will always be disturbed by one thing or another.The function of the Tianbei is almost introduced, and some big brothers may be impatient, so the next chapter will return to the theme.

The body of the two-headed giant snake was slowly petrified, from the tail to the head, completely revealing the whole two-headed snake, including the blood-red eyes.

"Shield of Medusa", seeing the scene on the screen, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help calling out.

Medusa is a name that is resounding all over the world. In some horror or bloody movies, it represents a terrifying and bloody woman. It is difficult for Chu Yunqiu not to know.

Medusa, a banshee in the mythical world, and one of the powerful three banshees, Medusa is a snake-haired woman with wings.Her father is Phorcus, the father of all monsters, and her mother is Keto, the sea monster.Her hair is all made of snakes, and it is a living snake, constantly winding around her head, moving, extremely terrifying.

Legend has it that Medusa's hair was not originally like this. She was a beautiful girl who had sex with Poseidon in the temple of the virgin goddess Athena, humiliating the chastity of the goddess Athena.In a rage, Athena turned Medusa's hair into a poisonous snake, and Medusa became an ugly monster.What was even more frightening was that Medusa's eyes shone with terrifying light. Anyone who looked at her would immediately turn into a lifeless big stone.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help thinking of Medusa's information in his mind.

And from the above scene, it is obvious that the girl on the shield is Medusa. The only possible difference is that the legend about Medusa is different, but there is no doubt that there is also a beauty in the Shenbing Continent. Dusa, even Medusa is a race, a tribe.

Queen Medusa is the queen of the snake clan. She controls thousands of snake clans and is powerful. However, no matter how big the double-headed giant snake is, even if it has an extra head, it still belongs to the snake clan. This is why the knight used the Medusa shield. He had planned it long ago. This was a premeditated attack.

Seeing that the shield of Medusa was working, the knight didn't feel sad or happy, and his face didn't change at all, because all of this was planned by him and it was completely under his control, so there was nothing to surprise at all. .

The knight knew that the two-headed giant snake was outstanding in strength. Medusa's petrification effect could last ten seconds, but on the two-headed giant snake, it only lasted three seconds, so he could not waste a second.

The knight saw the petrified two-headed giant snake. In the first second, the golden wings on his back fluttered, and he came directly in front of the two-headed giant snake at the fastest speed.In the second second, according to the planned plan, the knight raised the spear in his hand and attacked one of the heads of the two-headed giant snake, and the target of the knight's attack was also very obvious, that is a two-headed giant snake The eyes on the top of the snake's head.

"Knight's two combos", as if releasing a skill, five large characters suddenly appeared behind the knight, and then the spear in the knight's hand directly attacked the eyes of the two-headed giant snake.

"Bang bang", two layers of crisp sounds, two of the eyes of the two-headed giant snake shattered directly.

The knight really wants to blind the other pair of eyes, but time is not allowed, and a little patience will make a big plan. He has time to spend, so he is not in a hurry.In the third second, the knight shook his golden wings again, away from the two-headed python.

"Kacha", just as the knight left, the rock on the python's body shattered directly, "bang", with a loud noise, the two-headed giant snake returned to its real body, but the current two-headed giant python has gone crazy.

The pain in his eyes drove him crazy, and his body kept twisting.

The collar that fixed the two-headed giant snake kept shaking, and the chain rooted in the void also kept shaking, as if the two-headed giant snake was about to break free.

The knight watched from the sidelines, and did not go there, waiting for the two-headed giant snake to be exhausted.

People and animals in madness are the most dangerous, because they will desperately jump over walls, and rabbits bite people in a hurry. This crazy two-headed giant snake is definitely no match for the knight.

Inside the enchantment, the sea water kept rolling, beating the enchantment.The golden light above the enchantment flickered, as if it was about to shatter in the next moment.

The knight was also a little nervous, he didn't expect the two-headed python that went crazy to be so ferocious.

Seeing the figure of the knight, the other snake head didn't care about the other tongue, its eyes were scarlet, and it opened its huge mouth, attacking the knight with icy arrows.

Watching the attack of the other snake head, the knight hurriedly raised the shield of Medusa in his hand. Although he knew that the other snake head was affected very little, he didn't expect the impact to be so small. After all, he shared the same body.

The blind snake head continuously sprayed highly poisonous venom around it, eroding the barrier around it and melting the circle of light that bound it.

Seeing this situation, the knight didn't care about anything else. He took the spear and shield in his hand and attacked forward, using all kinds of big moves to greet him desperately.

When exhausted, retreat back to drink some "big red", and then continue to greet, not to give the two-headed giant snake a chance to breathe.

And the other ring on the knight's hand turned out to be a paralysis ring, with a paralysis effect, which made the two-headed giant snake paralyzed for a second.

The two-headed giant snake itself is tied up, restricting freedom, and besides the lake, there is little water, so many of his skills cannot be used, so it does not take up a lot of land. Being blinded by a knight's tricks is equivalent to abolishing a pair of eyes. Head, lost half of the combat power, now being kited by the knight, slowly draining energy.

In the end, the two-headed giant snake was wiped out by the knight.

Chu Yunqiu saw on the screen that at the moment the two-headed giant snake died, there was a gorgeous explosion. On the lake, a lot of equipment and money instantly appeared. They were emitting various brilliance, like the sun, attracting people. with everyone.

Among them, two glowed with purple light, three glowed with seven-colored light, and some equipment glowed red, but most of them were golden, which looked a bit worthless.

The knight took a closer look at the two purple items, one was a longbow, and the other was a scepter, which had nothing to do with the knight's profession.

The knight put the purple radiant equipment, colorful radiant equipment, and red radiant equipment into the storage ring, and then took out the snake gall, snake eyes, and snake tendons. His purpose this time was to Snake Gallbladder and Snake Eyes came here for the purpose of transforming his Medusa Shield into an artifact.

The remaining gold equipment and money, the knight left without looking at them.

And Chu Yunqiu saw clearly that under the body of the giant python, a stone tablet glowing with golden light sank into the water, and that stone tablet was the sky tablet in his hand.

Chu Yunqiu thought it was a good thing, but it turned out to be something that others didn't like.

Then, the image in the air dissipated, and a wave of information came into Chu Yunqiu's mind, allowing him to understand the role of the celestial monument.

The Tianbei, as written above, "God blesses and protects one side", the role of the Tianbei is to protect one side of the land, just like the village building order in online games, through the Tianbei, a small village can be built.

The sky monument has no offensive effect, but it has a powerful auxiliary effect. It can increase the average life span of villagers in the village, speed up the growth of animals and plants, increase the production of food and fruits, and reduce the occurrence of natural disasters... ·Basically all auxiliary functions, without any aggression.

More importantly, the stele has a promoting effect on human beings and livestock. It can calm the restlessness in people's hearts, make human nature simple and natural, and return to the original self. At the beginning of human beings, nature is good, broadens people's minds, and can heal For some hidden diseases in people, of course, this kind of effect is subtle and cannot be solved overnight.

After understanding the auxiliary function of the celestial monument, Chu Yunqiu's eyes lit up. For the celestial monument, he had already prepared a safe place in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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